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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

With a sad smile on her lips, Zoey's eyes began to close, the deep feeling of regret and devastation taking over. Her life was far from perfect, but she loved it, that much was true.

The muffled sounds of screaming halted her as her eyes shot open upon the feeling of her body being shaken.

“Yah! Don't you dare leave me!”, the familiar voice spoke, her heartbeat quickening despite her condition.

She couldn't help it. After all, she liked him.

She smiled weakly, his worried eyes staring into hers. “Jisung ah...”.

“Oh god, this is bad....”, he narrowed his gaze at her arm, panic arising.

Zoey cried out in pain, her eyes threatening to close once more. “I-it hurts... I've lost... t-too much blood.”.

Jisung didn't know what to do, his thoughts running wild as tears trickled down the sides of her face.

“I... can't, Ji... j-just go.”, he shook his head. “No! That's not going to happen! Just stay with me, okay?! I-i'll get you help!”.

She slowly raised her other arm, bringing her hand to rest on his cheek. “I'm sorry...”.

Jisung closed his eyes, a sudden wave of emotions blinding his sight with the tears that threatened to fall.

“No... Noona, p-please...”, he grabbed ahold of her hand that was still placed on his cheek.
“Baby, please.... y-you can't leave me.. no, please.. please...”, his words broke her heart.

His body was shaking as he sobbed into her hand, the tears not wanting to stop. “J-jisung...”.

“No! You can't leave me! I... I need you! I-I can't live w-without you... please, Noona please...”, he begged her.

“I love you, please...”, she froze, not expecting the sudden confession.

He finally let down his walls, not afraid to show how vulnerable he could be as he poured out the emotions he'd been trying so hard to keep in his whole life.

She smiled softly despite the excruciating pain she was in, her body leaning forward to embrace the emotional boy. “You... l-love me?”, she asked, making sure his words were clear to her.

“Yes! I love you so god damn much... s-so don't leave me, I won't be able to move on... stay with me, p-please..”.

He dug his head into her shoulder, her hand that once rested on his cheek now running through his soft, dark colored locks. “Ji...”.

“I... love you too..”, she confessed, her words coming as a shock to him. “H-huh?”, he lifted his head, unsure if he heard her right.

She smiled softly at him, leaning her forehead to rest on his. “I said, I love you too.”, the warm feeling in her heart radiated off of her as Jisung knelt there, unsure of what to say.

His heart thumped out of his chest as the heat flushed his cheeks, the blinking of his eyes causing her to let out a small laugh. “Jisung...?”.

He cracked out a smile, bringing her closer into his embrace. “I can't believe it... seriously...”, “You aren't lying, right? I'd be heart broken if you were.”.

She lightly shook her head. “I wouldn't lie to you...”.

Jisung smiled widely, bringing his head up to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. “Thank you, Noona...”.

The heartwarming moment was cut short when Zoey hissed in pain, her hand reaching down to clasp her side.

The overwhelming feeling of the dizziness that took over brought concern to the boy's face. “Oh shit! Right, l-let's get you some help.”.

Jisung brought his arm up to wrap around her shoulders as the other snuck under her legs, using his strength to lift her up.

Zoey leaned into his chest, her head resting in the crook of his neck. “It's gonna be okay, baby. Just stay awake for me.”, he reassured, the warm feeling in her chest returning at the new nickname he gave her.

Jisung looked through the crowd, his eyes landing on Chenle who was already staring straight at them.

Jisung nodded his head towards the officers, his hands too occupied to use the earpiece. Chenle seemed to have gotten the hint as he informed the other guys.

They all made their way towards the two, creating a barrier around them, as they moved towards Taeil's house, protecting Jisung and Zoey from any oncoming bullets.

Before they knew it, they were stood right outside the door, Jisung rushing inside the house, grabbing Juri's attention. “Wha- Oh my! What happened?!!”.

Juri ushered the girl over to the extra bedroom as she ran around the house, gathering her supplies.

“She got shot and lost too much blood, she's fading quick. Hurry!”, he exclaimed, panic covering his usual nonchalant tone.

He gently placed her on the bed, his eyes glancing up to watch Juri race around the house for anything that could be of use.

Jisung then looked down, his eyes landing on the girl who's eyelids threatened to close. He widened his eyes, seeing as she finally gave in to the temptation.

“Noona, no!”, he crouched down in front of her, shaking her lightly by the shoulder. “No, stay awake! Baby, please!”, he tightened his grip on her shoulder, fear arising.

Juri made her way towards the girl, lightly pushing Jisung out of her way.

“Zoey! Can you hear me?!”, she asked, but got no response in return. Her head was tilted down, resting against her shoulder as her arms rested by her side, something in which she rarely does.

Tears brimmed Jisung's eyes as he watched Juri strip Zoey of her shirt, the white tank top she had underneath horrifyingly soaked with blood.

Juri grabbed her tweezers, beginning to remove the bullet as Zoey jolted awake in pain, a loud and agonizing scream leaving her lips.

Jisung grabbed ahold of her hand, giving it a light squeeze as he placed a gentle kiss along her temple. “Shh, it's okay. It won't take long, you can do this.”.

His words calmed her down, her teeth biting down on her bottom lip to suppress the emotions that she wanted to express through her vocal chords.

It hurts, it hurts so bad...

I can't take it anymore..! Please make it stop... I can't... just make it stop!

She shook her head, trying to get rid of her negative thoughts. She turned her head to glance over at Jisung, his gaze already fixated on her.

The two stared into each other's eyes, the soft gaze she got from him only making her eyes water.

Ji, it hurts...

It really hurts...

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Jisung as end game- 👌

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