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დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

Zoey was shocked, his backstory being one she had never expected. "He met her later on in life. To his surprise, both his parents were living happily, together. He hated them both for leaving him, not wanting to take care of him.", Jaemin said.

"Both his parents joined the first rebellion five years ago, right before he joined Neo Zone. They were executed for rebelling against the government.".

"He says he hates them, but they were his parents. He was devastated to learn of their passing.".

"He never got the answers he was searching for. The reason they left him at the orphanage is still unknown to this day.", Jaemin said, shaking his head at the devastating past of their sunshine.

"He renamed himself Haechan as a reminder to think of things on the positive side as to not remind himself of his own suffering.".

Zoey looked down, not understanding why someone as amazing as Haechan could have lived such a pitiful life.

"That's so cruel...", Jaemin nodded in agreement. "It shocks me how his life is much more emotional than mine.", he blurted out, his words confusing her.

"What do you mean?", Zoey pushed for answers, wanting to understand their pain. Jaemin paused for a second before opening up to her.

"My parents are government officials.", he confessed.

Her eyes widened, not expecting that. "They never liked how I hated the class system. I would use my monthly allowance to buy food and supplies, handing it out to the first lower class people I saw.".

"They didn't know any other way to discipline me and so... I was physically abused when I was younger.".

Zoey's lips formed a thin line, a sudden wave of anger seeping in. "That's not okay...", Jaemin nodded.

"Once I learned that, I ran away. It took a couple days before I was found by Jungwoo hyung.".

Zoey nodded her head, understanding his painful past. "I've noticed something that we all have in common.", Jaemin raised a brow, staring at her. "And that is?".

"We've all had our painful experiences. Haechan and his parents, you and your parents, Jeno and being a labrat, Chenle and his sister, to Jisung and his family being murdered. I'm not sure of Mark or Renjun, but from what I know, we all have painful back stories.".

"I guess we can't help but attract people from the same situation as ourselves.", Jaemin chuckled sadly, knowing she was right.

"But it's such a relief now that we have each other. It gives you a sense of comfort.", she continued, her words stemming from her own feelings.

"I agree with that.", Jaemin responded, a comfortable silence engulfing them.

"Jaemin, Zoey! It's time to gear up.", Renjun announced, the two of them standing up, glancing at each other once more before making their way towards the others.

Zoey furrowed her brows at the sight of Haechan sitting down on a chair in front of a large screen.

"What's going on?", she asked Jeno, earning a shrug in return. "Tech shit?", Mark laughed at his words.

Taeyong ushered them behind him as Renjun turned the screen on before pressing a button. The screen portrayed Haechan's face, mirroring it, as a loud screech went off.

The sound reminding her of the robotic voice that followed after it.

Renjun nodded at Haechan, signalling him to start as Haechan cleared his throat, staring straight at the screen with a serious expression on his face.

"Citizens of Lupiz, this is Haechan, a member of Neo Zone.", he began, the situation now clear to most of them.

They were broadcasting a message to the entire country.

"It has been brought to our attention that some of you see us as rebels, people who are planning to destroy our country, but that is not true. We're here to free our country. Neo Zone believes that the class system is wrong and that the government is using this system to keep us in check, confine us within bars that prevent us from defying their orders.".

"Our target is not the people of Lupiz, but the government. We don't want to fight, but the Anti Neo Zone organization has left us with no choice. We're coming for you. I hope you're prepared to meet your demise.", Haechan smirked into the screen, his eyes holding a dangerous intent.

With that, Renjun ended the broadcast by turning the screen off, the others applauding Haechan for his fine work.

Haechan stood up, grabbing the pistol that Mark held out to him, placing it on his belt. "Alright, it's time to go.", Taeyong said, signalling the other nineteen members to prepare for departure.

"This is the final phase of our plan. Phase three : extermination.".

დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

Stepping onto the helicopter platform, Mark placed his headphones on, blocking the loud vibrations from the airborn vehicle.

Mark held his hand out, helping Zoey up onto the platform, followed by Chenle.

The three of them were leaving last, finding themselves being put in a unit for the finally phase of the mission.

Jeno, Jaemin and Jisung left first, followed by Haechan and Renjun until Mark, Chenle and Zoey were last.

The eight of them would be separately transported as to not grab too much attention to themselves, but their destination was the same. Taeil's house.

Situating themselves in the aircraft, the vehicle lifted off the ground, flying towards the direction of the capital.

The three of them were extremely nervous to say the least, Zoey's palms already beginning to sweat from the pressure she felt.

This is it, the final step to freedom. It is all or nothing from here on out, she thought.

The moment that would decide it all, the final showdown. But would it go exactly how they planned?

Only time could tell.

დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ


OMG I can't even believe it myself T-T

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