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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

The Capital was in a state of conflict, Haechan's message getting to them, causing the public opinion to switch in Neo Zone's favor, anything that would ensure their safety.

I mean, Neo Zone HAD managed to blow up the government building AND assassinate the president, their actions thus far proving them to be an unstoppable force.

Arriving at the outskirts of the Capital, the helicopter left as soon as Mark, Chenle and Zoey safely arrived. Mark held onto Zoey's hand, making sure to keep her close to him.

Confused, Zoey grabbed onto Chenle's hand, believing it was some tactic to not lose each other.

Chenle silently laughed to himself at Zoey's clueless behavior, he himself had immediately caught on to Mark's thought process.

Walking through the city under the starry night sky, their footsteps were silent and filled with caution, unsure of what they might encounter during their journey over to their destination.

After passing by many blocks, the trio finally arrived at Taeil's door step.

The reason for the family's safety within the Capitol was all thanks to Taeil's hard work in reassuring the remaining government officials that he was indeed on their side.

After a knock on the door, the door swung open revealing Taeil's wife, Juri. “Come in.”, she said, her eyes scanning the neighborhood for any suspicious movement.

The three of them stepped inside the house, their eyes immediately settling on the others.

“Looks like we all made it here safely.”, Taeil said, walking into the living room with a cup of tea in his hands. “Here.”, he handed the cup over to Renjun, earning a thanks in return.

“Feel free to make yourselves at home, we'll be proceeding first thing in the morning.”, they nodded, the three new arrivals taking a seat on one of the couches.

Zoey felt visibly uncomfortable with Taeil's presence, the sight going unnoticed by all except the man himself.

A sigh escaped his lips, his eyes landing on the girl who had her guard up for known reasons. “Zoey.”, he called, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

She looked up, slightly taken aback by his voice. “Y-yes?”, she blinked, gulping. “We need to talk.”.

Taeil turned on his heel, walking towards his private office as Zoey slowly stood up, unsure if she should follow him or not.

Juri gave her a reassuring smile, coaxing her to follow him in which she did. Taeil left the door open as to not spark any sort of doubt in her.

“What is it?”, she asked, her guard still not wavering. “I know that you hate me for not helping you the other day, but please understand that I was undercover. I couldn't blow it or I'd cost us the mission, and probably our lives.”, he explained.

Zoey sighed, crossing her arms around her chest. “I'm sorry for doubting you, I understand where you're coming from.”, she said, her words much to his appreciation.

“Thank you, I'm glad you understand.”.

“Neo Zone is a family, I would have saved you if I could.”, he said with a small smile, giving her a light pat on the shoulder. “Plus, those boys would have killed me if I just left you there.”.

Taeil laughed, shaking his head at the horrifying thought. Her laughter rang throughout the room, the tense air clearing up into a comfortable vibe.

“Speaking of which, do you like any of them? They're quite the young men, yknow.”, the older one wiggled his brows, earning an embarrassed expression in return.

“So you do?!”, he said with excitement, the evident blush on her face sparking his assumptions. “No! I... I haven't figured that out yet.”, “Oh...”.

Taeil frowned, clearly disappointed, but nevertheless, he was determined to help her make up her mind.

“Haven't you noticed the way they look at you? They all clearly have feelings for you.”, his words came to a shock to her. “Really?”, “Yeah!”, he nodded.

“Think about it, Zoey. Think back to the moments you spent with them. One surely lingered on your mind longer than the others.”, he said, making her think about it.

“Love doesn't always bloom from a spark. Sometimes sparks happen after you've already fallen in love. You have to look deeper inside, touch into the innermost feelings of certainty.”.

His words rang through her head, her mind still unable to come to a specific conclusion. “I just... I don't know.”, she sighed, feeling frustrated with herself.

“Okay, how about this. When you're around them, your heart feels like it's about to jump out, but at the same time, you feel an immense amount of comfort and protection, just by their presence alone.”.

His words caused her to freeze, her eyebrows furrowing. The description of a familiar feeling she felt, one she had looked past countless times.

Come to think of it, I've felt that way before, she thought.

“Does anyone come to mind?”, Taeil asked, his guidance leading her through the thought process.

Her heart skipped a beat, her thoughts lingering on a certain feeling she got whenever she was around them. More specifically, when she was around him.

“I think so...”, she responded to him, her lips parted in shock at how easy it was to find a conclusion with just a little push in the right direction.

Taeil's eyes lit up, a grin forming on his lips. “Really? That's great!”, he clapped his hands together, feeling proud of himself for helping her get to that conclusion.

“What do I do though? Does this mean I like him?”, she asked, still unsure about her feelings.

Taeil nodded his head, excited for her. “Yes! That's exactly how someone feels towards someone they like, romantically. I feel the same way around Juri.”.

Zoey's eyes slightly widened, a shy smile forming on her lips.

“Really...”, she looked down, fiddling with her fingers. Now, her thoughts wouldn't leave the memories of the interactions they both shared, her heart pounding with each flashback.

Taeil smirked, his mouth parting to say something, but was ultimately cut off by a loud voice from the kitchen.

“Honey! Dinner is ready!”, Juri announced, Taeil responding back to her. “Okay! We're coming!”.

He then turned to Zoey, waving his hand in front of her face as she came back to reality.

“Let's go, I'm sure you're hungry.”, he said, grabbing ahold of her shoulders and pushing her out the door.

Once their figures emerged from the office, the others were staring at them, confused. Zoey felt shy everytime her eyes would land on his figure, unsure of how she should approach her new discovery.

Renjun cleared his throat, bringing the attention to him. “I found something on the Anti Neo Zone organization.”, he announced as they all hovered around him.

“Their leader's name is Im Chang-kyun, President Sapphire's nephew.”.

“Along with the information on the members of this organization...”, he began, “I also found their hideout.”.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Help T-T

This is so cringe-

I tried to make it seem more natural, but I was panicking knowing I'm running out of ideas for this book 💀

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