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დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

Sitting down in the living room, Zoey was lost in her thoughts. She had a lot to think about. She could confirm that both Jisung and Jaemin had feelings for her, however, she was still unsure of how the others felt.

"Zoey?", her head shot up, her eyes landing on Mark, his fingers running through his hair as his rounded glasses dipped down. "Hey, Mark.", she gave him a small smile.

He walked towards her, taking a seat next to her on the couch. "You seem bothered by something.", he blurted out, a sigh escaping her lips.

"I don't know... I just can't stop thinking about that fight from earlier.", Mark nodded. "Did you know that Jisung and Jaemin liked me? Like... romantically?".

Mark tilted his head, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Jaemin, yes. But, Jisung... I wasn't expecting that.", she nodded. "I just... this is a lot to think about.", Mark looked down at her, his eyebrow raising. "Why?".

"I don't feel like lying about this, so I'll just be honest.", she started. Her heart began to beat out of her chest as she looked up at Mark, feeling nervous.

"I feel weird whenever I get close to any of you. My heart starts racing and I get butterflies in my stomach.", Mark looked down in shock, his eyes lighting up at the pleasant yet nervewrecking news.

"But, it happens with all of you. I haven't felt that specific spark with any of you yet. I believe it's just attraction at the moment. I'm just... waiting for that feeling, a certain feeling where I know for sure that I only feel it with just you and not any of the others.", Mark nodded, taking in her evey word.

"I understand. Things like this take time. Don't stress over it, you'll find your answer soon.", Mark said, giving Zoey a reassuring smile.

"Just know that whoever you pick, we'll accept it. If not right away, then over time. I will make sure that nothing happens to our friendship. Even if I have to smack some sense into any of them, more specifically, Jisung.".

Zoey let out a chuckle, her gaze softening and her chest feeling lighter. "Thanks, Markie.", his face scrunched up at the nickname. "Markie?".

Zoey smiled, bring her finger up to tap his nose. "It's cute. Yknow, you may be the oldest and might've been a tough cookie to crack at the beginning, but the more time we spend together, the more you show of yourself.".

Mark went silent, his eyes staring into her crescent shaped ones. "I've heard from Jaehyun that you all have your own stories. Renjun and being born in the lower class. Jisung and his family. Chenle seeking to revenge his dead sister and Jeno escaping from the government.".

"I'm not too sure about you, Haechan and Jaemin, but I'm sure it's just as unfortunate as the others. Everyone has their reasons for how they act.".

"Remember when Chenle was being an ass towards me. He changed after we talked it out. Now, he's always there to comfort me when I need it.".

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