⌗ Prologue

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დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

One wintery day, where the snow kissed the ground, a small and frail girl layed, her body covered in snow. She shivered at the slightest breeze, her teeth chattering and her lips blue.

You can tell, just by looking at her, that she was unfortunate enough to be born into the lower class. A class of scavengers, garbage diggers, and malnourishment.

The girls eyes threatened to close, feeling too weak to stand, too hungry to move, yet her will to live was still a bright and burning flame. One in which could melt the snow off her body.

Laying there for what seemed like days, the girl looked around the small street, eyes analyzing her surroundings, looking for her next meal. But, as if she couldn't get any more unfortunate, a black, luxurious vehicle had pulled up beside her, stopping in its tracks.

The wheels came to a halt, as a man dressed in a black, leather suit got out of the vehicle. Walking up to the back seats, he opened the car door, allowing three figures to step out, all in which were staring straight at the girl.

The taller, dark haired man let out a sigh, shaking his head. "How pitiful.", his gaze locked with hers, as she furrowed her brows in an attempt to seem slightly intimidating.

She hated it more than anyone when someone looked at her that way. A look full of nothing more than pity for a lower class citizen. The government had long since abandoned them, leaving them to fend for themselves in the slumps.

A shorter man smacked the taller one on the back of the head. "I don't appreciate those comments, Jeno.", the shorter one snarled at the taller one. "I wasn't saying that to you, Renjun.", the taller one fired back. "Well, I still get offended, seeing as I was once in her position.", the shorter one lowered his gaze, taking a trip back into his dark, lonely memories.

"Sorry...", the soft voice of the taller one caught the girls attention. He was saying it to her. A weak, yet heartfelt smile was all she could reply with.

Her eyes wandered down to a pair of shoes that stood next to her. Gently, the girl was pulled out of the snow, as the shorter one had wrapped a blanket around her shoulder.

"We'll take you somewhere warm, don't worry. Life won't be so bad anymore.", Renjun, she assumed his name was, had sent her a warm smile. At that moment, she felt safe. Despite the fact that she wasn't sure what they were going to do with her, she felt as if she could trust them.

"Jaemin, open the door.", completely forgetting the fact that they had a butler, Jaemin opened the back seat as Renjun guided the girl into the car. He got in right after her, as the other two boys followed suit.

Pulling her closer to him, Renjun wrapped his arms around the shivering girl, trying to warm her up, as Jaemin tapped the driver on the shoulder. "Back to Headquarters.", the driver nodded before hitting the accelerator, driving off.

"W-where are we... g-going?", the girl had barely managed to blurt out, as the taller one chuckled. "We're going to Neo Zone. Your new home.".

დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

Hello! I hope you're enjoying so far~

Since this is an nct dream fic, I was planning on having you choose who the fl ends up with.

Once in awhile, I'll pop in and see which ships y'all support ;)

Until next time~

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