Chapter Four || No More Biersack!

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"Okay, so you just hold your finger down on the second fret, and your other three on the third, fourth, and fifth strings on the third fret, it's easy

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"Okay, so you just hold your finger down on the second fret, and your other three on the third, fourth, and fifth strings on the third fret, it's easy.", Andy tried explaining as I held his black and white electric guitar in my hands as he positioned my fingers in the correct order, helping me learn Barre Chords; something that I could never do.

"Okay! You got it! Now strum.", he ordered. I was just about to whenever I heard my phone go off in my back pocket. I handed the guitar to Andy and pulled my phone out of the back pocket of my black ripped skinny jeans, putting it up to my ear.

"Hello?", I spoke into my small Samsung phone.

"Home. Now.", I heard the voice of my mother's demand in a very serious tone through the speaker then hang up abruptly. I furrowed my eyebrows, taking the phone from my ear and looking down onto it.

"Who was that?", Andy asked as he tuned the guitar, plucking the strings to make sure they sounded okay.

"My mom. She said that she wanted me back home now. She sounded kinda mad."

"Oh no. You don't think you're in trouble, do you?", Andy looked up from the guitar. I shrugged, shaking my head as I swung my black and green checkered book-bag with numerous pins of bands on them around my shoulder.

"I don't think so. She's probably just going to get on me for not cleaning my room or something stupid like that."

Andy nodded his head and looked out the window, seeing how dark it was getting.

"Okay. Well, I can walk you home if you want.", he suggested. I smiled and politely declined.

"I'll be fine. But thanks.", I smiled, he returning the same smile.

"I'll see you whenever, Sky."

"Later, Biersack!", I waved and with that, walked down his stairs and through his door. I made my way through his yard and to the sidewalk. I decided to take the shortcut I've found and go through the basketball park and through a few bushes. I did so, arriving to my house in a matter of minutes; Andy wasn't that far from me. I walked up to my porch, opening the door and stepping inside.

Immediately, I was greeted by my mom. But not the happy, cheerful mom who greets me with a hug. She stood there, an angry expression planted on her lips with her arms crossed.

"Skylar Dawn Kilgour. Where have you been all day?", she snapped sternly. I knew I was into it too deep.

​​​​​"Oh, um... After school I just went to hang out with Andy... ", I stretched the truth a little, taking my bag from over my shoulder and to the ground.

"Really? Because I got a call from the school saying
that you went to two classes and then skipped the rest. The coach even said that he saw you walking off of school property with that Biersack kid!", she threw her hands in the air. I flinched at her voice rising.

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