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დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

The next morning, some of them had gotten up early to gather food and resources. By the time she woke up, she was left alone with Chenle's sleeping figure. “I wonder where they went..”, she mumbled to herself, stepping outside of the cave for some fresh air.

“They couldn't have gone very far...”, looking around, she took steps towards the forest, taking a walk into the unknown. The birds chirped and the wind blew the trees, making a whistling noise. It was so peaceful, yet so dangerous...

She closed her eyes, taking a second to breathe, before her nose scrunched and her eyebrows furrowed. She tuned into a certain sound, as her eyes shot open. There was rustling in the bushes nearby. “Who's there.”, feeling herself clutch the knife inside her pocket, she glared intensely at the spot where she heard the noises.

A soft chuckle emitted from behind the bushes, a small, but mocking voice being carried through the wind. “Darling, which group do you belong to?”, they asked, as Zoey could make out a female voice. There was only one other group with female members besides Neo Zone. BlackMamba.

Neo Zone. Why do you ask?”, a small gasp could be heard, followed by a giggle of amusement. “They allow female members in their Elites now? You must be very special then...”, suddenly, she emerged from behind the bushes, aiming a gun at Zoey's head.

She froze, finding herself in a bind. If she moved even an inch, the girl would shoot her. “Did you get lost? What a pity. I was hoping for some real competition.”, Zoey clenched her jaw, glaring at the girl who was mocking her.

“I hope you don't mind if I kill you. One shot in the head and it'll be over in an instant. Absolutely painless.”, “But if you somehow survive... that won't feel great.”, she chuckled, taking steps towards Zoey. This is the end, she thought.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.დ

Arriving back at the camp, Haechan smirked, looking down at the wild boar he caught. “We're gonna have a feast tonight!!”, Jeno chuckled, before noticing the other group closely behind them. “Did you find a stream?”, Mark shook his head with a sigh. “Nothing.”.

Groaning lightly, Chenle walked out of the cave, covering his eyes at the blinded sunlight. “What time is it?”, he asked, making Jisung scoff. “Does it look like we know either?”, Chenle rolled his eyes at his best friend. “Hey.”, Renjun suddenly said, looking around the camp. “Where's Zoey?”.

After frantically looking around and minutes of scolding Chenle, Renjun came to a realization. Zoey was missing.

“For fucks sake, Chenle, YOU HAD ONE JOB!!”, Jaemin was freaking out as Renjun bit the side of his lip, running his fingers through his hair. “She's nineteen, guys. She can take care of herself.”, Chenle argued, earning a cold stare from Mark. “She was your responsibility. After your lash out yesterday, I expected you to look back on your behavior and reflect on it! But now you can't even do something as simple as watching her?!”.

“Why are you acting like it's my fault?!!”, “Why is everyone always blaming things on me?!! Jaemin, you trained her! You should know what she's capable of!!”, Chenle said, feeling agrivated. “Her mindset it still weak, Chenle. She won't kill unless she absolutely has to. The other participants will take advantage of that.”, Renjun sighed, knowing Jaemin was right.

“I have a bad feeling about this...”, Renjun whispered to himself before he glanced over to the forest. “We can't keep argueing like this. We have to find her.”, Renjun said, before he bolted into the forest, hearing the others call out to him. The only thing running through his mind was the fact that Zoey might be in danger. His gut feelings were always right. She was in danger, he was completely certain of it.

დ .•*””*• ★ •*””*•.★.•*””*• ★ •*””*•.

“What's your name, darling?”, “I like to know the name of my victims. It helps me feel at ease.”, Zoey furrowed her brows, not understanding the girl's logic. Either way, she was as good as dead. “Jung Zoey.”, “And yours?”.

The girl smirked. “Giselle.”.

Giselle shifted her gaze to the gun in her hands, pulling the safety trigger. “Yknow, maybe we could've had a civil conversation if the circumstances were different.”, “But, I have to kill you now.”, her gaze sharpened as her finger rested on the trigger. “ZOEY!!!”, Zoey's head snapped in the direction of his voice as she felt tears swell up in her eyes. “Sorry, Jun...”.

A single tear fell down the side of her face as a loud noise vibrated throughout the forest, the noise doubling in volume thanks to the wind.

Giselle had pulled the trigger.

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