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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Three weeks have passed, it was now the first official day of Punch. Walking into the large building, Taeyong let out a long sigh. “This place is always so gloomy.”, he shook his head, gaining a laugh from Chenle.

“I wonder why? A minimum of thirty-two citizens get killed here every year.”, he said, making Zoey shudder at the thought of having to kill all those people just to survive.

“Well, best of luck you guys.”, he said, before leaning towards us, glancing around the room. “Mark, don't forget the device I implanted inside your ear. It'll vibrate when I believe it's time to follow through with things.”, Mark nodded firmly, as Taeyong patted him on the back.

“Don't go dying now, guys. I'll put you through hell and back if you all don't make it out of there alive.”, Haechan gulped, knowing just how serious Taeyong was. “Yes, hyung.”, Jisung smiled at him, before the eight of them walked over to their assigned waiting room. “I guess we just sit and wait?”, she questioned, but Jaemin shook his head. “No, it's our way into the game.”.

Zoey furrowed her brows, not knowing what he meant by that, before something unexpected happened. The room began to fill up with gas, causing her to cough. She began to feel dizzy, as she saw Jisung, Jeno, and Haechan already passed out on the floor. “Guys..-”, her body collapsed to the floor. She felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around her body, before her eyes slowly closed and her vision turned dark.

Before she completely passed out, she heard a faint voice. It was Jaemin. “Everything will be alright.”.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

“Damn, what a weakling. Even after all that training...”, Chenle snickered, looking down on the pitiful girl who was still passed out. “Give her some time, gosh!”, Jisung frowned at Chenle, as Chenle shook his head. Worriedly, Haechan turned to Renjun, “What if she doesn't wake up?”, he was panicking.

Renjun let out a sigh. “She's still breathing.”, he said as they heard a small groan from her. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked around her, scanning her surroundings. “Where are we?”, she asked. “They knocked us out and put us inside the game.”, Jaemin said nonchalantly as he's been through this before.

“Now that everyone's up, let's start moving. We shouldn't stay in one place for too long.”, Renjun said, earning a firm nod from Mark. “Let's split up into pairs. Jisung and Jeno, Renjun and Haechan, Chenle and Zoey, then Jaemin and I.”, Mark ordered, as Chenle let out a loud groan. “Really? I get the weakling?!”, he complained, earning a smack from Jeno. “Be nice.”.

“Meet back here in an hour, find whatever you can.”, and with that, they split into their pairs, before wandering off into the forest.

“Let's look for weapons.”, she nodded in agreement as they continued walking. “I don't suppose you know where they are?”, he shook his head. “They change every year.”, she sighed. Walking for a few more minutes, Zoey noticed something in the distance. A crate! She immediately ran towards it, cracking it open with her feet.

She gasped as she took a look inside. “Chenle! It's a gun!”, she smiled. “Is there ammo?”, her smiled turned into a frown. “No...”, he sighed. “Useless.”.

The two continued their search in a different area, as Zoey let out a sigh. “There's nothing..”, she mumbled to herself before turning to face Chenle. “Hey, Chenle-”, she froze, seeing how he was pinned down by an enemy. Chenle glared up at them. “Tao...”, a smirk made it's way to the enemy's face as he stared straight into his eyes. “Chenle. It's been awhile..”.

“Hah! I see we're in the same round again... just like last time.”, Chenle grinned. “Of course, Power wouldn't be the same without me.”, Tao said, before his eyes wandered off to someone else. “Chenle...”, Chenle looked over at Zoey, widening his eyes. “Shit...”.

“You got a new member? A female at that...”, “Neo Zone has certainly gotten too used to their winning streak...”, Tao gritted his teeth. “Get off him!!”, Zoey made her way towards him, until she felt a cold, metal object being held up to her throat.

A strong and firm grip held her in place, as Chenle struggled to get out of Tao's hold. She looked behind her, seeing a guy with a calm look on his face. “Baekhyun, don't you dare!!!”, Chenle warned him, as he got a scoff in return. “Like I care.”, his eyes wandered to a helpless Chenle, as Zoey's heart was racing.

Taking a few seconds to breathe, she gathered the courage she didn't know she had, before throwing her head back, hitting Baekhyun in the jaw. Just like Jaemin had taught her, she grabbed him by the wrist, kicking the back of his knees, as he dropped to the ground. Due to the pain, he dropped his knife.

Quickly, Zoey used her other hand to pick it up, firmly holding it against the man's throat. They had switched positions. He groaned in pain, as Chenle finally managed to get out of Tao's grip. Kicking him in the stomach, Chenle got on top of him, punching him continuously, until he layed there, unconscious, his face beaten to a pulp.

Chenle then gazed over at Zoey and Baekhyun, as he smirked. “Finish it.”, she slightly trembled after receiving an order from Chenle. Still not wanting to dirty her hands, she became conflicted. “You know you can't, princess. You're too weak to kill me.”, Baekhyun blurted out as Zoey twisted his arm, not appreciating his insulting comment. “Shut up!!”, he smiled through the pain, continueing with his words. “Drop the knife, I won't hurt you.”.

“Zoey, kill him!!!”, Chenle was starting to lose his patience. Tightly screwing her eyes shut, she braced for the disturbing noises that were evidence of what she had just done.

Without thinking any further, she slit his throat.

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