Chapter Twenty-Three || Don't Be a Buzzkill

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I look in my mirror and examine myself steadily; something I do often after I make an attempt to look somewhat decent

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I look in my mirror and examine myself steadily; something I do often after I make an attempt to look somewhat decent. I cant lie, I have major insecurities. After losing so much weight, I can't get the vision of as skeleton out of my mind after looking at my body in the slightest. It's not that I want to be sickly thin, I just can't bring myself to eat. But rarely, I'll feel somewhat confident like I do right now.

I had my blue hair down over my shoulders, straightened and styled. I was wearing black denim shorts with a black lace crop top and grey denim jacket. My legs were covered with dark, mesh leggings that had tiny rips and tears in them along with my black combat boots. I don't usually wear makeup anymore, but I did a simple Smokey eye with my usual black eyeliner. And wow, I did feel pretty. I honestly did.

Jade's get together was not described to me as a party, so I wanted my attire to be more casual but I wanted to rock my own style. and I'm happy I did.

I waited a bit, sitting on my bed before I heard the familiar 'ding' of my phone going off. It was a text message from Liam.

Liam<3: here
I smile to myself, standing up and walking to my door. I walked downstairs to hear the chatter of my mom & Chance sitting in the living room. All eyes were on me as I entered the room.

"Well what do we have here? What's got you all dolled up?", she asked in a teasingly manner, raising an eyebrow. I awkwardly stood there for a bit.

"I'm going out with some friends.", I simply say. She looks as if she's not buying it. I gulp.

"Oh? And what friends are we seeing?", she asks suspiciously.


I didn't come up with a solid plan.

Me and Liam were both going to crash at Jade's for the night, but my mom knows I don't really have any girlfriends. I guess I didn't think this through enough. I stand there for what seems like forever, internally battling my thoughts. My mom and Chance both stare me down, but Chance's glare has more annoyance in it than anything.

"She's going on a double date with Jade's little sister, Lizzie.", he says. Wow, the feeling of a weight lifted off my shoulders is unmatched. My mom looks at Chance and nods simply before turning back to me.

"You gonna be home tonight?", she questions 

"Uh, she wanted me to stay the night.", I manage to stutter out. Her suspicion finally turns to ease as she leans back in her chair.

"Alright! Well, you've been working hard so it's well deserved. You guys have fun! Keep your phone on you!", she warns, i nod in response before looking at Chance, almost thanking him with my eyes. He rolls his own.

Chance knew were I was going, he's not dumb. As the older brother and considering how protective he is of me, I think it puts his mind at ease knowing Andy's going to be there. Chance didn't want to go because he doesn't typically like 'partying', even if it's just a little get together. I don't give him enough credit. Sure, he can be a pain in the ass and annoying, but he cares about me. He has good judgement. I think both of them are just relieved to see me go out like a normal teenager.

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