Chapter 22 Intercourse

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Author's note.

Who could Ronald, Valerie and William be talking about about? Who could William be talking about when he was talking to the mayor in chapter 20? When will Shadow Moth be appearing? The answer to all but one of these questions, soon. Also, for my Wattpad readers, I just got a cover page for this story done by AladarCaval. Check it out if you haven't. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 22


Time 'til Election Day: 4

Marinette was in her room, drawing in her sketchbook.

"What you drawing Marinette?" Asked Tiki.

"Final designs for one of my clients" answered Marinette.

Tom (Marinette's father) then knocked on her trapdoor.

"Marinette", said Tom. "There's someone here for you". Marinette went to their bakery and saw Ronald and William waiting for them.

"Oh, Mr. Bones", said Marinette. "Nice to see you".

"Likewise, Ms, uh", Ronald said confused. "Do you prefer, Dupain-Cheng or one or the other?".

"Dupain-Cheng please" said Sabine (Marinette's mother).

"Well, then", said Ronald. "I have a meeting in about 2 hours. So, my son thought he'd go around Paris. He was wondering if Marinette would like to join him".

"I would honestly love to" said Marinette.

"Cool", said William. "Then lead the way". Marinette then lead William into the streets of Paris.

"So, why did you come to Paris?" Asked Marinette.

"Mainly for my dad's work", answered William. "He sees an opportunity and he grabs it by the balls".

"A bit of a crude way to say it", said Marinette. "But, I can understand what you mean".

"I should hope so", said William. "Or else I made myself look like douchebag".

"Marinette, over here". Both William and Marinette looked to see a large man dressed up in a striped shirt by an ice cream stand.

"Oh, hi Andre" said Marinette. They then walked over to him.

"I see you have a new friend", said Andre. "Care to tell me who this young man is?".

"This is William Bones" said Marinette.

"Bones?", asked Andre. "Like, Ronald Bones?".

"Yep, he's my dad" answered William.

"Well, all I can say", said Ande. "Is that your dad definitely has my vote".

"Nice to know that my dad has your support", said William. "Who knows how many asses Andrea is trying to shove his fingers up".

"Well, would you two care for some ice cream?" Asked Andre.

"We certainly did come here for steak sandwiches" remarked William. Soon, they were ready. Yet strangely, William's ice cream looked like Marinette and Marinette's ice cream looked like William.

"Not my choice in flavours", said William before having a taste. "But can't argue with the results".

"He says that those who eat his ice cream can find true love" said Marinette.

"True love, huh?", asked William. "Haven't thought about that in a long time".

"Really?" Asked Andre.

"Never really saw the point of it", said William. "Is it worth being together even though one will pass away? Or is it worth being together to have children to pass one's teachings to". Both Andre and Marinette looked at each other before looking at William.

"Wow, that's, that's deep" said Marinette.

"True", said William. "But am I wrong?".

The rest of the day past uneventfully, eventually they arrived back at the Dupain-Cheng Patisserie. There, the Bones' limo was waiting for them.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow", said William as he got in the limo. "See you around, Mari". The limo then drove off and Mari was taken aback by the fact that he called her Mari.

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