⌗ 18

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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

His smirk slowly fading, Lucas stared down at Chenle, his jaw clenching at the younger one's bravery. “Is that so?”.

Scoffing, Lucas swiftly stretched his arm out, clutching onto Chenle's neck, before choking the boy. Alarmed at this, Renjun took a knife out of his pocket, throwing it at the two, before slightly grazing Lucas's arm.

Loosening his grip, Lucas threw Chenle to the ground, as the boy gasped for air. The labrat glared at Renjun before speaking. “You haven't changed at all. Still the weak boy who fell prey to my claws.”, Lucas said, glancing down at Chenle, holding no emotions.

Chenle clenched his fists, knowing the labrat was right. “Don't you assume things! Chenle is strong! He's ten times a better man than you'll ever be!”, Chenle's eyes sparkled at her words, looking over to admire her side profile. His lips curved into a smile at the girl, her small figure standing up to defend him.

“And who are you?”, Lucas scoffed, taking steps towards the girl. Without hesitation, the other boys surrounded her like a barrier, eyes glaring down at the labrat with looks that could kill. “Protective, I see. You must be someone dear to them...”, “All the more reason to kill you.”.

Despite the fear taking over her, Zoey pushed past Mark and Haechan who were closest to her, and situated her bow, aiming right at him. “I'm a member of Neo Zone, and the one that's going to kick your ass.”.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Meanwhile, a knock on the door could be heard from inside the office room. Letting out a groan, the man turned in his chair. “Come in.”, upon entry, the man furrowed his brows at the visitor. “Moon Taeil...”, “Mr. President.”.

The president hummed in amusement at the man's attitude. “What brings you here?”, he asked Taeil, eyes narrowing down at him. “Broadcast it.”, “What?”.

“Broadcast Punch.”.

“You do realize it's the last day of the event? Why should I? Do you want to see how your little friends loose their lives and broadcast it on television so the rest of the country can see it?”, the president questioned, raising a brow.

“Trust me, once the Capitol sees how your labrats beat members of the most strongest mafia group, they'll fear you even more.”, Taeil said, a smirk plastered on his face. “Oh?”, the president smirked as well, taking in the idea. “Why the sudden change of heart?  You're a member of Neo Zone yourself. Wouldn't you be betraying them?”.

“Don't you trust your advisor, sir?”, Taeil questioned, earning a chuckle from the president. “Fine. Broadcast it, show the whole country that defying me will come with a heavy price.”.

Smiling in satisfaction, Taeil turned on his heel, heading towards the door, before the president spoke up one last time. “I always knew you'd come to your senses, Taeil. Neo Zone has been pushing me to the limit for years. Glad you guys are finally obeying me willingly.”.

Walking out of the room, Taeil ran his fingers through his hair, gritting his teeth in pure rage. The door shut behind him as he scoffed. “You think you can control us? Think again...”.

“You all better come back alive... I didn't put my life on the line for nothing...”.

“This mission must succeed.”.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Releasing the arrow, Lucas dodged the feeble attack before lunging forward, using his enhanced strength to push Haechan down to the ground, damaging his already pained skull.

Haechan yelled out in pain as Lucas stretched his arm out to grab ahold of Zoey, his eyes glazed over with the intent to kill. Flinching back, her eyes widened at the sudden attack. “Get the hell away from her!!”, Mark swung his leg down, tripping Lucas in the process, as Lucas dropped to the ground.

Jeno took action, his sword stretched across Lucas's neck. “Surrender.”.

“That's not within our rulebook, Jeno.”, A different voice rang out as within seconds, Jeno's body was sent flying away from Lucas. “Did you really think it would be that easy?”, another voice sounded out. Mark glared at the one who sent Jeno flying, keeping his guard up, the labrat having a smirk plastered on his face.

Jeno widened his eyes at the two, his body struggling to stand back up after the harsh impact with the ground. Jeno scoffed, shaking his head at the two. “Jinyoung, Jackson... It's been a while.”.

“Jeno~ We missed you~”, Jackson said, smiling over at the younger boy. “Jeno, don't listen to them.”, Renjun said, glaring at the other labrats. “Oh, don't worry. He's always been like that. Talking out of his ass.”, Jeno scowled.

“How flattering, old friend.”, the others watched as Jackson's smug face turned into one that could kill, his eyes locked on something that fed his curiosity. Neo Zone's maknae.

“How interesting... that look in your eyes.”, Jackson commented, seeing Jisung's body twitch, his pupils dilating, and his hand clutching onto the axe in his possession. “You shouldn't be with these people... you have the potential to do great things, boy. You've fallen into the wrong hands.”, Jackson said, staring at the boy in amusement.

“I don't remember giving you the right to tell me who I can and cannot be with.”, Jisung said, his gaze sharpening. “And I most certainly have not fallen into the wrong hands.”, Jisung scoffed, a mad smile now present on his lips. “Your time is ticking. Better use that mouth of yours to take your last breathe. You get ten seconds.”.

Jackson laughed, even more amused at the young boy's nonsense. “Five seconds...”, Jisung spoke. Jackson glared at the boy, rolling his eyes, but all of a sudden, the announcements came on.

Jackson scoffed at the interruption. “What a nuisance—”, Jackson was cut off by the younger one's voice. “Your time is up.”, Jisung said. “Now die.”.

Special announcement; the final day is to be broadcasted throughout the entire nation. The broadcast will now begin. May the best team win.”.

Too distracted, Jackson didn't notice until it was too late. With an axe now imbedded into his skull, Jackson smiled for one last time, his eyes looking over at the younger one's. “You really are... i-interesting.”.

Jisung smirked, watching Jackson's body collapse to the ground and slip into a deep slumber. Jisung's eyes then averted up at the tree, a camera staring directly at the scene.

“Welcome to hell, Lupiz.”.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Oh, how the tables have turned~

I probably forgot to mention this in the prologue, but the country's name is Lupiz.

How is the story so far?

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