⌗ 41

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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

The streets were silent, the new curfew forced the citizens of the Capital to stay inside during certain hours. The people were outraged, many protesting against the government and the power they were trying to enforce.

Peaking outside the window through the curtains, Zoey grimaced at the sight of dead bodies, those of the protestors who were shot down for disobeying the curfew.

“They're officially insane. A curfew?”, Chenle scoffed, shaking his head in disappointment. “And the penalty for disobeying them is death...”, Zoey shared, her words making the others shudder in discomfort.

“But isn't this good? They're protesting, that means they're taking our side.”, Jisung said, a confused look on his face. “Yes and no.”, Haechan began.

“Yes, this helps us prove our point with the government abusing their power, but at the same time it makes people not want to retaliate knowing they may lose their lives.”, Zoey nodded.

“Haechan's right. We need to action soon, before the public opinion takes another shift.”, Jaemin nodded in agreement. “Found anything yet, Jun?”.

Renjun sighed. “The security there is so tight, I'm trying to find a place where we can enter safely and without much trouble.”, he said.

“I'm not too sure about this...”, Jeno began, feeling doubts about their mission. “Not sure about what?”, Mark asked. “The mission. Doesn't it seem a bit risky?”, Chenle shrugged.

“Everything we do is risky.”, Zoey scoffed out a laugh. “Ain't that the truth.”, Haechan shook his head in disbelief. “Are you trying to get yourself out of this one? Unbelievable.”.

Jeno glared at Haechan, his eyes holding a hint of annoyance. “That's not what I meant, I'm just worried that someone might get hurt.”, Zoey smiled. “We know, Jeno.”.

“Your cautious nature is what holds this team together.”, her words brought a smile to his lips, a look of appreciation spreading across his face.

“Thanks, tiny.”, her lips immediately curved downwards, the others bursting in laughter.

“I will never let that go.”, Chenle said, his laughter outshining the rest. Zoey pouted, her eyes glaring at him.

“I'm not tiny!!!!!”, she huffed, her body being pulled back down on the couch she stood up from.

“I feel insulted.”, Renjun spoke up, bringing Zoey into his embrace as he shielded her from the ridiculous name calling. Zoey nodded in agreement, leaning into his embrace.

“Let's ditch them, Jun. They will never understand our pain.”, Renjun nodded, a look of disgust directed towards the boys. “Yeah, they're getting on my nerves.”, the laughter only grew as the two expressed their disapproval.

This is Sheep, does anyone from phase three copy?”.

The sudden message made the atmosphere grow tense, their mischievous natures dying down.

This is Tiger, Punch unit copies.”, Mark responded, letting Yangyang know who was listening.

Okay. Fox, Boss is waiting for the layout of the hideout. Any route for infiltration?”, Renjun groaned, feeling like it was the thousandth time he's been asked that.

Affirmative, there's an underground entrance. It'll take a little longer to get there, but the security is low in that area. It leads straight into the hideout.”, Renjun informed, his response lingering for a few minutes before there was another response.

Copy that. We'll execute in an hour, be ready by then. The older hyungs will secure the underground entrance. Punch unit is to commence evacuation of the Capitol.”.

Mark furrowed his brows, making eye contact with Haechan.

“So we're stuck with evacuation? That's no fun.”, Haechan pouted, crossing his arms around his chest. Jeno shook his head, running his fingers through his hair.

“It's the most dangerous part, though.”, he said, grabbing their attention. “How?”, Jisung asked.

“We have to draw attention to ourselves, that means letting our presence be known. The officers will surely try to shoot us down.”, he informed, the intuition making sense.

“We just have to stick to our buddy system then.”, Jaemin said. “Same as last time? Same partners I mean.”, Haechan asked, a pout growing on Zoey's lips.

“I wanna team up with Renjun.”, she blurted out, their stares directing at the boy beside her.

“Yah! Are you ditching me?!!”, Jeno shouted out in disappointment, his words bringing a victorious smile to Renjun's lips.

“I'm not the one calling her Tiny, now am I? We already agreed to ditch y'all.”, Zoey nodded in agreement, keeping her pride up. “The victims must stick together.”.

Chenle began to laugh at the three of them, tears forming in his eyes from pure amusement. “That's not fair!”, Jeno whined, his words being ignored by the two. “I feel disrespected.”, Mark suddenly blurted out.

His face held pure betrayal as they couldn't hold it in anymore. The seven of them bursting out into laughter at the older one's reaction.

The room filled with a warm, friendly feeling as Taeil and Juri smiled down at them, Taeil's arm wrapped around her waist. “Their chemistry is amazing.”, Juri said, Taeil agreeing with her.

A smirk grew on his lips as he noticed Zoey glancing towards one of them, an obvious blush displaying on her cheeks.

“Let's hope they can get through this last obstacle.”, he mumbled, his words confusing the woman beside him.

“What do you mean?”, he smiled down at her. “She's made her decision, regarding her feelings.”, Juri stared at him in surprise, her attention turning towards Zoey with a small smile on her lips.

“In that case, we can only hope that it doesn't harm what they already have.”.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

We're drawing closer and closer to the end T-T

Final ship update is the next chapter, how we feeling about it?

I am personally looking forward to your final decisions lol

I'm just worried there won't be many votes-

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