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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Her lips quivered, emotions arising.

er thoughts returned, amplifying the pain she was already in as tears pooled down, the sight scaring the boy beside her. “Hey, don't cry...”.

Jisung brought his hand up to slightly stroke her head, the warm feeling of his hand bringing a fuzzy feeling to her stomach.

Juri had finally removed the bullet, the new bandaging that surrounded her arm stopping the bleeding, much to their relief. “Rest now, okay?”.

Zoey nodded weakly, a grateful smile on her face. “Thank you...”, the woman nodded with a soft smile lingering on her lips. “Anytime.”.

Juri then left the room, leaving the two to stay in their current positions, the awkward yet comfortable silence taking over them.

That was, until Jisung joined her on the other side of the bed, bringing her closer to him. “I'll stay with you, now get some rest.”, he said, his words melting her heart.

The girl didn't turn down his offer as she cuddled up to him, his arms gently wrapped around her waist. She placed a hand on his chest, her head gently resting near his collarbone.

“This feels so surreal...”, she blurted out, causing Jisung to furrow his brows.

“In what way?”, “Just... in every way.”.

She smiled slightly, her eyes closing as she enjoyed his warm embrace, his touch sending sparks throughout her body.

“Being here... just, being alive. I keep looking back to the day when the others found me on the streets, my body covered in snow. I was for sure going to die if they hadn't taken me with them.”.

Jisung's lips dipped down into a frown as he let out a sigh, gently nuzzling his head into her shoulder.

“Don't say that..”, she shook her head. “But it's true.”.

“I'm just grateful that I'm here now, that I'm able to be by your side. I'm glad I was able to meet you, Ji. I couldn't have done anything differently. I don't regret a single thing.”, she said, her words tugging at his heart.

“Baby... I seriously love you so much... I can't imagine my life without you now..”.

She smiled, a small yawn escaping her lips. He chuckled at her facial expressions, his eyes staring down at her with fondness.

“Rest, Noona. I'll be here when you wake up.”.

She took his offer, feeling herself slowly slip away into a deep slumber.

The two stayed there for awhile his warm embrace keeping her tightly trapped in her world of dreams.

Gently, he brought his hands up to take her earpiece out, placing it down on the side table. He let out a sigh, knowing he'd have to leave her soon.

With a heavy heart, he brought his hand up to activate the communicator, his voice ringing through the device.

Mouse here, Flower's condition is stable.”.

This is Dolphin, targets eliminated and evacuation successful. How should we proceed, Boss?”.

It felt like forever until the next set of directions came, his heart sinking.

Backup needed in the underground entrance, I repeat backup needed! We are surrounded by enemy troops! All Punch unit members report to our current location!”.

Jisung sighed, glancing down at the girl who was sleeping soundly in his embrace. “I'm sorry, baby...”.

He leaned down, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. “I'll be back.”.

Slowly, he managed to wiggle out of her embrace before taking light steps out of the room, heading towards the front door. Juri looked up, furrowing her brows at the boy.

“Where are you going?”, she asked.

“They need backup. Watch her, okay? I'll be back.”, Juri sighed, standing up from her seat. “Be careful, okay? I don't want any of you getting hurt.”.

Jisung smiled softly at her, nodding his head. “Yes, Noona.”.

Jisung then left the house, his eyes landing on the six figures stood on the street, gazes locked on his figure.

“Let's get going.”, Jisung said, the others glancing between each other. “Okay, but Haechan is badly injured, we'll leave him here to watch over Zoey and Juri.”, Mark said.

Haechan was about to protest before Renjun pushed him towards the small town house, Haechan letting out a long sigh. “Fine.”, he groaned in annoyance, accepting his fate.

Jisung sighs, nodding his head. Haechan walked into the house, leaving the remainder of them to start striding down the street, their guns in hand.

“Wasn't the underground entrance supposed to be low security? How did they discover us?”, Jisung asked, his attention turned to Renjun who sighed.

“They must have taken extra caution. Maybe they lowered security to lure us in.”, he said, Chenle nodding his head.

Their feet carried them at a fast pace until they stood in front of the entrance.

This is Tiger, we've arrived.”.

They waited for a response, but as a few minutes passed, it never came.


“Shit...”, Renjun groaned in frustration, staring down at his phone. “They cut off transmission signals. We can't communicate to the others while inside.”, he complained.

Jaemin sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “Then we just wing it. I mean, that's pretty much what we did in Punch.”, Chenle scoffed out a laugh.

“You're really mr. my way, aren't you, hyung.”, Jaemin shrugged, a bored look on his face.

Mark shook his head in disapproval as he took a step into the entrance.

“Fuck it, let's get this over with.”, he groaned, the boys following after him.

What they didn't know was that they were walking straight into a trap.

A trap that will decide their fates.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ


Lowkey kinda satisfied with your final choice ngl- <3

But Ooooo, I smell a finale on its way~

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