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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Making their way back to camp, Chenle, Haechan and Jaemin had narrowly escaped the green fog. Thinking that the others might head back to camp, the three took it upon themselves to do just that.

Upon arriving though, it seemed as if they came all that way for nothing. “Are you sure they'd come back here?”, Jaemin asked Haechan, who came up with the idea. “They're probably just taking their sweet ass time.”, Haechan said, earning a scoff from Chenle. “Or maybe you're just a dumbass. I'd believe it.”, Chenle said with a scowl. To be honest, Chenle was quite worried for Zoey, but he tried not to show it.

“Bitch, you did not-”, “OKAY! Can we get our priorities straight?”, Jaemin sighed. Why did I stick with them?, he thought. “Right. Reuniting or some shit.”, Chenle sighed, sitting down on the ground, as Jaemin groaned in frustration. “Lazy asses, GET UP! We have to find them as soon as possible!”.

“Chill, man. They're adults and can handle themselves.”, Chenle said, shaking his head, but it only seemed to fuel Jaemin's anger. “Jisung is eighteen! Zoey is Nineteen and so are you!! Adults my ass! Be serious for once!”, Jaemin yelled at him. “Your attitude is starting to really stink, yknow.”, “I can say the same for you, Jaemin.”.

Haechan gasped dramatically as Chenle "forgot" to use honorifics. “Excuse me?”, Jaemin raised a brow, challenging the younger one. “You heard me. Ever since we entered the game, you've been a dick! I admit that I have been too, but you are always the nice one!”, “What happened to you?”.

“I.. I don't know! I just, I'm worried.”, Jaemin ran his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes to help console his anger. “What if something happened? I saw it, Zoey was badly injured...”, it grew quiet as Chenle's eyes softened at the sight of Jaemin's tearing up.

“You're catching feelings, Jaem.”, both boys turned to look at Haechan, questioning. “What?”, Jaemin furrowed his brows as Haechan scratched the back of his head. “I'm not the only one, right? Who has feelings for Zoey.”.

Silence engulfed them once more as Chenle cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact. “W-what makes you think that?”, Haechan smirked. “Okay, Chenle does as well. What about you, Jaem?”, he asked, waiting for an answer. “Fine, I do. And I'm sure Renjun and Jeno do as well. Renjun never risks his life for anyone, not even us, but he did it for her.”, Haechan nodded, sighing.

“Mark does too.”, Chenle blurted out. “He cradled her after Renjun got shot. He spoke so softly, I was amazed.”, Chenle chuckled softly. “Damn, we all like her.”, Haechan shook his head in disbelief. “Does Jisung?”, Jaemin asked, earning a laugh from Haechan. “Surely, not. Right?”.

No one said anything, as Jaemin sighed. “Love makes you go crazy.”, he said. “Yeah, you're the prime example.”, Chenle complained as Jaemin rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”.

Haechan laughed at the two, before his smile turned into a frown. “Wait, shut up! I hear something...”, he said, as the other two stop immediately. Listening intently, Haechan hears a rustle in the bushes behind them, as he quickly takes his gun out, shooting in that direction. Haechan smirked as a groan was heard. He shot someone. Suddenly, a whole group of people emerged from the bushes, ready to attack.

“Cypher....”, Jaemin glared at them. Without saying anything else, the fight began. Chenle grabbed the gun out of his pocket, aiming it at another enemy, before shooting their left arm. They let out a piercing scream, as Chenle smirked. “What a crybaby.”.

Jaemin then approached one of them, picking a fight. Jaemin loved the thrill of one on one fights, that's why he preferred close combat. Dodging the other man's hopeless attacks, Jaemin swiftly swung his blade, slitting the man's throat.

Jaemin was about to move onto his next target, until he groaned, feeling a sharp pain in his stomach. Looking down in horror, he coughed, blood spilling out. “JAEMIN!!!”, Haechan screamed for him, seeing as his body dropped to the ground. He was shot down by an arrow.

Haechan made his way towards Jaemin, but was abruptly stopped by a wack on his head, leaving him unconscious. Chenle was surrounded by the members of Cypher, the only one left standing. Glancing over at his two nearly lifeless friends, he felt lost for the first time in his career.

I guess this is the end, Chenle thought.

But, to his surprise, a loud gunshot from nearby had grabbed their attention. Looking up, Chenle smiled widely, a sense of relief making it's way to his face. “Mark hyung!!!”.

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