Chapter Eight || Lost in a Trance

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I was woken up to the sound of a text notification going off

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I was woken up to the sound of a text notification going off. When I opened my eyes, it was still dark out. Confused & still half asleep, I reach my arm out for my phone which sat on the night stand next to my bed. When I turned on the screen it said 2 am.

Great. Who could possibly be texting me at 2 am?

But when I checked my text notifications, I noticed I had received a message from "Batman".

Batman: hey, u awake? :P
I was totally shocked, not only because it was 2 a.m., but also because I just wasn't expecting a text from Andy.

Me: i'm up, did you get a new phone?
Batman: decided to take a drive to Walmart n buy one x)
Me: at 2 a.m.??
Batman: what can i say? maybe i missed texting u :P

I blushed. Andy...missed texting me? I had just seen him not to long ago. He misses me..? I felt my cheeks grow warm at the thought & I caught a smile forming on my lips. I couldn't let him know I felt this way though, I had to act unfazed.

Me: real cute biersack. but i gotta get to bed, im exhausted. i'll catch ya at school tomorrow?
Batman: yes you willlll, sleep tight sky♥️

I smiled down at my phone, feeling my cheeks heat up even more. I set my phone back on my night stand & lay back down on my back. I just stared at my ceiling for a while, holding a stupid grin on my face. My chest felt light & all I could think about was Andy.

For a long while, I tried to suppress these feelings; play it off as just friends. But the truth is, I think I'm starting to fall for him. I mean, how can I not? Andy's always been there. He's always been kind, gentle, & sweet. He's always been somebody to laugh with, a shoulder to cry on. I can talk to him about anything. But now, he misses me. And what's up with that heart emoji? That's gotta mean something!

My head was filled with those thoughts, making my heart race. But as I felt my eyelids start to grow heavy, all that I pictured in my mind was his blue eyes.

I wake up the next morning, as per my usual routine. Get up, get dressed, do my hair & makeup, then head out the door. Mornings are easier to get through when I'm in a good mood. All I thought about was Andy, & you know what? I didn't even try to deny it to myself. There's no denying that we have a connection, more than a platonic relationship. I can't keep lying to myself about it, I'm fully ready to admit to myself.

"You ready, kid?", Chance called up from the bottom of the hallway as I walked out of my room.

"Sure am, let's kick this day in the ass!", I exclaimed as I trotted down the stairs.

"Hey now! Language!", I hear my mom call out from the kitchen. Confused, I walk in to greet her, "You don't work today?", I ask.

"Nope, decided to take a personal day. After all, it is Friday & I wouldn't mind a three day weekend. Plus, I have a friend coming over tonight, thought you kids might like to-", she went on but was cut off by Chance jingling his car keys in my face.

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