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დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

Taking one step at a time, Zoey used all her strength to carry Jeno down the back parts of the main street. She knew she had to take him somewhere safe, but the Capital was a maze, a maze with many obstacles.

"Zoey... stop...", "Hm?", Zoey came to a halt, slowly turning her head to stare at Jeno's pale figure. "J-just leave me...".

She furrowed her brows, disliking the idea. Jeno closed his eyes, a huge wave of pain shooting up his leg. "I... I c-can't walk... anymore.", Zoey let out a short breath, giving Jeno a reassuring squeeze on his left hand. "I'll find somewhere safe, okay?! J-just hold on.".

Jeno groaned in pain as Zoey continued to drag her feet down the street, the heavy weight of Jeno's body slowing her movements. "Zoey, please....", he mumbled to her, feeling as if he was a burden to her. "No! I'm not leaving you!", "Never!".

Jeno let out a long sigh, sensing her will to keep going and her stubbornness that kept her from leaving him there. But, regardless of his words, he was glad she didn't abandon him, that action would have hurt him worse than the pain he was feeling in his leg.

A stab wound to the heart, the feeling of heartbreak.

Jeno stared up at the empty street, his brain on overdrive. Stopping for a second, Zoey adjusted her hold on Jeno as he suddenly straightened his legs out. "Two streets down... left turn...".

Zoey furrowed her brows, her attention now lingering on his tired features. "What?", "Taeil hyung's house... his wife is a medic...", "Two streets down... take a left. It's the... the first house.".

Jeno made a pained expression as he pulled his body up, taking himself off of Zoey who he had been leaning on for quite some time. "It's not too far... I'll walk the rest of... the way.".

Zoey shook her head repeatedly, trying to pull Jeno back towards her, but he wouldn't budge. She sighed, finally giving in, as she looked down the streets, trying to memorize the directions. "Two streets down... take a left... first house.", she said to herself, her actions making Jeno smile.

This was exactly why he admired her so much, her determination.

Sucking up the pain, Jeno walked alongside her, her worried eyes never leaving him as she watched him carefully, readying herself to help him if he couldn't walk any longer.

Much to her surprise, they made it to Taeil's house without much of a problem. Zoey grabbed onto Jeno's arm, helping him up the steps before she brought her hand up to lightly knock on the wooden door of the small town house.

A few seconds later, the door opened only a little, revealing the face of an older, gentle looking woman. Her eyes widened upon landing on Jeno's weak figure, immediately rushing out of her house, eyes scanning his body for any injuries. "Jeno, what happened?!".

Zoey cleared her voice, earning the woman's attention. "He got shot...", Zoey said, the woman immediately coaxing them inside her house.

Slowly, they entered the small town house that felt welcoming despite the location in the middle of the extravagant and strict ruling Capitol.

"Place him down on the bed, I'll be right back.", the woman said as Zoey followed her orders, gently setting Jeno down on the extra bed in the guest room. “Her name is Juri, Taeil's wife.”, Jeno said, earning a nod from Zoey.

Jeno winced in pain as Zoey lightly grazed her finger on his bandage.

"I'm sorry....", her voice was soft and barely audible, making the boy shift his body to face her's. "What are you sorry for?", he looked over her face with worry in his eyes upon seeing her teary ones. "This is all my fault... I should have payed more attention... I'm sorry.", she apologized, looking down.

Jeno's expression softened as he brought his hand out to hold onto her's. "Don't ever blame yourself... things happen. I'm just glad that you weren't the one who got hurt...", Jeno spoke softly, his eyes finally locking with her's.

Zoey gave him a soft smile as he returned it with his signature eye-smile. “I'll be fine. I've been through worse.”, he reassured, making her feel slightly better.

All of a sudden, a light knock on the door had caught their attention.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to take a look at your wound.", Jeno nodded as Juri walked up to the bed, tools in her hands. Zoey stepped aside to watch from afar as the woman removed his bandages. "Did you treat this? The bullet is gone..".

Jeno shook his head before speaking up. "Jaemin did.", Juri nodded as she grabbed a piece of cloth before placing it in Jeno's mouth. "He actually did pretty well. I'll just stitch it up for you, okay? But no moving for a couple days.", Jeno frowned at the news.

"Aren't you aware that the rebellion started? I mean, Taeil surely told you, right?", Zoey said, making the woman sigh. "Yes, I am aware. And I am aware that his job is probably the most important in the whole rebellion.".

"His job?", Jeno asked, his ears catching on to something he hadn't heard before. "Oh, they didn't tell you?", she said, tilting her head at their confused figures. "What job?", Zoey questioned, making Juri shake her head. "They probably didn't tell you for a reason.", "You'll find out soon.".

With that, the she began to stitch together Jeno's leg as Zoey managed to sneak out undetected by the two of them. Her steps took her towards the front door, her hand grasping the doorknob. "I'll be back, Jeno.".

With a sudden surge of confidence, she stepped outside the house, her face wearing a serious expression, one of determination mixed in. Her fingers were brought to her earpiece as she had turned on the communicator.

"This is Flower, currently heading towards the government building. Puppy's safety is secured.", she said, despite knowing the fact that Jeno most likely heard it. It took a couple minutes for a response as she made her way down the street.

"This is Fox, we have managed to make it inside, be careful as you approach.", Zoey nodded. "Will do.".

With that, Zoey made her way towards the government building, avoiding the officers that were patrolling the area. Her heart was beating rapidly and she began to break out in a nervous sweat. Moving around the streets alone was something very dangerous for someone who was now labeled as an enemy to the government.

Finally, the government building came into sight as she carefully made her way inside. Upon entering, the chaos of the fight at hand only upped her nerves. She slowly inched her way forward as to not accidentally get caught in the crossfire.

"Well, look who we have here? The fierce little lion of Neo Zone. Did you really think you could kill me that easily?", her body immediately came to a halt at the sound of a familiar voice.

She began to shake as the anxiety began to push it's way in, engulfing her entire body. No... no, it can't be, she thought. I... I killed her..

The smirking figure made her way towards the girl, her gun pressing against Zoey's head. "Now, it's my turn to make your life a living hell.".

Zoey gulped, her eyes becoming teary at the near death situation she was now in. The girl had played dead to escape the arena alive, striking a deal with the government and earning the new status of the government's not so secret weapon.

Giselle, labrat #099.

დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ


But, if you are extremely confused, there was a tiny detail I didn't add when Zoey "killed" Giselle.

There was no cannon ;)

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