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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

The hot rays of the sun, enlightening the two teens, as they packed up their stuff. “Do you think they'll be there?”, she asked, turning to the tall giant staring down at her. Jisung gave her a reassuring smile while shoving the last of their stuff into a small backpack.

“Oh, they'll be there. I'm certain.”, she hummed in response, gently pushing herself off the ground. Handing the backpack over to her, Jisung knelt down in front of her, back facing towards the now confused girl. “What are you doing?”, she asked, her eyebrows raising. “You can't walk, right? Now, get on my back.”.

Zoey stared at him for a second, before swinging the backpack around her shoulders, gently climbing onto Jisung's back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her legs. Pulling her further up on his back, Jisung began walking through the forest, leaving the small pond that held pleasant and terrifying memories.

Walking for what seemed like hours, the view of the hidden cave they once confined in brought a sense of relief to them. Upon landing her eyes on a certain figure, she smiled widely. “Haechan!!”.

Eyes sparkling, the said boy ran over to the two, followed by the rest of them, as Jisung slowly let Zoey slip off his back. “Where were you two?!”, “Are you okay?!!”, “We were worried about you!”, the six of them bombarded the two with a series of questions, annoying them. “One at a time.”.

An hour later, all eight of them we're sitting around the small fire they made to cook food. The six boys all stared at the two who were sitting fairly close to each other. “Since when were you two so close?”, Mark asked, slightly frowning at the scene.

“He saved me.”, “She comforted me.”, they both said at the same time, slowly looking up to lock eyes. Chenle gagged in the background, avoiding his eyes, as Zoey rolled hers. “It's not what it looks like. I'm just grateful.”.

As they all shared their stories after they separated, they found the day time begin to slowly turn into night time. No disturbances, no ambushes, just... peace. It was strange. Too strange...

After Jeno had changed her dressing, Zoey sat against the wall of the cave, letting out a soft sigh. “What are you sighing for? Still annoyed by my presence?”, she looked up, rolling her eyes at the boy. “Very much so, Haechan.”, he laughed, taking a seat next to her.

“How are you holding up? That must've hurt..”, he asked, his gaze fixated on her wounded thigh. Zoey let out a soft chuckle, closing her eyes. “It hurt like hell. But, I have surprisingly accepted things.”, “Accepted what?”, he raised a brow.

“My situation. There's no time to be scared, weak nor vulnerable. I have to keep a sharp eye and sharp mind. Only then will I succeed in at least not getting myself killed.”.

He slowly nodded, twisting his body a bit, before opening his arms wide. “I think you need a hug, flower.”, she smiled at him, gladly accepting the offer, as she dived into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his torso.

His embrace was warm and his scent was still fresh, as if they hadn't spent the past three days fighting to the death. He was like... “A giant teddy bear...”, she paused for a second, realizing she had said her thoughts out loud without thinking.

“What?”, the boy laughed as Zoey pulled away from his embrace, her cheeks burning red in embarrassment. “F-forget that!”, “But I can't~ that was way too adorable~”, Haechan had a wide grin on his face as Zoey smacked him in the arm, causing him to pout.

“But really, if that's how you see me, then I can continue to be a giant teddy bear. Just for you, though.”, he sent her a small wink, as her embarrassment turned into a grateful smile. “Thanks, my giant teddy bear~”.

Now it was Haechan's turn to be embarrassed, his hands covering his face in an attempt to hide the blush that crept onto his face. Zoey laughed, patting him gently on the head, before her movement came to a halt at the sight of Jeno's bloody arm.

She jolted up from her seat, her eyes widening, as Haechan also got a good glimpse at his arm. “Cypher is back.”.

Zoey stayed in the cave with a wounded Jaemin, as Haechan rushed out to help the others. It was already a blood bath. Two of the Cypher members layed down on the ground, lifeless, but that was the least of his concern. Further down, the sparkle in his eyes slowly disappeared at the sight of his best friend hitting the ground.


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