A Hallows Eve in Paris Chapter 2 Were-Rabbit

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Author's note.

Well, that's one part down, now here comes the next one. Hopefully we can make a few ghostbusters references in this mini series. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

A Hallows eve in Paris

Chapter 2


Palacio de Oro.

"So, are we gonna get those artefacts?" Asked Scul.

"Don't worry, we will", answered William. "But, are you sure they're the real ones?".

"I can sense their magic", answered Scul. "Those are real, and we ARE gonna take them back".

The Louvre.

People were walking around the museum. But, what caught them the most, was the new exhibit about the Wendigo artefacts. And guess who was there?

"It sure was nice of you to allow us in, Alix" said Rose.

"Yeah, heheh, guess he wants to share these with all of Paris" said Alix.

"You think the Wendigo might come for these?" Asked Mylene.

"Oh, please", said Lila. "If he hasn't taken them when they were being unloaded, what makes you thi-".

"Whoa look!". Everybody looked to see The Wendigo coming towards the exhibit, some were either scared or nervous. Alim saw this and ran over to him.

"Well, uh, h-hello there", he said nervously. "I guess you, uh, saw the news?".

"You mean that you have artefacts that belong to me?", The Wendigo asked. "I'm well aware and WILL be taking them back". He shoved Alim out of the way and walked towards the artefacts.

"At long last", The Wendigo said. "They are with in my grasp once again". He placed his claws on one of the glass cases. A hand then grabbed onto one of his wrists. He looked and saw Alix.

"They WERE yours", she said. "But now, they belong to the museum".

"They never did" said The Wendigo. The Quartz crystal in the case began to levitate.

"Whoa. Freaky" said Julika. The quartz began to spin 'round and ice covered the glass.

"Whoa" everyone said. The Wendigo then grabbed Alix, swung her and smashed the glass. He then picked up the the quartz and placed it inside his necklace. Red and blue energy flowed through him. He then punched away at the glass case containing the second skull. He then grabbed it.

"It's always good to keep a spare" said The Wendigo as the skull became part of his necklace. His eyes then fell on the last one, the tome.

"At long last", the Wendigo said. "I have it once more".

"Have what?" Asked Mylene nervously.

"The Tome of Malice" The Wendigo answered. The glass started to crack until.......BOOM! The glass splintered everywhere. The Wendigo then picked up the tome.

"After countless centuries", said the Wendigo. "It's finally mine again".

"Hey, you take those". Rose was now punching the Wendigo, but he didn't feel them.

"Not a healthy idea" said the Wendigo. He then swatted Rose away.

"Now, I'll take these next" said the Wendigo reaching for the shed Ogopogo skin.

"WAIT!". Alim ran towards the Wendigo.

"I know this isn't my place", said Alim. "But, could you at least leave THESE until the end of Halloween. I, I did promise the public some spooky stuff". The Wendigo then got into Alim's face.

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