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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

After tossing and turning for awhile, Zoey finally bothered to open her eyes, the muffled screams from the living room disrupting her slumber.

Slowly, she crawled out of bed, her arm aching from the pain that still lingered.

Taking steps out of the room, she peeked her head around the corner, witnessing the painful scene in front of her. Juri was treating Haechan's wounds.

Zoey furrowed her brows, the unpleasant sight of her friend screaming out in pain truly bothering her. “Teddy, are you okay?”.

The two snapped their heads in the girl's direction. “Flower!”.

Completely ignoring Juri shouting his name, Haechan ran over towards the girl, pulling her into his warm embrace. “I was so worried! I really... I really thought you were gonna die..”.

Zoey smiled softly, bringing her arm up to rub her hand along his back, comforting him. “I'm okay now. I'm sorry I worried you.”.

The two pulled away from each other, his eyes lingering on her dressed wound. “It must have hurt...”.

His fingers gently grazed her bandaging, a frown forming on his lips. “I should've tried harder to protect you.”, he clenched his hand, his nails digging into the palm of his hand.

Zoey's gaze softened, her hand lightly brushing his hair out of his eyes. “It's not your fault, Hyuck..”.

Haechan paused, his frown tipping up into a wide grin at the nickname. “Hyuck?”.

Zoey laughed at his reaction, lightly hitting his arm. “Stop it.”, she rolled her eyes, the boy bursting out into laughter.

“Yah! Get back here, I'm not done treating you yet!”, Juri growled from behind them, her serious tone scaring the boy who immediately obeyed, returning to his original spot on the couch. “Sorry, Noona...”.

Zoey joined them on the opposite couch, finding herself slipping into her thoughts. Haechan is here, but she wondered where Jisung was.

“Eonnie, where's Jisung?”, her question caused the girl to pause, slightly looking over her shoulder at the confused girl.

“He left. Seems like they got called as backup. Something must've happened to the others.”, she said, her tone filled with worry for the boys.

Zoey's eyes slightly widened, her chest tightening and her eyes filling with worry. Haechan noticed this, his eyes lingering on how her lips dipped down into a frown.

“They'll be okay, Flower. They are stronger than they look.”, he gave her a reassuring smile, much to her appreciation. “Thanks, Hyuck...”.

After Juri had finished bandaging Haechan's wounds, she left to prepare food, Haechan taking the opportunity to join Zoey on the other couch.

Zoey hadn't noticed his presence, too deep in thoughts. “They will be fine, really. Stop worrying about them.”.

His voice brought her back to reality as she looked up at him, head tilting to the side in confusion. “Huh?”, “Weren't you worrying over them?”, he asked.

She lightly shook her head. “I mean, I am worried, but that's not what I was thinking about.”, Haechan furrowed his brows, confused.

“What do you mean?”, Zoey hesitated, wondering if she should tell him.

She hadn't talked to anyone about her feelings, let alone talking about how she had already made her choice.

She couldn't help but think back to Jaemin and Jisung's fight, wondering if another one would break out over her decision.

Without realizing it, she hadn't answered him back in a hot minute, the suspense nearly killing the boy.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, regaining her attention. “Yknow, you can tell me anything right?”, she slowly nodded. “Okay, so what's weighing on your mind, Flower?”.

She let out a sigh, biting her bottom lip due to the nervousness she was drowning herself in. “Listen, I thought about it a lot, and...”.

She paused, glancing up at his curious expression, her mind running wild with all the negative possibilities and outcomes playing over and over on repeat.

“I've made my choice.”, “On what?”, he asked, only making her hesitate once more. She fiddled with her fingers, anxiety arising.

He gave her a reassuring smile, bringing his arm down to rub circles along her back. “You can tell me, I won't judge.”.

Finally mustering up the courage, she let it out. “My feelings... I've made up my mind. I chose Jisung....”.

Her words left a bittersweet taste in his mouth, his eyes dropping to land on his lap as he seemed lost in thought.

The sudden silence was eating away at her, her anxiety shooting through the roof. “Haechan.... say something..”.

“I... I just need a second.”, he said, running his fingers through his hair. “As much as it pains me, it was your decision in the end and I respect it.”.

“I wish you both happiness, really.”, his words made her smile, it felt as if a weight on her shoulder had been lifted.

“Thank you... but are you sure you're okay?”, she asked, her eyes filled with concern for the now heart broken boy.

“It'll take me some time... but I'll get over it, don't worry. No matter what happens or who you choose, we'll still be friends. Our friendship means everything to me...”.

“The others will understand, don't worry. I don't want you feeling guilty for hurting our feelings. It's not something you can help nor avoid.”.

“Just know that we'll always be here for you and we'll be supporting your relationship a hundred percent.”.

He smiled at her, his words truly touching her.

Her eyes brimmed with tears as he brought his hand up to ruffle her hair, fighting the urge to laugh at her reaction.

“But, he better watch it. One mistake and I'll steal you away from him.”.

Zoey laughed, smacking his arm as they both broke out into a fit of laughter, the tense air warming up from their lighthearted interactions.

The worry she had been feeling melted away in an instant, the feeling of gratefulness taking over.

Thank you for being such a great friend, Haechan.

I don't know what I'd do without you.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ


But it does make me sad knowing how heartbroken they probably feel right now-

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