Chapter Eleven || A Familiar Face

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I woke up the next morning to Chance over top of me

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I woke up the next morning to Chance over top of me. His coconut hair was all a mess, he was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"C'mon Sky, time for school.", he murmured, sleepily. I groaned, rolling over in my bed and covering my face with my sheets. He ripped them off of me almost immediately.

"Leave me alone! I'm not feeling good.", I groaned even louder, taking the sheets back. He scoffed, shaking his head before I heard his footsteps trail back out of my room.

I was absolutely not going to school today. After my day yesterday, Scout is the last person I want to see. I'm almost scared of what's going to happen when I see her again. I suddenly felt a ball of anxiousness and excitement in my stomach as I remembered I texted Andy about the whole or-deal. I was excited to see what he'd have to say about it.

I sat up in my bed, scrambling to find my phone. I had forgotten I fell asleep with it on my chest so it was definitely lost in my sheets. When I finally found it, I couldn't turn it on fast enough. I was so anxious to see the name 'Batman' on my screen.

When, finally...


No text back.

Absolutely nothing.

I let out a sad sigh, instantly tossing my phone to the side and laying back down.

He didn't text me back.

I felt anxiety and sadness overwhelm me. I hadn't been hearing much from Andy lately, and it worried me. I just don't want him to forget me. I don't want to be annoying or pushy. I know he's busy and I know he's doing great things. But I just wish he'd make more time for me. After all, I am his friend. He's my best friend. My only friend. I decided to force myself back to sleep.

Throughout the rest of the day, still no text back. In fact, throughout the rest of the week and weeks to come. For a while, he would catch us by the doors outside of school. We'd exchanged conversation and then all be on our way. But even that slowly disappeared. We started seeing less of Andy all together. We wouldn't hang out before or after school anymore, he wouldn't even look our direction in the hallways. He didn't have a new group of friends or anything. Often times, when we'd catch him in the halls, he'd have headphones in. For a while I was thinking maybe he was getting depressed. But he never looked sad. He usually had a cheerful grin on his face, always looking like he was on a mission. It ached my heart to try to wave him down outside of class only to be ignored, not even giving us the time to look our direction. But after a while, I just didn't even try anymore.

No text.

No smile.


"I've had it with him! It doesn't make any sense!", Chance bursted out. We were sitting in my bedroom. I was on my bed, twiddling with the guitar on my lap while he paced back in forth, angrily.

"I just don't know what we did. He doesn't even talk to us. We're his friends!", he continued on, running his hands through his hair. I said nothing. That's when his pacing came to a halt right in front of me.

"You don't even care, do you?", his words shot like daggers through my chest.

I don't care?

I'm the one who's been staying up all night, wondering what I did or said was so bad to make him neglect me.

I'm the one who thinks about him 24/7, it seems.

I'm the one who's hurting the most here, I truly believe that to be fact.

But he has the nerve to say I don't care?

I gave him a singular glare before putting my head down, continuing to pick random strings on my guitar. Chance scoffed.

"What the fuck ever, man. You don't care. Why should I care?", he snarled before storming out of my room, slamming the door. I let out a sigh, throwing the guitar to my side and standing up from my bed. I walked over to my full body mirror that hung on my wall, lifting my shirt up to my upper abdomen and inspecting it.

Man, have a lost some weight.

Not intentional. I've never though anything of my weight, I've always been a healthy size. But damn, I didn't realize how much this stress has been getting to me.

The schoolwork, the bullying, Andy completely abandoning us.

I just don't have an appetite much anymore. I've been in a mixture of stress and sadness for a while. I have no friends anymore. What do I have left?

Speaking of the bullying, it never stopped with Scout and her gang of skanks. Not that it's physical, it's just hurtful words that are thrown back and forth. People at the school view me of something of an alien. I don't know why. I keep to myself and don't bother anyone. Maybe that's my problem? But of course when Scout is over at the house, she is a completely different person. It doesn't make sense.

With the rest of the day gone by, I had pretty much just sulked in my room, covered in my blankets. This is what my days typically consist of, unless it's one of the rare days I end up going to school. Around 7 pm, I heard my mothers voice ring through the hallway,

"Sky! Dinner's ready!"

I groaned, trying to find the will to even process the thought of getting up out of bed. But my the sharp pains in my stomach told me I had best get myself something to eat, so the uncomfortable feeling alone was enough for me to drag myself out of bed. I didn't bother putting on fresh clothes or making sure I looked half decent. I just stumbled up & out the door, down the stairs.

I was still only half awake when I stumbled into the dining room. Expecting to see my mom, Chance, Michael & Scout all at the dinner, I noticed a familiar face sitting at the very last chair at the table.

Black hair, blue eyes & all.

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