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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

It was silent, only the sound of water droplets hitting the ground had caught their ears, the sound vibrating off the walls of the underground tunnel.

“Where's the entrance into the building?”, Mark asked, his eyes still fixated in front of him.

“About 20 feet away, take a right, there should be a ladder that leads straight into the emergency bunkers.”, Renjun said, directing him.

Mark nodded, following his directions as they soon arrived at a room, a tall, metal ladder coming into view.

“This one?”, he asked, earning a nod from the younger one. “Yeah.”.

Mark took the first step, climbing up the ladder. He pushed the top off, pulling his body up into the dark room, his sight faltering for a second.

The others followed after him until they were all stood in the middle of the dark room, their eyes not catching onto anything. “Does anyone have a flashlight?”.

“No need.”.

The sudden voice caused them to move closer together, the lights flickering on to reveal a crowd of men with their guns pointed straight at them.

Jeno glanced down, his eyes slightly widening at the unconscious figures of their members.

“We just knocked them out, don't worry.”, a slightly intimidating figure piercing their eyes into them, his gaze landed on each one of them.

“Welcome to my hideout, guys. How does it look? It'll probably be the last thing you see.”, his lips curved up into a smirk, his eyes narrowing.

“Seems the air raid did little to nothing against you guys.”, he shook his head, dissatisfied with the results.

“Where's the girlie? Zoey is it? What a shame, I was hoping to finally meet her, you see, I'm a real fan.”.

Jisung glared him down, anger seething through as the man's smirk only grew.

“Im Chang-Kyun, stand in president of Lupiz. I was expecting an eyesore.”, Renjun said, rolling his eyes.

Chang-Kyun scoffed, his smirk disappearing, an angry expression taking over.

“Such daring words from someone who has fallen right into my trap.”, he said, letting out a small chuckle of amusement.

“Now, shall we discuss the acts of treason you have committed in the last week and a half. You blew up our government building and assassinated the president, my uncle.”.

“That alone deserves a punishment by death.”, his tone was sharp, his gaze threatening. It was like a snake ready to latch onto it's prey.

The six of them shared glances, nodding towards each other as Chang-Kyun noticed this, his brows furrowing.

He pulled his gun out, pointing it towards Jisung's head. “Why don't we start with the youngest?”, he said, an evil smirk tugging at his lips.

Mark widened his eyes, a sense of panic taking over.

Without any hesitation, he raised his hand up and folded down his fingers till there was only three left. “Now!”, he yelled, the others taking action.

Chenle pointed his gun up at Chang-Kyun, a bullet flying through his stomach.

The other members began to shoot down his men, dodging bullets and watching out for each other.

Chang-Kyun fell to his knees, the undeniable pain rushing through his entire body. “You..!!!”.

Chenle smirked, shooting him again on the shoulder. Chang-Kyun groaned in pain, clutching his shoulder.

Chenle took steps towards him, his leg swinging up to land a good hit on his head, sending his body to the ground.

“I promised to set this country free. I'm not just going to let you get in my way, Im Chang-Kyun.”.

Chang-Kyun glared up at the younger one with a look that could kill, his eyes holding a form of hatred within. His body ached as blood was gushing out of his wounds.

“Chenle! A little backup here!”, Jisung shouted, his arms being the only barrier between a knife and his throat.

Chenle rushed over, shooting the guy in the leg. Jisung pushed him off him, getting right back on top of the man, his knife plunging into the side of his head.

Renjun shook his head, gagging at the choice of killing, the younger one rolling their eyes. “Don't act like you're scared of this. You kill much more ruthlessly.”, Jisung scoffed.

The odds were turned in their favor, the government officials now outnumbered by them. The commotion had woken up a few of the older members, their figures immediately jumping in to secure the upperhand.

“Jungwoo and Yuta, take them out of here. We'll finish this up.”, Taeyong said, the two nodding as they grabbed Taeil and Doyoung who were still unconscious, dragging them down the ladder.

“Let's finish this.”, Johnny said, a small grin on his lips. The others nodded in agreement, their weapons in hand.

“For Lupiz!”, Taeyong cheered. “For Lupiz!”, the others joined in, the action beginning once more.

Jeno lunged at a guy, tackling him to the floor. A man struggled under the immense hold Mark had on his body. Jaemin, from a few feet away, shot the guy in the head, his struggles seizing.

Jisung helped Mark up to his feet, the two sharing a small smile before Mark walked off, spotting his next target.

In the corner of his eye, Jaemin saw Chang-Kyun lift himself up, his hands tightly grasping his gun. His arms reached up, the tip of the gun pointing straight at Jisung.

Jaemin widened his eyes, his feet carrying him towards the badly injured man. But, before Jaemin could reach him, it was too late.

He had already pulled the trigger.

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