Chapter Six || The Convention

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It's funny how one moment you could be happy as ever, and some bitch could just ruin it the next

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It's funny how one moment you could be happy as ever, and some bitch could just ruin it the next. And I would have never guessed that Andy was taken, the way he held me that night he snuck in.
I had the hugest crush on him, and I guess deep down, I hoped that he felt the same.

But he didn't, and that's what hurt.

I walked home that day near tears. I didn't want Chance to drive me because I didn't want him to see me like this.
I went straight to my room and plopped down on my bed.

And on weekends or days after school when Andy would come over to film YouTube videos, he could tell that there was something wrong. By the way I wouldn't talk or crack a joke ever second to make them ruin the whole scene.
The way I'd daze off whilst holding the camera.
The lack of motivation for everything.

I was so jealous when I'd see them together. Most of the times Scout would spot me. And of course, for the pleasure of seeing me upset, she's do things to rub it in my face, to make me even more jealous.

She would pull him in to make out, run her hands through her hair. Lead him into the janitors closet to do god knows what. She would always give me this smirk, too. It hurt. So badly.

It went on for a week without being the same Skylar I used to be.

But one rainy afternoon, I got a call from none other than "Batman" - Andy.

I sighed deeply, this was the first time in a week that I would actually converse with him, other than giving short replies. I haven't even answered his texts or calls, he eventually stopped sending them.

With a deep breath, I opened my phone and put it to my ear.


"Skylar, fuck, thank god you answered. Shit, I'm so fucking pissed.", Andy let out his frustration through the phone. I could truly tell that he was upset.

"Woah, what's going on?", I asked in pure confusion.

"Scout, she completely stood me up! For the 100th time! We've been making plans, she keeps cancelling and ignoring me. And I invited her to a comic convention with me, I was supposed to be The Joker and she was supposed to be Harley Quinn for a costume couple contest. I'm standing out here in the pouring rain, and she hasn't showed up. She left me with a text just saying 'sorry, can't make it'. I can't do this alone!", he vented, he was infuriated. And I could understand.

"I just need someone to pick me up. I know you can drive, can you take Chance's car and pick me up?", he asked. I agreed and quickly hung up. I ran to Chance's room and grabbed his keys, giving him a "be right back".
He didn't try to stop me, was more shocked to see that I actually came out of my room.

I speeded down the stairs and through the front door. I ran into the garage and opened the car door, hopping in before slamming it shut. I shoved the key into the ignition and pulled out of the garage.

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