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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Upon hearing Mark's alarmed voice, Jaemin and Haechan rushed back inside the cave, quickly gathering their stuff while warning Jeno. Jeno lifted Renjun's unconscious body onto his back, making his way outside, before the members, including BlackMamba, started running for their lives.

They all watched as a couple of the remaining members of BlackMamba got caught up in the green fog, immediately dissolving into particles.

Zoey struggled to keep up with the fast pace as her injured leg was slowing her down. Noticing this, Jisung quickly ran back to her, picking her up bridal style, before once again matching the pace of the others.

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, as he made his way through the trees, making sure to look back at the green fog rapidly catching up to them. Making a last minute decision, Jisung turns to the left, sprinting in that direction, as Zoey stared over at the fog. “What are you doing?!!”, she panicked, slapping Jisung on the chest, as he tightened his grip on her. “Just trust me.”.

That is the last thing you should be saying right now, she thought. The green fog only distancing itself by a few feet, Jisung slid to the ground, falling into a nearby pond, as the two were engulfed in water.

Holding their breath, the two stayed under water for a minute. Jisung glanced up, seeing the fog finally hit the pond. But, It didn't go in the water.

Zoey on the other hand was unable to hold her breath for so long, as she began to drown. Jisung was also struggling to hold his breath, as he noticed her trying to swim up.

The fog hadn't passed yet, making him panic. Quickly grabbing ahold of her hand, he pulled her back towards him, wrapping his arms around her waist. Resorting to his final option, he brought their faces closer, before placing his lips on hers.

Providing each other with enough air, they were able to last until the fog blew by. Slowly separating himself from her, he kept a firm grip on her waist as he swam back to the surface with Zoey in his arms. Coughing and breathing heavily was all they could do for the first couple of minutes.

Suddenly, the pond began to turn red, as Zoey widened her eyes. “Blood...”, she said, gaining Jisung's attention. Quickly hoistering her up, he placed Zoey outside the pond, before crawling his way out as well. “That was a close one...”, he breathed out, glancing around the area. “But, I think we lost the others...”.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Mark, Jeno and Renjun had found a safe place to stay at the bottom of the mountain. After realizing everyone had gotten separated, Mark went ballistic. “This is not good... THIS IS NOT GOOD!!”, Mark ran his fingers through his hair, pacing back and forth. “Hyung, I'm sure they're fine-”, “The worst thing that could possibly happen during this event is GETTING SEPERATED!”.

“Geez, did someone die or some shit?”, snapping their heads in a certain direction, Jeno smiled widely at the shorter one. “You're awake!”, “Uhh, yeah? It'll take more than that to kill me.”, Renjun chuckled, before he noticed Mark's serious expression. “Yo, what's wrong, hyung?”.

After explaining the situation, Renjun sat up in shock. “SEPERATED?!!”, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Do you at least know who went with who?”, he asked, feeling worried about the others. “I'm not sure. I was too focused on running”, Mark said before Jeno let out a sigh. “Jisung was running beside me, but he suddenly turned around and sprinted back in the direction of the fog. I turned around and saw him carrying Zoey to the side of us.”, Jeno bit the bottom of his lip.

“Maybe.... m-maybe they didn't make it-”, “That's enough. I don't want to hear it.”, Renjun said in a dangerous tone. “They're fine.”, he said, reassuring him. Mark sighed before taking a seat next to Renjun and Jeno. “About Jisung... has anyone ever seen him fight?”.

The silence had answered Mark's question, as he tilted his head to the side, unsure about the younger boy. “He was personally trained by Taeyong hyung. Hyung kept boasting about how Jisung was a real monster, but I can't help but doubt it.”, he said, earning a nod from the other two.

“When we were fighting back there, he didn't seem very skilled in close combat.”, Jeno said, making the three of them nervous. “In all honesty, I don't trust him. Not one bit.”, Mark said.

Suddenly, a loud speaker came on from above them as a robotic voice rang throughout the arena. “The end of the second day is drawing near. We will now commence the honoring of those who have fallen in the last two days.”, the announcements began. “Day one; Power's Baekhyun, killed by Neo Zone's Zoey. Power's Tao, killed by Neo Zone's Chenle. Pirate's Wooyoung, killed by Cypher's Hoseok. Pirate's Seonghwa, killed by Cypher's Taemin.”, “Day two; BlackMamba's Jisoo, killed by Neo Zone's Mark. BlackMamba's Winter, killed by Neo Zone's Haechan. BlackMamba's Rosé, killed by Neo Zone's Zoey. BlackMamba's Jennie, killed by Neo Zone's Mark. BlackMamba's Karina, Ningning, and Lisa killed by a scientifically engineered gas.”.

“Scientifically engineered my ass. What kind of shit are they up to?”, Renjun scoffed. “But, damn. She killed two people already? Already making me proud, I see.”, Renjun smiled, complimenting Zoey although she wasn't there to hear it.

Continueing on with the announcements, the robotic voice returned. “Current ranking; First place, Neo Zone: Six kills, all members remain. Second place, Cypher: Two kills, all members remain. Third place, a tie between Power and Pirate: No kills, six members remain. Fourth place, BlackMamba: No kills, one member remains.”, “Announcements will return tomorrow night. Two days remaining of the game. If more than three groups are left standing on the last day, we will be taking extreme measures. Beware of the labrats.”.

“Ah shit, this isn't going to end well”, Mark said, feeling uneasy. “We need to find the others before the last day. If not... It's the end for us.”.

Renjun nodded, standing up from his spot with a small smile. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go find them.”.

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