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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

She was in a state of panic, the cold, metal object pressing against her skull. She had to find a way out of this situation, her life depended on it. Zoey was all on her own, the boys too busy to notice her dire need for rescue.

“You see, I made a deal with the president. Throughout the game, it was clear that Neo Zone's only weakness is you. Their little damsel in distress.”, Giselle smirked, her words sharp like a knife. “He saved my life in exchange for yours. Isn't that wonderful!”.

Zoey felt sick to her stomach. Crazy bitch, she thought. “Why are you doing this...”, she asked as Giselle's smirk began to falter. “It's thrilling. Killing, torturing... and bringing fear to others.”, “It's the whole reason why I joined Blackmamba.”.

“You're just one of my many victims.”.

Her smirk returned as someone finally took notice of the situation. Renjun's eyes locked with her's as they widened.

Zoey tried to communicate with him through their eye contact, telling him not to take action, but of course, he didn't get the message.

Renjun took steps towards them as Zoey began to shake her head at him, catching Giselle's attention.

Giselle took notice of Renjun's oncoming presence as she grabbed ahold of Zoey's arm, pulling the safety trigger of the gun.

“Stay back or I'll shoot!!!”, Giselle warned, making Renjun stop in his place. “Listen, you don't have to do this.”, he explained calmly, trying to convince Giselle to let Zoey go.

“You don't understand! Do you think I'll listen to you?!! This is my job, my livelihood! And my hobby...”, her smirk grew as the gun was pushed further against her head. Zoey's blood ran cold as Renjun began to panic.

“FUCKING LET HER GO!”, his sudden raise of his voice startled Giselle as Zoey took this opportunity to elbow Giselle in the jaw, getting behind her, before twisting her arm behind her back, disarming the gun from Giselle.

“Don't underestimate me.”, Zoey said, twisting her arm even more as Giselle yelled out in pain.

“Now, we finish this once and for all”, she said as she signalled Renjun who aimed the gun in his hand. Giselle widened her eyes as the gun was pointed at her.

Renjun turned the safety off, but never got a chance to shoot as reinforcements arrived. Giselle's smirk returned as more officers ran down from the second story, outnumbering Neo Zone once again. “Shit.”.

Zoey was caught off guard by the terrible timing. The next thing she knew, Giselle had gotten out of her grasp.

Zoey panicked as she expected her to reach for the gun, but instead, Giselle's arms came in contact with Zoey's shoulder as Zoey stumbled.

Zoey fell backwards and landed on the floor. Giselle pushed her away to make a run for it, or so she thought.

Instead, Giselle glared down at her with a grin, making Zoey furrow her brows. “What—”, her words were cut off by her body being harshly pulled off the ground. It all happened in a matter of seconds.

Renjun screaming, the other boys noticing what was happening, Giselle's smug facial expressions and the shock Zoey felt as officers surrounded her, injecting a drug in the crook of her neck. She was now in the hands of the government officials.

Her sight slowly faded as her body collapsed, the drug taking full effect.

Two officers grabbed ahold of both her arms before dragging her further into the building, Giselle following the two from behind. The boys struggled in the arms of their members, trying to get to her, trying to save her. But it was no use. She had been captured.


დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Walking down the hallway of the government building, Taeil passes by some other officials who bowed to him as a sign of their respect. Taeil returned the gestures before turning the corner, walking into the room located in the center of the building.

With his eyes scanning the vicinity of the room, he took his suitcase that he carried with him to work before setting it down on a nearby table.

Taeil walked back over to the door, locking it, before getting to work. He opened the suitcase and pulled out the set-up, grabbing his tools, before putting the parts together.

With the now established object in his hand, he walked around the room, eyes scanning for a perfect hiding spot.

After a minute, his lips formed into a smirk as he opened the door to the small, hidden compartment by one of the storage shelves.


After setting up all of the requirements, he attached the object to the set-up before closing the compartment door, a satisfied look on his face.

His finger hovered above the in-ear communication device before turning it on, his voice carrying a message that could give them the win to the rebellion.

Moon, here. The bomb is set up, ready to go off on your signal.”.

He stepped out of the room, a smirk plastered on his face. “Neo Zone will never back down.”.

Copy that. You did good, Moon.”.

As always, Boss.”.

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