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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Hitting the ground, Mark clenched his upper arm, hissing at the pain that came with a deep cut wound. But, before he could let things completely sink in, he rolled over to his side, just barely dodging the guy's next attack.

Scoffing, Mark pushed himself off the ground, grabbing a knife from out of his pocket, before chucking it at the man, missing completely. The pain in his arm was greatly affecting his stamina. The man smirked after realizing this. “Done already? Well, you're no fun to play with.”, the man scoffed, mocking Mark.

Feeling agrivated, Mark rummaged through his pockets, only to realize he was out of weapons. Mentally cursing, he knew he only had one other option. Hand to hand combat.

Giving himself the push he needed, he swung his leg at the man's side, getting a good hit at him. “Fuck, you'll pay for that.”.

On the other hand, Haechan was stopped from getting to Mark by another guy, his unbelievable aura making Haechan gulp. “I've heard of you. The playful killer of Neo Zone.”, the man smirked. “And I've heard of you, the mastermind behind Cypher's twisted human trafficking.”.

Haechan felt sick at the thought of this man smirking down at him. He was the last person Haechan wanted to see, knowing what he did to the people of the lower class, the women and children.

It reminded him of the things Zoey could've been exposed to had she been at the wrong place at the wrong time. “Lee Haechan.”, “Kim Taehyung.”.

Swinging his dagger towards the boy, Haechan dodged it, quickly making a comeback as he punched Taehyung on the side of the jaw. Taehyung scoffed, wiping the blood off his lip.

“I heard you guys got a new member. A girl at that.”, Haechan's pupils dilated, his mind running rampid at the mention of the girl he cherished so dearly. “Fuck you, Kim Taehyung!”,
“Go to hell!!”.

Pulling his gun out, Haechan didn't waste any time to put a bullet through the man's head. “You can talk shit about me all you want. But one word about Zoey, and I won't think twice to end your life.”, he glared daggers at Taehyung's dead body, putting another  bullet through his chest just to be safe.

On the other side of the battlefield, Renjun had pierced through his target's vital points, swiftly killing them without any problems. With a long sigh, he glanced over at one of his members, slightly taken aback by how they swung their axe into the middle of the enemy's chest, killing them.

By that point, the cannons had faded out of tune, the sound no longer bothering their eardrums. The constant fighting was growing tiring for them. Jisung grabbed his axe, pulling it out of the man's body, before approaching Renjun with an innocent smile on his face.

No matter how he looked at it, Renjun didn't trust Jisung. Innocently hiding behind a facade, only to turn into a monster on the battlefield. He didn't like how Jisung had a two-faced personality, and he most certainly didn't like how close he's gotten to Zoey.

“Renjun hyung, behind you!”, Jisung warned before throwing his axe in Renjun's direction, just barely missing his shoulder, before attaching itself to the back of another enemy, striking them in the heart. A cannon went off.

Glaring down at the axe, Renjun gritted his teeth as the younger one came to retrieve his weapon. “Be mindful of those around you, hyung. They can stab you in the back.”, Jisung warned, earning a scoff from the older one. I'm already mindful of you, Renjun thought.

Crossing paths with the one he previously injured the other day, Chenle snagged the chance to finish him off. Loading his gun, he stayed a good distance away from his target before aiming at him. The man was completely clueless, but soon enough, he met his demise.

Continuously, Mark dodged the attacks of the man in front of him, as he was starting to lose his stamina the more punches Mark threw at him. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Mark fought for his life, determined to see another day.

His breathing quickened, and his heart beginning to beat out of his chest. Mark found himself in a dire situation.

“Hyung, move.”, Mark looked over the man's shoulder, seeing Renjun behind them, as Mark cracked a smile. Moving out of the way, Renjun threw one of his throwing knives, hitting the man in the back of the head. The last cannon went off. The battle was over.

Or so they thought...

As the clock struck midnight, the announcements came on, as the same robotic voice had graced it's presence once more. “The third day is over. Four teams remain. Commencing the releasing of the labrats.”.

Closing his eyes, Mark let out an irritated sigh. “Shit...”, the battle was only just beginning.

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