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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Taken aback by his words, Zoey shook her head with a soft smile on her face. “Right, I'm sorry.”, Jisung pouted. “I'm being serious, Noona! I'm really not a kid!”, he said, standing up to grab a blanket from out of the crate before gently wrapping it around her shoulders. “Let me take care of you.”.

Blush crept up to her face, as Zoey cleared her throat, avoiding eye-contact with him. She was beginning to see him in a new light. “Shouldn't I be the one caring for you? I'm older you know?”, he shook his head. “Age is just a number, Noona.”, Zoey frowned as Jisung took a seat next to her.

There's really no stopping this boy, she thought.

Letting out a sigh, she suddenly felt a breeze, making her shiver despite the giant blanket wrapped around her. “It's cold...”, she mumbled to herself, glancing over at Jisung who was also shivering. The sun went down as the moon arised. Zoey turned to look over at Jisung. “Ji, can you go collect some firewood?”, Jisung slowly nodded. “I can, but what if those guys come back while I'm gone?”.

She gently smiled at him, patting him on the head, as his body tensed. “I'll be fine. I can take them!”, Jisung smiled at her, adoringly, before giving in to her request. “Alright then, I'll be back.”.

Jisung left to gather firewood, as Zoey looked down at her leg, hissing in pain. “It's getting bad...”, she sighed, staring up at the sky. “Mom... are you watching over me? I miss you.... so much. I know you're proud of me, despite the situation I've gotten myself into. Regardless, I'll do my best to make sure I get out of here alive.”.

Trying her best to stand up, she leaned against the tree, holding it for support, as she took her shoes and socks off. Next, she slipped her shirt off, revealing the black sports bra she had underneath. Sliding down the tree, she sat back in the same spot, leaning against the tree once more.

Patiently waiting for him to come back, she smiled fondly at the boy who had just returned with a pile of sticks in hand. “Look what I got-”, he paused, staring over at her exposed upper-body.

“Ji?”, he gulped, looking anywhere but at her, as his face turned red. “W-what happened to your shirt?”, her eyes widened, realizing what he was hinting to. Quickly grabbing the blanket next to her, she wrapped it around herself. “It was wet. Wearing wet clothes can make you sick. Basic survival skills.”.

He slowly nodded, looking back up at her. “Then, I should probably do the same.”, Zoey nodded, looking away, as Jisung stripped himself of his shirt. “I'll start the fire, we should leave our shirts by it to dry them off.”, Jisung said, earning a hum in response.

Setting the firewood in place, he tried for a couple minutes, before eventually making a fire. “Noona, come closer to the fire. You'll get cold.”, nodding, Zoey stood up from the tree, using Jisung's shoulder as support, before she limped over to the fire, taking a seat in front of it. “Thanks, Ji.”.

Sitting in a comfortable silence for what seemed like ages, Zoey finally decided to speak. “How... did you join Neo Zone?”, there was a pause, as if he ignored her question. Before she could ask again, he let out a sigh. “My parents were killed by the government. My brother joined them afterwards, plotting revenge on them, but he never got the chance to follow through with it. They killed him mercilessly.”, “I was left to fend for myself out on the streets. I would hunt wild animals for food. I had to build my own shelter, prepare my own meals. All I was left with was my father's axe.”.

Zoey sat quietly, listening to his story, as he chuckled sadly. “I got so good at axe throwing, it became my one and only joy in life. But, one day, my whereabouts were given away by some stall owner. The government came after me. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly lost all control of myself. I brutally murdered them without a second thought. I became a monster...”, “But, Taeyong hyung didn't seem to see it that way.”.

“In his eyes, I was lonely, love deprived, only trying to survive with what little skill I had. He offered me a place on the Elites, saying I have what it takes. He gave me a second chance.”, Jisung's eyes began to water.

“Ji....”, she leaned on his shoulder, gently rubbing his back in an attempt to comfort him. Jisung wrapped his arms around her waist, burrying his face into the crook of her neck, as he sobbed.

The sudden action caused her heart to beat at an abnormal rate. Regardless, she gently ran her fingers through his hair in an attempt to comfort him.

“I'm sorry you had to go through that. No one deserves such cruelty...”, “Though, now you have a new family, Neo Zone.”, she warmly smiled at him, cupping his face in her hands before softly making him look into her eyes. “I'm here for you, Ji. The boys are here for you. There's nothing to worry about now.”, she gently wiped away his tears, gaining a soft smile in return.

“Thank you, Noona. I'm truly happy now...”, he said with a smile. The two continued to talk throughout the night. Though, at some point, the two slowly drifted to sleep, ending the second day of the game.

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