Chapter Thirty || 1 a.m,

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The next morning, I woke up with the biggest migraine of my life

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The next morning, I woke up with the biggest migraine of my life. I found myself alone in the bed, surrounded by an unfamiliar room, not remembering a damn thing from the night before. I remember some of the party and remembered I fell asleep next to Andy but truthfully nothing more. I had only hoped I didn't act like a fool.

Not too long after I woke up, I heard a small tap at the door followed by Andy swinging it open and stepping inside. He handed me a small McDonalds baggie.

"Breakfast in beeed. It's not the best, but you need something for that hangover.", he cheered. I smiled and wiped the sleep out of my eye, sifting through the bag to find a breakfast sandwich and hash brown, none of which looked good due to how sick I felt.

"Damn, how'd you know?", I groggily asked through a yawn. I felt the bed sink down next to me as he took a seat.

"You were extreme drunk. Nobody who gets that drunk gets to bypass a hangover. Now eat.", he ordered playfully, shoving the food into my face. I do as he says and take small bites.

"I hope I wasn't too bad.", I say. He shakes his head.

"Nah, I caught you before you could stir up any trouble.", he reassures teasingly with a chuckle, making me feel a lot better. He then gets quiet and his face falls a bit.

"Sky...there's something I need to tell you..", he says softly. I munch silently on my food and look up at him with curious eyes.

"Hm?", I mutter out. He watches me with a mouthful of food and stares for a little bit, as if he's thinking of what words to say to me. I patiently wait for his response until his face lightens up again.

"I'm...really glad you came. I had fun. I hope you did too.", he says. I smile.

"Yeah, I did. Only I don't remember half the night.", I say. We both laugh.

I helped Andy clean up which lasted more than half of my day. When I finally see Chance, I bust his balls a little bit about Andy seeing him with some girl. I've never seen Chance's face turn so bright red. At the end of the night, it was only Andy, Chance and I alone in the empty venue, picking up numerous random pieces of garbage and trash. Once the job was done, Chance and I said goodbye to Andy and we went separate ways. When we got to Chance's car, it was nearly dawn but looked a lot darker since it had been pouring down rain all day. As Chance drove through downtown, I watched the rain drops disorient the city lights shining through the window. It was silent, only the sound of the rain pattering against the car filled my ears.

Suddenly, Chance spoke,

"So, where were you last night?", he questions. I shift in my seat.

"I uh, I hung out with Andy at the end of the night.", I mutter. Chance kept his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, well, Damien said that you got pretty drunk and disappeared while trying to find the bathroom. If something happened I need to know..", he says softly and concerned.

"No, I uh, I was fine. Andy found me and we just kinda hung out the rest of the night..", I stammer. Chance nods.

"Sky...I know how you feel about Andy...I don't know what's going on between you guys, but I feel like you should just try to maintain a friendship with him. Nothing more. You need to focus on getting to graduation, not finding a relationship.", he says. I roll my eyes.

"Jesus, Chance. Andy and I are just friends. Nothings going on between us. You're sounding like dad!", I grumble. It got silent. Silent until we pulled into the parking lot.

"Get the fuck out of my car. You don't get to say shit like that.", Chance says in a serious tone, not looking away from the window. I swallow nervously, opening up the car door and stepping out. I walk to the front door and walk inside. That's when I see the headlights of Chance's car pull out of the drive way and fly by the house again. Where the hell is he going?

I sigh, closing the door behind me and walking to my room.

I shouldn't have said that about Dad. I know Chance and him were very close, I know he misses Dad. I just can't deal with not being trusted. I am not reckless, I've just had a few horrible people in my life. It's not my fault. Nobody understands that what they say hurts me, and when I finally react to it, suddenly I'm the bad guy. How does that make any sense?

I must've fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillows because when I woke up my alarm clock said 1 am. I sighed deeply, remembering the conversation I had with Chance a few hours earlier. I crept out of bed and opened the door into the hallway. I poke my head out to see the door to Chance's room still wide open.

Where the hell did he go? I'm starting to get worried.

I snuck back into my room and sat down on my bed. It's gonna be hard to fall back asleep, especially with all this guilt I feel for what I told Chance. Where could he possibly be? With Andy?

I sighed, and looked over to my phone which sat on my nightstand. It's late, I shouldn't bother calling Andy, but I'm growing increasingly worried. I need to know where Chance is. I need to apologize.

I pick up my phone and dial Andy's number, putting it up to my ear and listening to sounds of ringing until finally a voice picked up,

"Hey, kid. What's up?", Andy spoke through the phone, I could hear the sleep still in his deepened voice as it cracked. I smiled to myself just at the sound of his voice.

"Hey, you happen to know where Chance is..?", I asked. Andy chucked softly.

"Uh, yeah. I heard ya really pissed him off. He's staying with Lindsey.", he says. My eyes widen and eyebrows furrow.

"Lindsey?!," I say, curiosity filling my voice as I had no idea who she was.

"Yeah, the girl he was with last night. I guess they're going out now..", he trails off. I let out a sigh of relief; at least now I know he's safe. Maybe he just needed to get away.

"Sorry for calling so late...I just needed to know he was safe..", I say, sadly.  I could practically hear a smile in Andy's voice.

"Don't worry yourself, kid. Give him time to simmer down and it'll be fine.", he reassures. I nod.

"Alright..I'll try...", I smile. I hear Andy sigh.

"So, Sky, there's something I've been meaning to ask...", he says, I could hear stress in his voice. I felt my stomach drop and my heart skip a beat. I swallow.

Could this be...

...Andy confessing...

"Yeah, what's up?", I manage to spit out although I was so eager. A mixture of excitement and anxiety filled me.

"So...uh...", Andy sighed. With each moment waiting in anticipation, I only grew more and more anxious. What will he say to me? What is going on in his head?

"So..", he coughed, "'re gonna be alone next school year...kinda worried about you. You think you'll be okay?"

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Yeah, I think I'll get by. But I'll also have you and the boys so I know I'll be able to see you guys anyways!"

Andy chuckled nervously. "Yeah...uh...but hypothetically speaking...what if you didn't have us-or at least, me...?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Well, I guess you'd just have to pack me up with you to wherever the hell you'd be heading...why are you asking me this...?", I grow more skeptical. It's silent for a while.

"N-nothing...I just uh...I want you to be okay being independent...if you ever find yourself alone..", he says. I smile.

"I'll be fine. Sure, it'll be weird not having you around to mess with in study hall but I'll make do.", I say. He lets out a chuckle.

"Good...Well, it's getting late. I'm gonna go back to sleep. Goodnight, Sky.", he says.

"Goodnight, Andy."

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