A Hallow's Eve in Paris Chapter 5 Ball

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Author's note.

Bet you're wondering who that was at the end of the last chapter, huh? But, I won't tell, because revealing spoilers would be rather grim. Now then, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

A Hallow's eve in Paris Chapter 5


William groaned as he sat in class. Why? Lila was back. She had gotten the cast off her finger and was back to lying. Alya also returned, and she was none to happy about William revealing things to her mother.

Eventually, classes were over, and William was heading home. While he was waiting for his limo, Marinette, Adrian, Nathaniel, Sabrina, Nino and Zoe came up to him.

"You guys ready for the Black, Purple and Orange Halloween Ball tonight?" Asked William.

"Wait, it's tonight?", asked Nino. "I thought it was on Halloween night?".

"No, that would complicate things too much", answered William. "Besides, people want to trick or treat on Halloween, right?".

"So, I can go?" Asked Nino. William then tapped his phone and a message showed up on Nino's phone.

"Hell yeah!" Cheered Nino.

"So?", asked Nathaniel. "Is this a costume ball or-".

"It's a halloween ball", answered William. "You can come either in costume or in a halloween themed outfit".

"Phew", said Nathaniel. "For a second, I thought I might have to go costume shopping".

"The party is for all ages", said Nathaniel. "So, there will be no alcohol and you will be searched at the entrance".

"So, when do we get our invites?". William groaned and saw that Lila and her sheep were there.

"You won't" answered William.

"Why not?" Asked Kim.

"Because I said so", answered William. "That and you lot aren't exactly in my dad's good books right now. Especially you, Bunny Bitch, Tabloid and Sausage Hair".

"It wouldn't have happened if you were nicer to us, especially Lila" said Alya.

"Oh, fuck off", said William. "It wouldn't help you to look up evidence every once in a while. Don't like it? Then piss off". William's limo then arrived.

"And anyone who DOESN'T have an invite", said William as she entered his family's limo. "Will be escorted off the property. If you even have the tiniest of brains in those heads of yours, you'll stay away". He slammed the door and the limo drove off.

"What about you, Adriboo?", asked Lila trying to cuddle up to him. "Could I be your plus o-". Adrian then shoved her away.

"Obey the 5 foot rule" said Adrian. His limo then arrived. He got into it and then left. Lila only growled at this.

Palacio De Oro.

William just stood from the top floors and watched the staff members putting up the decorations for the ball.

"This is gonna be, wicked" William said to himself. He then went to his room and found his suit.

"Did your dad really get you this for Halloween?" Asked Scul.

"He didn't get me it Christmas", said William. "That's for sure".

Later that night, William's family limo outside Marinette's home.

"Marinette, William's here!" Called Sabine.

"I'm coming". Marinette then came down wearing a black, purple and orange dress, nail polish and lipstick.

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