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დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

Sitting in a tense atmosphere, Taeyong cleared his throat before looking through the files of each member. "This is the master plan, so we need the perfect team to execute it. Thankfully, the volunteers are well-balanced in talent. Since the required number of participants for each team is eight, I'll personally select the last three.", flipping through the pages, his finger stopped at a specific members page.

Smirking, Taeyong looked straight into one of the members eyes. "Chenle, I put you in charge of long-distance. You'll be the sharp shooter.", Chenle grinned, accepting the opportunity. "Will do, hyung.", Taeyong then flipped through some more pages, landing on another worthy candidate. "Mark, you'll be the leader of this operation. Make sure things go smoothly.", Mark nodded nonchalantly, keeping his usual poker face. "And lastly...", Taeyong tilted his head to the side, letting out a sigh. "Jisung.".

A slam on the table caught everyone's attention. "Lee Taeyong, are you kidding me?! The maknae?!!", Taeil glared over at Taeyong as many other members began to protest as well. "This is absurd, he hasn't even had his first official mission yet!!", Taeyong let out a long sigh, knowing this was coming.

His deadly stare made everyone go silent, slowly taking their seats again. "Are you forgetting who trained him?", the members looked down, admitting that he wasn't wrong. "He's the youngest, but with that he has an advantage. With his innocent facial features, they won't notice the monster that lurks inside.".

The room was silent, until an agrivated voice spoke up in protest. "Isn't one maknae enough? I feel like you're putting a lot of the younger ones in this year on purpose. Are you trying to kill off our current generation?", "Jung Jaehyun!", Taeyong stood up, glaring daggers into the angry man's eyes. "I'd watch your tongue if I were you.", he warned, not seeming to be getting through to him, though.

"And I would consider the mental state of your members, Lee Taeyong. This is exactly why I was against you being the leader.", with that, Jaehyun left the room, leaving the room in a dangerously quiet atmosphere. "I'll go talk to him.", she said, as she followed after him. "Meeting adjourned.".

Zoey chased after her brother, following him into his room, while she watched as he grabbed the closest thing to him, chucking it to the ground. "Jae...", his head snapped towards her as she froze in fear. Letting out a long sigh, he fell onto his bed, patting the space next to him. Slowly inching her way forward, Zoey found herself lending an ear to her brother's ranting.

"This is exactly what I was afraid of. He's always making rash decisions without thinking things through. Yeah, I get Jisung needs to start pulling his weight, but this... he just recently joined the group, only a few weeks prior to you. This is too big of a task...", he argued, not understanding their leader's decision. "Everything has a reason, maybe if you just hear him out, you'll come to understand.", she said, causing him to scoff.

"There's so many good things about you, Jae. But, your stubbornness really throws people off.", Jaehyun rolled his eyes. "My stubbornness saves lives, yknow. We would have never let Jeno join if I didn't fight Taeyong on the matter.", she let out a deep sigh, shaking her head at her brother's behavior.

"You're being ungrateful. They saved you from those living conditions, you shouldn't be causing them all this grief.", he froze, looking over at his sister with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, I should've begged them to let me take you with.", she simply smiled. "Things happen for a reason.".

დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

The Next Morning

Zoey and Jaemin woke up early the next day, heading down to the training area, where the rest of the members of the Punch team were waiting. "If it isn't the lovely flower~", Haechan said, sending her a wink, as she dismissed it. Walking over towards Jeno, she glanced over at one member that had his eyes glued to her. Slightly bowing, she gave him a small smile.

"Good morning.", he looked away, humming in response, as Jeno let out a sigh. "That's Mark, the leader of our group.", she nodded, taking a mental note. "Noona! Good morning!", startled, Zoey snapped her head in the younger one's direction, as a smile made its way to her lips. "Jisung ah!", she ran over in his direction, giving him a tight squeeze. The two had gotten well acquainted during dinner last night.

"Enough chit-chat, let's begin training.", Mark announced, as the members began to spread out in the large training room. Walking over to the matted area, Jaemin and Zoey faced each other, a smirk lingering on his lips. "First, self-defense.".

She gulped, not knowing what to expect. This was going to be a long day, she thought.

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