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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

With a smack on her face, Zoey sprung up, eyes shooting open at the impact of the slap. “Yah! What the hell!”, she growled. “Good, you're not dead.”, Chenle said with a sneaky grin as she rolled her eyes.

“Thanks for checking.”, her sarcastic tone rang through the metal room as she saw the others already on their feet, groaning and grunting at the pain they were in.

Mark helped her stand up as she muttered a thank you before facing the door that was swung open with harsh force. Before she knew it, she was in a warm embrace, having her life squeezed out of her. “J-jae?”, she whispered to the older one, hearing light sniffles from him. “Thank god you're okay... I was worried sick.”.

Zoey felt herself break down at his words, deeply missing her older brother over the past few days. Her death grip on the sides of his shirt was proof enough just how much she missed him.

“I was so scared....”, she said, completely throwing away her strong demeanor she had put on while in the arena.

Even after everything, she was still just a kid, a kid who had experienced a near-death situation. She was terrified.

“It's all over now... there's nothing to be scared about...”, he softly rubbed his hand in circles around her back, trying to calm her down, as the other boys watched the two with unexplainable gazes. “Mark.”.

Their reunion was interrupted by a stern, dominant presence as Mark was confronted by the man. “Taeyong hyung.”, he lowly announced as Taeyong gripped his shoulder. “You've been given three days to rest and recover before the victory parade.”.

The others nodded as Taeyong turned to look at Zoey, his gaze softening in the slightest. “You did good.”, she gave him a small smile before he took something out of his pocket, making the others gasp. Zoey furrowed her brows in confusion as Jaehyun smiled brightly at her. “What is it?”.

Taeyong stretched his arm out, holding a white card in his hand. “Welcome to Neo Zone, Jung Zoey.”, Taeyong cracked a smile as Zoey grabbed the card from his hand. Bringing it up to her face so she could get a better look, she smiled widely at the contents on the card.

“Member ID...”.

[ 021, status; Elite || Neo Zone ]

“Thank you, Taeyong.”, he nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You deserve it. That was quite impressive what you did in the game. We are all glad to have you as a member of Neo Zone.”, Zoey didn't waste another second before engulfing Taeyong in a tight hug, taking the man by surprise.

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