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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

There was no sound, the two of them comfortably enjoying each other's embrace. Haechan rubbed circles along her back, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

He swayed back and forth in a rocking motion, the soft sounds of her snores were like music to his ears.

She had cried all night thinking about her brother, she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.

Knowing that she could finally be put at ease, she slipped into a deep slumber, the comforts of his presence assuring that everything would be okay.

Haechan slowly picked her up, gently placing her in the middle of her bed before covering her with a warm layer of blankets.

He caressed her head, swooning over the adorable facial expressions she made whilst asleep.

He was being very obvious, not trying to hide how he was madly in love.

“I hope you're dreaming about me, Flower.”.

He placed one last kiss to her temple before quietly leaving the room, letting her get some well deserved rest.

He walked down the hallway, heading towards his original destination. Just a few yards away, he halted his footsteps, pulling his phone out.

His screen was flashing red with a beeping noise. Haechan let out a sigh, his lips forming a thin line. Code red, emergency meeting.

He groaned in frustration, running his fingers through his hair. Turning on his heel, he took steps forward, his destination changing.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Once Haechan entered the meeting room, he took a seat, noticing the other members already waiting. Taeyong entered soon after, taking a seat in the middle at the end of the table.

“As you know, we have a code red situation.”, the members nodded. Haechan looked around the table, his eyes landing on a figure he hadn't seen in awhile, Jeno.

“We have received an anonymous message from an outsider. The message was sent from within the Capitol.”, the table broke out in murmurs.

Jaemin tapped Haechan on the shoulder, taking notice of something.

Haechan leaned to the side, lending Jaemin his ear. “Where's Zoey?”, he whispered, the question stemming from worry.

“She's asleep. She was extremely exhausted.”, he responded back, earning a nod in return.

“What does the message say?”, Doyoung asked, the others also wondering what the message was.

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