⌗ 33

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დ .•*""*• ★ •*""*•.★.•*""*• ★ •*""*•.დ

With her mind running rampid, her eyes finally landed on a familiar figure just down the hallway. “Haechan!!!”, she called out, making the said boy turn to look at her.

Haechan smiled seeing her figure approach, but it only lasted a second before his smile turned into a frown.

He saw the panicked and worried look on her face, making him worried too. “Flower, what's wrong?”, she stopped in front of him, taking a second to catch her breath. “In the training room... Jisung and Jaemin... fighting.”, she managed to let out.

Her words came to a shock to him, never expecting the two of them to get into a fight. Haechan nodded his head, rushing down the hallway with Zoey.

The two didn't realize it, but they had passed by Mark and Chenle who were heading down to the training room. The two exchanged a look with each other before rushing after them, all four of them arriving at the tense scene.

Zoey's lips formed a thin line, her thoughts all over the place. "You're being childish, Jisung.”, “And you're getting on my nerves!”.

Mark and Haechan ran over to the two, ripping Jisung off of Jaemin. “Jisung, stop!”, Jisung tried to break away from them, but stopped once his eyes landed on Zoey, her eyes teary and filled with a sense of confusion.

Chenle helped Jaemin up as Jaemin glared at Jisung. “This is exactly why she thinks you're just a kid, you're so fucking childish, Jisung! I already explained myself!”, Jisung managed to slip out of their embrace, landing a good punch on Jaemin's face.

“Shut the fuck up, you don't know anything!!!”, Haechan wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist, pulling him back.

“Grow up, Park Jisung! Grow the fuck up! Look around you, each and every one of us is tired of your short ass temper! I shouldn't even have to explain myself, it was never any of your business!”.

“Jaemin, stop! You're provoking him!”, Mark yelled at Jaemin, sending a warning glare his way. Chenle pulled Zoey away from the fight, shielding her from possibly getting harmed.

“Try keeping your hands off of her, then! Don't you know what consent is?!! What in the hell made you think it was okay to try and take advantage of her like that!”, Jisung fired back, switching the attention on him.

“What?”, Mark furrowed his brows, Jisung's words sinking in. “Did you do something to Zoey, Jaem?”, Mark's gaze was deadly, his eyes piercing into Jaemin's. Jaemin shook his head, denying the allegations. “We were just training!”.

Jisung scoffed. “I saw what I saw, Na Jaemin!”, Jaemin groaned in frustration. “Then you're blind! You're just jealous that you weren't the one training with her.”.

Haechan was starting to lose his sanity at their pointless argueing. “Flower, what happened.”, Haechan asked, gaining her attention.

She bit the bottom of her lip, thinking about what to say. “Jaemin's right... nothing happened.”, she said, a smirk making its way to Jaemin's lips.

“See! I told you!”, “But!”, the room went silent as Zoey continued. “This never would have escalated if Jaemin didn't provoke Jisung.”, Jisung nodded, glaring at Jaemin.

“Maybe if you would have just listened to me, I wouldn't have had to push it.”, Jaemin sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “I was just being honest. The truth hurts sometimes.”.

Jisung rolled his eyes. “You were assuming that I was jealous of you!”, “And you were accusing me of putting my hands on her! We were training, Jisung! Training!”.

The two were breathing heavily, their bodies exhausted from the sparked argument their pride wouldn't let them back down from. “This is ridiculous.”.

Mark shook his head. “Jisung, apologize for accusing him.”, Mark said, Jisung scoffing in disbelief. “Hyung!”, Mark glared at the younger one, shutting him up almost immediately. “And Jaemin, apologize for provoking him and giving assumptions without context.”.

Jisung smirked mockingly at Jaemin, agitating him. “I'm not apologizing.”.

Jisung frowned. “I won't apologize until he apologizes to me.”.

Chenle groaned in frustration, wanting to say something, but stopped himself as Zoey walked past him, approaching Jaemin. “Apologize.”.

Jaemin stared into her eyes, looking for a hint that she was joking, but the look in her eyes was dead serious. “Seriously? No way.”.

Zoey's hands started to form fists, her emotions taking over. “Just apologize! It doesn't matter who did it first, you're both at fault here!”, “Now be the bigger person and fucking apologize!”, she practically screamed at him, taking him by surprise.

“You're stressing me out! You're fighting because of me and it's making me go insane!”, “Please, just... apologize.”.

Jaemin's eyes softened seeing her teary ones. With one last sigh, his gaze turned to Jisung.

Jisung stared at him, causing Jaemin to clear his throat due to the tense air surrounding them.

“Jisung, I'm sorry for accusing you of being jealous of me and... provoking you.”, he said, giving Jisung a small nod. He didn't want to fight, but the feelings he was hiding till then had spilled out, using this as the perfect opportunity to vent his anger.

Jisung sighed, his blazing anger dying down, as he finally realized how pointless their argument was. Haechan slowly let go of Jisung, backing away from his grip.

“I'm also sorry for accusing you of putting your hands on Noona..”, “I should have stopped and listened to your explanation..”, Mark nodded, satisfied with their apologies.

“Now, hug it out.”, Chenle said, the two boys looking at him like he was crazy.

“Hell no!”, they said simultaneously, a laugh escaping Haechan's lips afterwards. Chenle, Mark and Haechan seemed to have significantly calmed down after the two apologized to each other.

However, Zoey was still on edge. Her mind kept going back to the fact that they were indeed fighting over her.

She couldn't help but think of what the future holds. Are their feelings going to ruin our friendship?, she thought, will they fight when I figure my feelings out?

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

That was so pointless T-T

But at the same time, she finally found out that at least two of them like her lol

What're y'all thinking? You could probably notice the lack of motivation in this chapter 🔫

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