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დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

Sitting in silence, the three boys couldn't help but stare at the shivering girl, still wrapped in the blanket, as her head gently rested on Renjun's shoulder.

"What's your name?", the girl looked over at Jaemin, forgetting that these boys were complete strangers to her. "Z-zoey.", her voice came out as hoarse, as Jaemin slightly nodded his head.

"I'm Jaemin. The meathead over there is Jeno.", Jeno smiled up at Zoey, completely ignoring Jaemin's friendly insult. "The one you're cuddling with is Renjun.", Jaemin added, as Zoey turned to eye Renjun's tired face.

Renjun cleared his throat, staring down at her, before asking something the other boys were also curious about.

"So, why did we find you covered in a pile of snow?", he questioned, gaining a sigh from the girl. "I... got beat up.", she said, slightly rolling her sleeves up to reveal bruises on her arm.

"When you're a member of the lower class, the high class beats you up for fun. They don't accept you as part of society.", "I have no home, no family besides my brother who disappeared eight years ago. No place to go... such is the life of a low class citizen.".

Renjun looked down, feeling uneasy. "I understand that, completely.", Zoey raised a brow, wondering how he could possibly understand what she's going through.

"I was also born into the lower class. Up until six years ago, I called that shabby place home.", he let out a sad chuckle, as Zoey became quiet.

"I was sixteen... looking around for some food, I hadn't eaten a proper meal in days. And that's where he found me." Renjun began, as Zoey was curious. "Who?", a small smile made its way to his lips as he continued. "Kun hyung.".

"He saved me, brought me back to Headquarters, and nurtured me back to health.", "Later, I joined his company and now I'm living a great life, all thanks to him.", Zoey nodded, a small smile creeping up on her lips.

"My brother would always take care of me... he was the only family I had after our mother died from an illness. But, one day he didn't come home, little did I know he'd never come home.", she looked down, remembering her eleven year old self that had to go through such pain and agony. The boys looked down at her, once again, in pity.

"What was his name?", Jeno asked, wanting to know more. "Jaehyun. Jung Jaehyun. But, I called him Jae.", the room fell silent once more- Renjun giving her a tight squeeze on her shoulder. "What if I said... I might know where he is?", her head immediately snapped up to look at Renjun as her eyes widened. "What?".

Zoey was about to question him, before the car came to a sudden halt. "We've arrived.", the driver announced, as they all got out of the car. "Welcome to Neo Zone! It's huge, I know.”, Jaemin bragged with a sly smirk on his face, but Jeno annoyingly elbowed him in the side. “Jaem, go get her some clothes. She'll need to look presentable for Taeyong hyung.”

Jaemin scoffed, turning on his heel, before walking in the direction of the dorm area. “I'll draw her a bath.”, Renjun said, slowly following Jaemin from behind. “It's so warm...”, a warm smile followed after those words, as she felt a small pat on her head. “Life will be better for you. You'll never be cold again.”, Jeno reassured with his charming eye-smile.

Tears began to swell up in her eyes, as she let everything sink in. Her life was about to change for the better. Or, so she thought...

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