Chapter 54 London Calling

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Author's note.

Well, it's time to get your travelling shoes and passports ready. Why? Because we're going to London. And things are gonna get freaky, creepy and all around strange. Also, if William and Matinette went to another country, what would you like it to be?:






Or any other country you can think of, let me know in a review/comment. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 54

London Calling

Marinette had just finished packing her suitcase.

"Marinette, this is so exciting" said Tiki.

"I know, right", said Marinette. "We're going to London, it's gonna be awesome". She then heard a knock at her trapdoor.

"Marinette, William's here" called her mother. Marinette walked out of the Bakery to see William waiting for her by his limo.

"You ready for this, Marinette?" Asked William.

"Very" answered Marinette. The two entered the limo, where Sabrina was as well, and the limo drove off.

"Hey, where's your dad?" Asked Marinette.

"He already left", answered William. "After all, I'm sure we can look after ourselves". They arrived at the station and headed towards the Eurostar.

"The star train's all well and good", said William. "But, the Eurostar is true class".

"Heh, if you say so" said Marinette.

"Attention passengers", said the loud speaker. "The next journey of the Eurostar bound for London departs in 15 minutes. All those with a ticket for the Eurostar, please make your way to the boarding area".

"That's out cue" said William. Soon, they were on the Eurostar and they headed off.

"Ah, this is the life" said William as he leaned back in his chair.

"Still can't believe your dad's okay with doing this" said Marinette.

"Me too", agreed Sabrina. "Even I'm surprised by this".

"You'd be surprised on how much I'm able to take care of myself" answered William.

"So, what do we do?" Asked Marinette.

"We kick back, relax, and hope Lila gets hit in the head with a saucepan" answered William.

"Why a saucepan?" Asked Sabrina.

"Because who uses a saucepan for anything else?" Answered William.

Francis Dupont.

Adrian had just arrived at school when Nino ran up to him.

"Hey, dude", said Nino. "Do you know where William, Marinette and Sabrina are?".

"They've gone to London with William's father for a business trip", answered Nino. "They decided to make it a holiday for them".

"Whoa, sick", said Nino. "Oh, haven't you heard the news about what's going on in London?".

"No, I haven't", answered Adrian scratching his head. "What's going on there?".

"Apparently, there's this crazy, creepy weirdo clad in black", answered Nino. "They said to wear a Black Plague doctor's mask and hunts down criminals, even killing them. Those who survive, only say one thing".

"What's that?" Asked Adrian.

"Night Raven" answered Nino.


The Eurostar had just arrived at the station. William, Marinette and Sabrina then walked out of the train.

"*deep sniff* AH, smell that London air" said William.

"It smells like smoking and fish" said Sabrina. They then saw a shofar holding a sign with the Bones' name on it.

"Oh, there's our ride" said William. They got in the Limo and drove off.

"So, what hotel are we staying in?" Asked Marinette.

"Only the best" answered William.

"The best?" Asked Sabrina. William smirked as he pointed out of the window and saw that he was pointing to their destination; The King's Court.

"THAT'S where we're staying?" Asked Sabrina excitedly.

"Yep, it's one of the fanciest hotels in London", said William. "Right up there with Shangri-La". The limo soon stopped and they got out.

"Does your dad own this one too?" Asked Marinette.

"That he does", answered William. "Hehehe, it's good to be rich sometimes". When they made it up to their rooms, they gasped at how lavish it was.

"These are first class suites?" Asked Marinette.

"Yeah, but this one is mine", answered William. "Yours is next door and Sabrina's is after".

"Oh hell yeah" said Sabrina and Marinette as they went to their rooms.

In Marinette's room.

"Woo hoo, this is awesome", cheered Marinette. "Even Chloe couldn't get this".

"Calm down, Marinette", said Tiki. "I know you're excited, but I don't think the employees would appreciate your, over enthusiasm". Marinette blushed.

"Oh, uh, sorry" said Marinette. But, from the Tower of London, a figure clad in black with a plague doctor's mask stared at The King's court.

"So, it continues", they said to them-self. "The anguish, the fight, the war. But, who the victor is, will be decided. But by who? Fate? Chance? Or perhaps their own will?".

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