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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Arriving back at HQ, Jisung was rushed to the basement for urgent care, his condition worsening over time.

The medical unit had to perform surgery on his chest, the bullet nearly hitting a vital point.

Zoey stayed by his side throughout the whole thing, waiting for him and watching over him while he slept after getting his surgery.

Her hands cupped his, her lips leaving small kisses on his hand to reassure him that she was right there, waiting for him to wake up.

The operation was a success, but Jisung had slipped into a coma, one that made the doctors uncertain about when he could possibly wake up.

Zoey took the news pretty devastatingly, but she pulled through, promising to look after him until he awoke.

The other six members noticed the way she drastically shifted all her attention onto Jisung, her body language revealing her true feelings.

Chenle sighed, his fingers running through his hair. “So she chose Jisung...”, he said, Haechan nodding his head. “Yeah, she told me...”.

Renjun stared blankly at the wall in front of him, his mind seeming to have clouded itself with his thoughts.

“Well, that stings. I really loved her, yknow.”, Jaemin said. “We all did.”, Jeno chimed in.

Mark sighed, a small smile creeping up onto his lips. “But, I'm just glad she's happy. I know he'll really cherish her and make her ten times more happier than she's ever been.”.

The others nodded, feeling the exact same way. “Though, I won't hesitate to steal her if there's an opportunity.”, Renjun said, loud laughter engulfing the room.

Their hearts were still heavy, aching at the fact that they didn't have as big of a place in her heart as Jisung did.

But nevertheless, their friendship wasn't going to end over this, oh no, they wouldn't let that happen.

At the end of the day, as someone who loves her dearly, they all wished for her happiness. That was all that mattered to them.

Haechan smiled, his eyes landing on the sleeping girl from the other side of the glass window.

Goodbye my first...

I will never regret loving you.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

A week had passed and Jisung still hadn't woken up. Zoey was beginning to worry heavily over him.

Her hands covered her face, a long and tiring sigh leaving her lips. She was frustrated that she couldn't do anything to make him feel better and it hurt her.

Her eyes trailed up to look at his calm figure, the unconscious boy being oblivious about how she was feeling, how she wished he would wake up soon.

She reached out to grab ahold of his hand, the shocking feeling of his hand squeezing hers made her snap her head up from her lap. “Ji...!”, her lips tugged up, a huge grin plastered on her face.

Jisung's eyes slowly fluttered open, squinting at how bright the light above him was. He slowly turned his head to gaze down at the girl he loved.

A smile crept up on his lips as he looked at her with nothing besides the love he felt for her. “I'm sorry, did I worry you?”, he asked, pouting slightly.

“Did you worry me? Yah... what do you think?!”, she bit the bottom of her lip, tears threatening to fall.

Jisung softened his gaze, bringing his hand up to gently wipe away her tears. “I missed you..”.

She smiled warmly, her body leaning forward to wrap her arms around him, Jisung immediately responding with his arm sliding across her waist, pulling her even closer to his body.

He placed a small kiss to her forehead, the warm feeling she got from his embrace quickly melting the worry she had held onto for the past week.

“How are you feelng?”, she asked, slightly pulling away to look into his eyes, concern glazing over.

“I feel amazing with you here.”, he announced, his words bringing a slight tint of pink to her cheeks.

He stifled a laugh as she lightly smacked his arm. “But really, this all feels like a dream, you by my side and worrying about me. I'm still processing how you ended up choosing me in the end. I can't believe it..”, he said.

She chuckled, her head tilting slightly. “Why?”, his gaze softened, his hand coming up to tuck the strand of her hair behind her ear.

“Because you're so ethereal. You're beautiful and kind, you also put others above yourself and you tried to push through during dire situations, despite the fear that lingered.”, he began.

“I fell in love with you because I love who you are, you never fail to make my heart flutter and I'm always my best self when I'm around you. That alone is why I feel like I'm on cloud nine..”.

His words touched her heart. Jisung had fallen deep, deep enough to make her feel secure with their feelings for each other.

He loves her and she loves him.

That was good enough, everything was good enough just as long as they had each other.

She smiled softly at him, her eyes forming small crescents.

“I know it took awhile, but after realizing my feelings, it all made sense. I always felt the most comfortable around you and although my heart was beating like crazy, it was never overbearing.”.

“Everything just... felt so right. It shocks me how my heart can beat so fast even though I felt so comfortable in your arms.. it's astonishing.”, he chuckled at her words, but at the same time, he couldn't stop smiling.

After wanting it so bad, he finally had it, her love and affection. Jisung knew he made the right chose when he decided to pursue her, despite the others doing the same.

He never regretted it.

And now, in the end, it all became worth it. He couldn't be any happier.

He'd do anything, anything for her. He'd travel across the world if he had to, fight people ten times stronger if it meant she'd stay by his side forever.

Jisung loves Zoey.

That much will never change.

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