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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

A week had nearly passed. Zoey found herself in the training room, her thoughts dawning on her. Where do my feelings lie?, she thought.

Unsure of how to approach her feelings, she drew her bow back, aiming at the wooden target in front of her.

Biting her bottom lip in concentration, she released the arrow, it's metal tip sinking into the bullseye.

She retracted the bow, taking a deep breath, until a loud round of applause caught her attention.

Spinning herself around, her eyes landed on the proud smirk plastered on Jaemin's face.

“You've gotten a lot better.”, he said, his hands finding their way into his pockets. Zoey gave him a small smile, placing her bow down on its original spot. “What's up?”.

Zoey cocked a brow, knowing he wasn't there to just watch her train. He shrugged his shoulders, taking steps forward.

“I got bored, so I came to train.”, she slowly nodded, moving onto the training mat. “Care to spar, Jaem?”.

Jaemin scoffed a laugh, a grin making its way to his lips. “Always.”.

Jaemin made his way towards the mat, the two of them wrapping cloth around their hands for protection.

Zoey brought her hand to her neck, massaging it as Jaemin stretched his legs. “Yknow, this reminds me...”, he started, a smile creeping up on his lips.

“That one time I beat you-”, “Please proceed with caution.”, she cut him off, sending a glare his way. He stifled a laugh, scoffing in disbelief. “Damn, okay. Yes, your majesty.”.

Zoey nodded, a satisfied smirk lingering on her lips. “I won't let my guard down this time.”, Jaemin nodded. “Neither will I, princess.”.

The two got into a fighting stance, the sudden competitiveness leaving a sense of determination in their eyes.

Jaemin made the first move, his leg swinging up towards her shoulder. Zoey brought her arms up, blocking the attack.

Jaemin was on the offensive side while Zoey was on the defensive side. The two stared at each other, waiting for each other to make the next move.

Zoey lunged forward, her leg sweeping under his feet, causing him to stumble back. Zoey took this chance to get on top of him, bringing her arm to his neck.

Jaemin, being physically stronger, grabbed her arm, flipping her over so that he was now on top of her.

His body towered over her, his piercing gaze making her legs go numb. “Look how the tables have turned.”, Zoey scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Jaemin brought his face closer to hers, his hands firmly keeping hers in place. Zoey gulped, a sudden wave of nervousness engulfing her as Jaemin leaned in, his head tilting to the side.

“J-jaem-”, she held her breath in, his lips only a few inches from hers.

“Why? Do I make you nervous? Does your heart flutter now that we're this close?”, her eyebrows furrowed, taken aback by his words. “Jaemin... y-you're too close...”.

Jaemin stayed silent, only gazing into her eyes. His eyes softened as he stared at her, lovingly. “You have no idea, do you? Just how amazing you make me feel? I crave it... everyday.”, he started.

His face dipped down, coming into contact with the crook of her neck as he closed his eyes, taking in her alluring scent.

“I want to be near you, always. I hate it when you cry... and when you shake in fear. I hate when you're in pain, I always want to take it away from you so you don't suffer anymore.”.

Zoey kept quiet, listening to his every word. A feeling sparked inside of her, one that was causing her heart to waver. “Jaemin...”.

He lifted his head, now locking eyes with hers. She averted her eyes, a light tint of pink making its way to her cheeks.

Jaemin smiled softly at this, his eyes then looking down, landing on her lips. It was tempting to him, he felt something switch inside him.

Jaemin's eyes glazed over with an emotion he had never felt before. The sudden urge to place his lips on hers. He wanted her.

Jaemin shut his eyes closed, trying to clear his mind, but was cut off by a loud bang, gaining the two's attention.

Zoey widened her eyes at the sight of the younger boy, his face painted red in anger and his eyes glazing over, a hint of sadness in his dark brown orbs.

“Jisung ah...”.

Jaemin pulled away, getting off of her as she immediately sat up, pushing herself off the ground. Jisung shook his head, his gaze landing on Jaemin.

He clenched his fists so hard to the point where his knuckles were turning white. His eyes sharpened as he stared Jaemin down.

“Jisung, it's not what it looks like.”, Jaemin said, trying to explain himself.

Jisung scoffed out a laugh, his eyes brimming with tears. “Dont lie to me, hyung...”, his face held a look of disbelief.

Jaemin sighed, his gaze hardening. “Jisung-”, “No!”.

Jisung took steps towards him, harshly grabbing ahold of Jaemin's collar. Zoey widened her eyes, making her way towards him. “Jisung, stop!”.

He snapped his head towards her, his angry glare piercing through her. “You picked Jaemin hyung?”, he scoffed.

“Of course you did. He's older and more mature, but you only ever saw me as a kid who was younger than you, didn't you.”, he said, a bittersweet tone in his voice.

Zoey shook her head, not knowing how to handle the situation. “I didn't pick anyone, Ji! What are you talking about?”, his grip on Jaemin's collar tightened.

Jaemin didn't say or do anything, he simply analyzed Jisung's expressions.

Jaemin still harbored feelings of annoyance towards Jisung due to his behavior after Zoey was captured.

Jaemin let out a sigh, finally engaging in the fight. “Why does it even matter what it looks like? It's none of your business either way.”.

Jisung gritted his teeth, his anger going through the roof. His body began to shake as his pupils dilated. “Why are you so... irritating! You can't just kiss someone without their consent!!”.

Jaemin scoffed. “Again, it's not what it looks like. You're just jealous, Jisung. Jealous that I might win her over before you ever had the chance to make her see you that way.”.

Jisung harshly pushed Jaemin to the ground, getting on top of him as he began to throw punches, Jaemin holding his arms up in defense. “Jisung!”.

Zoey's mind went blank, her brain working on overdrive. Not really knowing how to stop them, she left the training room, running around HQ for any of the other members.

Her mind went back to the harsh words they were spewing at each other. It all came back to her, their words finally sinking in as she couldn't believe what she had heard.

Does Jisung and Jaemin... have romantic feelings for me?, she thought.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Well, damn- things are getting heated!

Ngl- I don't think I have a team anymore- choosing one of them is too hard T-T

I know I've been playing with y'alls feelings for quite some time 🥶

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