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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Shortly after Zoey's cry for help, Jaemin and Chenle arrived at the street, seeking out the pair. “Zoey?”, Jaemin quietly called out. A second later, he got a response back. “Jaemin, hurry!”.

Jaemin widened his eyes as he followed the direction of her voice, the sight of her red and puffy eyes catching him off guard. “H-he's bleeding out...”, she said, panicked by Jeno's weakening figure.

Chenle crouched down and pulled Zoey into his embrace as Jaemin got to work. Jaemin took his handkerchief out of his pocket, placing it in Jeno's mouth before he began to roll up his sleeves.

“I'm going to remove the bullet. If it hurts too much, bite down on it, okay?”, Jaemin spoke softly, pained by the fact that his best friend had to go through this. Jeno slightly nodded, feeling too weak to do much else as Jaemin then began to remove the bullet.

Zoey shut her eyes closed, gripping tightly onto Chenle's shirt as she tried to muffle out the sounds of Jeno screaming out in agonizing pain. “Make it stop...”, she mumbled out as Chenle's grip on her only got tighter.

“It's okay.”, Chenle repeated as he softly stroke her hair, his chin gently resting atop her head. The screaming died down at Jaemin finished up by bandaging Jeno's leg. “Okay, done.”.

Jeno smiled weakly at Jaemin. “Thanks...”, he barely managed to let out a word as Jaemin smiled back. “I can't just let you die, yknow. Who am I going to bully if not you?”, Jeno let out a breathy scoff at Jaemin's words.

“In that case, just end me now.”.

Chenle and Jaemin erupted into a burst of laughter as Zoey slowly inched her way out of Chenle's embrace.

“None of you are allowed to get hurt ever again, okay?!”, Zoey wiped the tears that were falling down the sides of her face, still shaken up by the terrifying thought of Jeno nearly dying because of her.

“We would be dumb not to listen to you, princess.”, Jaemin said, earning a scoff from Chenle. “She's not that scary.”, Zoey rolled her eyes playfully. “Says the one who fears for his life every time he pisses Renjun off. We are nearly the same height.”.

Chenle furrowed his brows, his pride now taking over. “Excuse me? I don't fear midgets like you.”, Zoey scoffed, taking his words offensively. “I am only 5 inches shorter than you!”.

Jaemin let out a laugh at their petty arguing. “Okay okay, that's enough!”.

Jaemin put a stop to their argument before a loud screeching noise came from their in-ear piece. “Tiger here! Does anyone copy?”.

Chenle swooned over Mark's cliche line, but soon turned serious after his next set of words. “Storm the government building, now! We're outnumbered!”.

Chenle turned to Jaemin as they made eyes contact. With a small nod to each other, they immediately stood up, preparing to move towards the government building.

On our way.”.

“Stay here, we'll be back.”, Jaemin said, but Zoey stood up in protest. “He's talking about all four of us. You can't just leave us here.”.

Jaemin sighed, his gaze softening upon landing on her worried face.

“Jeno's injured and someone has to watch over him. We'll go first. Join us after you find a safe place for him to rest.”, Jaemin said, elaborating on what he was trying to say before. Zoey let out a sigh, glancing down at Jeno's weak figure.

“Fine, but be safe, okay?”.

“Yes, princess. We'll be safe, just for you...”.

The two of them then left Jeno and Zoey as Zoey sprung into action.

Gently helping Jeno to stand up, she placed one of his arms over her shoulder, stabilizing him with a hand on his chest. “Let's go find shelter.”.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

The second Chenle and Jaemin show up to the government building, they caught sight of Haechan tumbling down the steps of the entrance.

Quickly grabbing ahold of the railing, he pulled himself up before swinging his knife at one of the officers.

“Shit, this is chaos!”, Chenle commented, his words being truthful. No one had managed to get inside the building yet, despite being in combat for nearly two hours. “Mark hyung!”.

Jaemin called out for their leader as the said boy rushed towards them.

“Where's Zoey and Jeno?! We don't have time, we have to end it today or we'll be in serious trouble with the president!”, Mark yelled out, frantic and stressed.

“Well, Jeno got injured—”, “He got what?!”, “Hyung, calm down!”.

Jaemin grabbed ahold of both of Mark's shoulders and shook him for a second. “Zoey is taking him somewhere safe. She'll join us when she's done. For now, focus on the task at hand. And calm the fuck down! Panicking won't change a single thing!”, Jaemin blurted out, his gaze intensely glaring at Mark.

Mark ran his fingers through his hair as he let the words of the younger one sink in. “Shit, you're right... Sorry, I just- I'm a bit stressed. Jungwoo and Johnny hyung already got taken out of the fight due to severe injuries and I just- we're losing right now.”.

“If we don't win today, we might never win.”.

“The government has taken so much from us. From our resources, our shelter, our lives, to the lives of our loved ones. They've completely destroyed our country. We have to take it back. At least save the future generations, yknow?”, Mark let out everything he was feeling, making the two boys sympathize with him.

“We'll get it back hyung. Everything.”, Chenle started. “This is our home, our country, our responsibility!”.

“Let's make it right. Think about all the suffering we have gone through, and the other member's suffering.”, Chenle scoffed sadly at the memories that were flooding back to him.

“This is our home, and we're going to take it back!”, he stated, the older ones firmly nodding their heads at his words. “Chenle is right.”.

“We're not going to sit back and watch our freedom slowly slip through our grasp. Let's end this, guys.”, Mark said.

“Once and for all.”.

Today marked the first chapter of a new beginning, their beginning. The first step towards peace and prosperity.

The first step to freedom.

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