⌗ 28

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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

The air was tense, sullen expressions on each of their faces. Renjun dropped to his knees, bringing his hands up to cover his face, as he let out an agonizing scream. “Z-zoey...”.

Tears strickled down as the realization sank in. Zoey was now in the hands of the government. The others stood there, frozen. They tried to push their way towards her, but were inevitably stopped by their other members.

Haechan ran his fingers through his hair as Jisung balled his hand into a fist, sending a strike to the nearby wall. “FUCK!”, his interior was burning with rage, but his exterior was just as devastated as the others.

The reality they didn't want to admit..

Zoey was gone.

The room went severely silent, no one daring to say anything due to the seven boys who were in complete denial. That was, until they received their final order.

All units, phase one of the rebellion has been complete. Now you're all ordered to retreat. Phase two will commence in two days time.”.

Mark widened his eyes. “So we're just going to leave her here?!!”, Mark said angrily. “Taeyong hyung probably doesn't know what happened.”, Haechan said.

This is Pudu. Flower has been captured by the government. How should we proceed.”.

There was a lack of response for a minute, before an agrivating response sent them all bursting with rage.

You will not proceed. Evacuate immediately.”.

Jisung's head began to twitch, his eyes dilating and his body shaking. “To hell I will...”, he began. “NOT WITHOUT ZOEY!”, Jisung shouted. His feet carried him towards the double doors he watched the officers drag her through.

Renjun broke down in tears as Jaemin closed his eyes, a pained expression painted on his face. “Jisung, stop...”, Chenle mumbled out. “Let's go.”.

“So you're just going to give up on her?!! I thought you loved her!!! WE ALL DO!”, “FUCKING STOP!”.

Chenle glared up at Jisung, anger seething out. “We can't do anything about it! If we go after them, they'll kill us! We're outnumbered and injured! Get your fucking act together!”, “And who said we're giving up?! We'll come back, don't you worry!”, Chenle said.

“We need to gather our strength, Ji. You can't get her back without it.”, Haechan said calmly, his words barely getting through to the said boy. “You all are pathetic...”, “Jisung!”, “No! Neo Zone is a family! Zoey is our family! You can't just leave her!!”.

Jaemin's knuckles were turning white as he tried to contain his emotions. “We're leaving. That's final, Jisung.”.

Jisung turned to Jaemin and glared him down, his emotions taking over him. “And why should I listen to you?”.

That was it, Jaemin's breaking point. His steps carried him over to the younger boy, his arm swinging up, before landing a clean punch to his jaw. “Jaemin!”, Mark took steps towards them, but paused after a single tear left Jaemin's eye. “Jaemin....”.

“We're all grieving! Don't be selfish! You think I don't know how much Neo Zone values the members safety?! I should know that better than you!”, “I am not going to stand back and watch how a mere child throws his pathetic temper tantrums!”.

“I will not hesitate to beat some sense into you.”, Jaemin's eyes darkened as Jisung gulped, staring up at the older one. “I...”, he was at a loss for words. His anger had subsided as someone finally got through to him.

Jisung sighed, looking down at the ground he had stumbled to. He completely let go of his anger, sadness and grief now becoming the strongest emotions he felt at the moment.

Jisung broke down in tears as Jaemin crouched down, grabbing Jisung by the collar. “Get up, unless you want us all to keep viewing you as a pitiful child.”.

“Get up and face your fears. Grow stronger and get your revenge. Be a man, Jisung.”, Jaemin said as he pulled Jisung up to his feet, a stern look still held on his face. “Let's go.”.

Jaemin began to exit the building while dragging Jisung along as Mark approached Renjun who was still in shock. “Let's go, Ren.”.

Mark helped Renjun up as they all left the building, their next destination being Jeno's current location. However, Renjun didn't say a word, a wave of sudden yet familiar emotions taking over him.

He became occupied with his thoughts, his mind taking a dark turn once again.

It's happening again...

Another person I care for, another dangerous situation, another loved one... lost to the government.

I'm tired of it... tired of being too weak... tired of being unable to save them...

Yet, just like last time....

It's all my fault.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Zoey squinted her eyes, a sharp pain shooting up her leg as she groaned in pain. Her eyes shot open as she looked around the room. There were bars on one side, an iron door keeping her locked in the giant cell.

She hoisted herself up into a sitting position as she noticed the small cuts on her leg. “What...”, she began, but paused as she heard footsteps approach her. “Oh, look who's finally awake.”.

Her eyes widened at the sight of someone familiar. “Taeil....?”.

Her sight then landed on the man next to him, her eyes darkened at the sight of the man her and all of the lower class citizens hated the most.

President Sapphire.

The iron door was unlocked as the two men made their way inside the cell. “So you're Neo Zone's weakness?”, President Sapphire said, earning a glare from the girl. She then turned her gaze to Taeil, a look of betrayal evident to the both of them.

Taeil looked down, mouthing a sorry, which she did not accept. The roots of hatred were beginning to grow as two officers walked in, grabbing Zoey by the arms. “I suggest you answer all of our questions. There will be painful consequences if you don't.”, he said.

Zoey screamed and protested as the officers took her away, most likely to torture information out of her. She looked back for a split second, a look of guilt planted on Taeil's face.

I'll never forgive you Moon Taeil.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

This is getting spicy~

I hope you all are enjoying the story so far! <3

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