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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Clanging metal, a signaled motion that opened the giant metal doors to the arena. Four individuals, each with a number tattooed on their necks, took steps into the arena, a wide smirk making its way to one of them. “It's been awhile... Neo Zone.”.

“094, where to now.”, a feminine voice spoke up, nudging the said person on the side. Looking down at the holographic map on his wrist, the man smirked. “The east side of the forest. Neo Zone is our main target. Their winning streak has lasted for long enough.”.

With light steps and dangerous intentions, the labrats set off to destroy their number one target, Neo Zone.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Mark was pacing back and forth inside the cave, gaining the attention of a nervous Zoey. “Stop pacing, Mark! You're scaring me...”, she said, a sudden shiver heading down her spine. “You have no idea how bad this could end up being, Zoey!”, “Then tell me!! At least so I can have a grasp of the situation. Please.”.

Mark let out a sigh before taking a seat next to her. “Jeno, you know better than anyone here. Tell her.”.

Jeno paused, glancing over at their leader, before biting his lower lip. “Umm... Well, they are pretty much the government's test subjects, technologically advanced humans. In other words, labrats.”, Zoey slowly nodded. “The scientists under government control conduct experiments using science and other technology to enhance the basic functions of a normal human. Like strength, speed, your five senses, and more.”, he explained.

“What makes them so dangerous is that they are ten times stronger, smarter, and faster than us. One wrong move, and your death is certain.”, Jeno finished as Zoey looked down at her lap, a wave of fear taking over her.

“But, don't worry. We are all getting out of here alive, I can assure you.”, Renjun said, giving Zoey a small smile. Unable to believe his words, she layed her back against the cave walls, bringing her knees up to her chest. I doubt it, she thought.

Suddenly, cannons went off from not too far away. They were closing in on them, and fast.

The expressions on their faces hardened as they ran around the cave, retrieving their weapons and gearing up. “I want to help this time.”, Zoey blurted out through the chaos, causing them to halt their movement. “What?”.

“I said, I want to help. I don't want to stay here and rot away while you guys risk your lives for our safety. They are our most formidable opponents. You'll need all the help you can get. And, I can't let my injury drag me down..”, Haechan smiled at her words, nodding his head. “Nicely said, flower.”.

Grabbing the bow Renjun had took from one of the Cypher members, she loaded up on arrows and stood at the entrance of the cave, closing her eyes before taking in a deep breath.

Throughout this experience, she's grown more than she could ever imagine. She learned to fight back, defend herself, endure, but most of all, to depend on others and to let them depend on her.

She couldn't doubt that she had become a brand new person, someone she didn't recognize, but someone she didn't despise entirely. She was stronger, stronger than ever. And it was this newfound confidence that led her to make this life changing decision.

The loud gushes of the wind were all that could be heard. Too afraid to make a sound, the members kept silent as they looked into each other's eyes, a wave of nerves hitting each and every one of them. This wouldn't be the final battle of the game, but they knew for certain it would be the most challenging.

The sound of a branch snapping made their stomachs turn. Coming into sight, a tall man with a body suit on came out from behind a tree. A number tattooed on his neck, 094.

Chenle felt his heart drop, the sight of a familiar face clouding his judgement. “What the actual fuck...”, he cursed under his breathe. “It's been awhile, Chenle. The last time I saw you, you were barely sixteen.”.

The labrat let out a sadistic chuckle, staring straight into Chenle's eyes. Chenle gulped, his eyes watering and his hand forming a fist. The sight of him brought back memories, horrifying memories. “How is Jane doing? Probably six feet under by now.”, a smirk made its way to the labrat's face.

Chenle flinched at the familiar name, his body twitching in anger and his skin turning pale. The other's felt the tension in the air, Jeno gently rubbing Chenle's back, knowing just how much he hated this labrat. After all, Jane was his little sister. One he couldn't protect.

Glaring up at the labrat, Chenle took steps towards him. It was his ultimate goal, the whole reason why he joined Neo Zone in the first place. He wanted to be strong, strong enough to fight, and strong enough to kill him.

Now that he was right in front of him, Chenle couldn't let this chance slip away. He stopped a few feet away, silently staring at him. “What? Cat got your tongue?”, he chuckled, shaking his head, as Chenle glared up at him. “No, I'm just thinking of ways to end your life. Your death has been long overdue anyways.”, “Lucas.”.

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