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დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

Jaehyun widened his eyes, abruptly standing up from his chair, as tears threatened to poor out of his eyes. "Z-zoey..?!!", he went towards the door, pushing it open, as he quickened his steps down the stairs.

He wasn't sure exactly where she was, but his feet dragged him aimlessly around the building, until his eyes landed on a smiling figure, waiting in the living room for the meeting to conclude. "Oh, hyung!", Jeno smiled, waving him over, as Zoey turned to see who Jeno was so kindly greeting.

Her eyes widened and her pupils shook. "J-jae-", arms wrapped tightly around her waist, she was cut off by Jaehyun's sudden embrace. He held her tightly as small sobs emitted from his mouth.

Upon hearing his sobs, tears poured out, as together they cried a river of tears. Jeno smiled warmly at the two and their heartwarming reunion, followed by a handful of other members who came down to see how things were going.

"The potential members is a girl?", Taeyong frowned, only thinking of ways she might drag them down. "Oh, don't be so negative, Tae! She's Jaehyun's sister. He's the best fighter we have, I have no doubt she'll take after him.", Taeyong sighed hearing Johnny's words. "I doubt it.".

The reunion was cut short, as Taeyong tore the two apart. "I'm happy for you, Jae, but you're holding up the meeting.", Jaehyun slowly nodded, turning to look at Taeyong. "Now, as for whether or not I accept the request for her to join us, that'll all depend on if she makes it back alive or not.", everyone furrowed their brows, staring at Taeyong in pure confusion.

What did he mean by that? "What are you talking about hyung?", Jaemin questioned, not quite getting what was going on. "Jaemin, you're in charge of training her. I plan on putting her in the next round of Punch.", Jaehyun's heart sank as he heard Taeyong's words.

Anger coursing through his veins, Jaehyun marched up to Taeyong, grabbing him by the collar. "Are you fucking kidding me?!! To hell you are!", Jaehyun was pulled back by Jeno and Jaemin, as Zoey mumbled to herself. "Punch...?", she flinched as she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Cmon, hyung. You're scaring the poor girl".

Everyone turned to meet a grinning figure who, just like Jeno, was also missing from the meeting. "Haechan, you're late", Taeyong glared, as Haechan's eyes dangerously sharpened. With his grin never leaving his lips, he wrapped his arm around Zoey's shoulders, staring down at her. "She's pretty, can I have her?", Jaehyun snapped his head towards Haechan, glaring at him.

"I'm kidding~", Haechan let out a small chuckle, ruffling Zoey's hair, in which she did not appreciate. "I'll see to it that nothing happens to her. It'll be fun, seeing how far she's willing to go...", His lips then formed a straight line, his mischievous expression turning into a dark one. "Are you volunteering for Punch then?", Taeyong asked. "Tell me, what do you think, hyung?", Taeyong rolled his eyes, already done with the younger one's shenanigans.

"Okay, any other volunteers before I start picking myself?", the room fell silent, before Jeno raised his hand. "I did promise her I'd keep her out of harm.", Jeno said, earning a smile from her. "I guess I'll volunteer too, then", Renjun said, as Jaemin let out a long sigh. "It'll make me the bad guy if I don't volunteer, now.", Taeyong raised a brow. "Are you sure? You participated last year too.", Jaemin shrugged, not really caring how many times he goes through with it.

Jaehyun let out a sigh, still not liking this idea. "Is that everyone?", no one said anything as Taeyong nodded. "Let's head back to the meeting room, I'll appoint the other members.", the members made their way back to the room, pulling out another chair for Zoey.

Upon getting situated at the table, Taeyong continued. "What exactly is Punch?", she questioned, gaining the attention of the others. Taeyong sighed before explaining the annual event. "It's an event where we are forced to fight to the death against rival mafias. It's how the government keeps us from retaliating against them. We have to constantly keep participating because if we don't, we are labeled as a threat to the government. They will annihilate us.", "But, that won't stop us from retaliating this year. Once and for all, we plan to end this event.", shivers were sent down her spine, as Zoey's mouth was agape in shock.

"That sounds like The Hunger Games.", Taeyong chuckled. "Well, that's pretty much what it is. A real life hunger games.", "They control us by threatening to kill us off if we don't abide by their rules. Unfortunately for them, they only have a few weeks before we annihilate them ourselves".

"In other words, it's our master plan to destroy our corrupt government".

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