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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Dressed in black suits with their ID's in hand, Mark, Haechan and Jaemin got past the front gate, entering the government building.

Haechan's expression was stern as Doyoung, one of the teams hackers, had implanted a virus in the government software. The perfect distraction.

Virus effective. You can now safely proceed towards the basement.”, the three of them nodded as they followed Taeil closely to the elevator. “Did they do anything?”, Jaemin asked, directing his question to Taeil.

“Tried to gather information on our attack. She refused to answer, so...”, Taeil stopped, knowing the boys got the hint. “H-how bad?”, Mark asked, stuttering through his strong emotions.

“They tried electrocution, drowning, and drugs. She refused after the third time so they beat her bloody...”.

His words stabbed them like a knife. Anger took over them as Haechan clutched the gun in his pocket, ready to kill anyone who got in the way of saving her.

The elevator came to a stop as they exited the small cube, taking a turn into a long hallway of cells.

Their eyes scanned each cell, the sight of human bones, bloody criminals, and tortured slaves, also known as lower class citizens.

The stench was sickening.

After passing a handful of cells, Taeil came to a stop just before a certain cell. He grabbed the keys out of his pocket, rummaging through them, until he located the one used for that specific cell.

As if opened, Mark was the first one inside, bringing the weak and nearly unconscious girl into his arms.

“Zoey...?”, he spoke softly, the other two analyzing the wounds on her body. “M-mark..?”, she barely managed out, her body too weak and tired.

Her throat was swollen from the beatings and her voice hoarse from all the screaming. Mark clenched his jaw, holding onto her more tightly.

Her wounds were clouding his judgement as the reality of the situation sank in. If we had gotten here even a day later, she would've been dead, he thought. It was clear to them all.

“We don't have much time. Doyoung's virus only lasts for thirty minutes.”, Taeil said, grabbing their attention.

Mark gently placed his arm under her legs and the other wrapping around her shoulder. He gently lifted her off the ground, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck.

“Let's go.”, Mark said, gaining a nod from the others. They exited the cell, making their way towards the elevator.

This is Pudu, Flower is in our possession. Proceed with the ten minute countdown.”, “Affirmative.”.

The elevator came to a halt once more as Taeil took a peak outside, seeing if the coast was clear. He turned back and nodded to the others as they bolted towards the door, avoiding the eyes of unwanted officials.

Barely slipping out without a trace, the five of them made it outside.

Five minutes...”.

They moved away from the government building as much as possible before Mark set Zoey down, Haechan immediately pulling out the first aid kit from Taeil's suitcase.

“How are you feeling?”, Jaemin asked, crouching down beside her. “I-I feel like s-shit. I can b-barely... breathe.”.

Jaemin's heart ached, his hand tightly grasping hers. “Hang in there. It'll all be over soon. You have to keep going, the others are waiting for you, and Jaehyun hyung.”, Jaemin said, encouraging her.

“About that...”, the four of them paused, looking up to stare at the older one.  “About what?”.

Taeil gulped, his palms sweating at the mass amount of nerves hitting him. “It's about Jaehyun... he...”, Taeil bit his lower lip, the suspension killing Zoey from the inside. “What about Jae?”.

Taeil opened his mouth to finally spit out the truth, but was interrupted by the large scale explosion that took place inside the government building.

They all flinched, their heads snapping towards the large, fiery cloud that engulfed the building.

Bomb successfully activated. Damage report; Effective.”.

Phase two is complete.”.

The five of them shared a smile, the sweet taste of victory drawing them away from the painful topic.

Taeil sighed, a sad smile on his face. How am I supposed to celebrate? Jaehyun is gone, he thought.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Two days had passed. The first rebellion was quite affective. The Capitol citizens held mixed opinions, unable to choose which side they supported due to the handful of government officials that survived the bombing.

The ones who did survive had formed a secret organization, one that utilized the resources that have been hidden from the eyes of the civilians.

The leader of that organization, the nephew of President Sapphire; Im Chang-Kyun.

However, their organization did not go unnoticed by Neo Zone.

A single man sat down on the leather seat located at the end of the table, his leg crossing over the other and his gaze piercing through those of his underlings.

“Thank you all for gathering here today. I am here to discuss the Anti Neo Zone operation.”.

Murmurs engulfed the air as they discussed the resentful events that took place at the government building. “As the Capitol's temporary President, I vow to do all that I can to stop those rebels from triumphing.”.

“We may have lost the battle, but by the name of our country, the government's honor, and the people of Lupiz, we will NOT lose the war!”.

The room erupted in cheers as a dominant and charismatic aura emitted from the man, his eyes sharp like a knife. “In a week's time, we'll commence the first phase of operation Anti Neo Zone.”.

“Phase one; Air raid.”.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

The birth of Neo Zone's new enemy!The Anti Neo Zone organization.


Ngl, I think my writing sucks-

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