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დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

A harsh silence fell upon them, her breathe hitched as Baekhyun's dead body slowly slid down to the ground, covering her white T-shirt in his blood. A cannon went off, indicating that he was dead. She dropped the knife, staring down in horror, before she flinched at the sound of Tao's groaning.

Slowly hoistering himself up, he took sluggish steps towards Chenle, glaring up at him. “Y-you'll pay-”, landing a clean hit, Chenle punched him on his jawline, sending him diving into the ground. “I should just kill you.”, he said coldly, having no sympathy for the man.

Zoey watched as Chenle used his foot to kick the knife up, into the air, before grasping it firmly on the handle. “Chenle-”, “It's kill or be killed. Remember that.”, he said, before taking steps towards Tao, crouching down in front of him. “I don't know how you survived three years ago, seeing as my team was the only one last standing.”.

His gaze sharpened as he brought the knife to Tao's chest. “You became a government spy, didn't you. One of their little labrats?”, he scoffed. “I'm sure your brother would love to see the look on your face right now.”, Tao widened his eyes, the horrifying memories of the last round of Punch. “Sweet dreams, bitch.”.

She watched as Chenle pushed the knife into Tao's chest, slowly killing him off. Zoey squinted her eyes shut, letting out a piercing screech, as Chenle extracted the knife from Tao's now, dead body. “Weakling.”. A cannon went off, another kill.

Walking past her, he bumped shoulders with her, staring at her in annoyance. He had enough with having to babysit.

Zoey fell to her knees, clutching her stomach, as she gagged at the sight of so much blood. It was truly cruel in her eyes. Being forced to kill... she didn't like it. She didn't like it at all.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

“Where are they? It's been two hours.”, Jisung asked, worried for Zoey. “I'm sure they're fine. She's with Chenle after all.”, Renjun said, slowly nodding, as he was still letting everything sink in. “Over there!”, Haechan pointed out, seeing Chenle practically drag Zoey by the arm, as they made it back to the meet up point.

“What took you so long?”, Mark asked, earning a long sigh from Chenle. “Why don't you ask the annoying doll? She clearly has plenty to say on the matter.”, he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Zoey, what happened?!! Are you hurt?!!”, Jaemin asked, rushing over to the girl. Her eyes softened at the sight of his worried ones.

Jaemin looked down, noticing all the blood on her shirt, as his heart beat began to quicken. Haechan and Jeno also rushed over upon seeing the blood, as she was too shaken up to speak about it. “I-I.... I killed someone...”.

It became silent, everyone besides Chenle, staring at the girl with worry in their eyes. Two more cannons went off, bringing them back to reality.

“She's making it seem like a big deal.”, Chenle rolled his eyes once more, only to be slapped on the back of the neck by Renjun.

“We all reacted that way after our first kill.”, he said, completely understanding what she was feeling at the moment. “Well, times have changed. Killing should be normal. She can get over it.”, Mark gritted his teeth. “Would you shut it!!”.

Their eyes landed on an agrivated Mark, glaring daggers at poor Chenle. “Let's get our priorities straight! We need to set up camp for the night.”, he directed them, pushing the whole Tao and Baekhyun incident in the back of their minds.

“There's a cave over there”, Jisung pointed out, as Haechan smiled. “That'll be perfect!”, gathering their stuff, they walking over to the cave, setting it up for the night. As the sun had set and the moon had rised, their first day in the game was coming to an end.

Jaemin had started a fire, as everyone huddled up close to it for warmth. Keeping her mind off of what happened early that morning, Zoey scooted closer to Jeno, noticing how he was fidgeting with his fingers. “What's wrong?”, her voice brought him back to reality as he looked over at her, sighing.

“It's my first time in the game. Everyone else besides you, Jisung and I have participated multiple times. I guess you can say I'm just nervous?”, she slowly nodded, understanding him.

“We'll get through this somehow. I'd rather not go through Taeyong's hellish training. Jisung told me all about it.”, she let out a breathy chuckle, earning a stare from him. “I just need to get my mind in the right place. Killing is wrong, but like Chenle said... It's kill or be killed.”.

Jeno observed her facial expression, sensing a hint of fear as he stared into her eyes. “You're safe.”, he whispered, bringing a warm feeling to her stomach. Jeno wrapped his arms around her shoulders, bringing her closer to him, as they cuddled up to each other by the fire.

“Get some sleep. I'll make sure no one bothers you.”, he said, earning a small smile from the shivering girl. She slowly placed her head on his shoulder, drifting into a deep and comfortable slumber.

In the corner of his eye, another watched the two's interaction, feeling his heart sink at the sight. The man let out a sigh, gaining the attention of Jisung. “What's wrong, hyung?”, Jisung looked over at Mark, raising a brow.
“It's nothing, Ji. I'm fine.”.

But was he really?

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