A Hallow's Eve in Paris Chapter 6 Fear Monger

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Author's note.

I know Halloween's over, but, life got in the way. We got 2 more chapter before the arc finale. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

A Hallow's eve in Paris Chapter 6

Fear Monger

William just sat in the school's courtyard, playing on his phone.

"*sigh* Well, best head off to class" he said to himself. He made it to Madam Bustier's classroom, but, he wasn't expecting to find what he did when he opened the door. Lila was crying crocodile tears with Kim on the floor while Nathaniel stomped on Kim's crotch and Sabrina and Nino were trying to pry Alya off Marinette.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" Shouted William. With his voice being so loud, everyone just stoped and stared at him. He then slammed the door shut.

"There better be a good reason why my friend is on the floor while you were trying to attack her" said William.

"You friend sent threatening text message to Lila" said Alya getting in his face.

"Hmm, yeah", said William. "I bet she blew XY too".

"Did you not just hear what I said?!" Shouted Alya.

"I do, I just believe it" answered William. Alya walked over to Lila, took her phone and handed it to William.

"Marinette, is your phone on?" Asked William. Marinette then showed that it was. William then pressed the call button and nothing happened.

"Oh, look at that", said William mockingly. "She's innocent".

"She probably used a burner phone" said Alya.

"Dumbass" muttered Marinette.

"What did you say?!" Shouted Alya.

"Nothing for you" answered Marinette. Alya went to slap Marinette when something grabbed her wrist.

"Keep your pencil necked fingers off my friend" growled William. Alya then pulled her hand out of his grip and then went to slap him, but-.


Alya soon found herself on the floor, holding a reddened cheek. William had slapped her, and hard.

"You'd hit a girl?" Asked Lila.

"I thought women wanted to be treated equally as men?", asked William with a toothy smirk. "Or to translate it, equal treating, equal beating". Ivan went to attack him, but Alix tripped him. William then walked over to Alya and picked her up by the hair.

"Now, listen here Four-eyes", said William. "You do this again, you're gonna regret it. Like how I'm pretty sure Ladybug regrets giving you the Fox Miraculous". He then tossed Alya back to the floor.

Later, William was back at the resort when he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in" he said. The door then opened and Luka entered.

"Oh, hi Luka" said William.

"Hello William" said Luka. William could tell that something was off.

"Something the matter?", asked William. "You sound as though you had to kill someone".

"It's Julika" answered Luka.

"What's her deal?" Asked William, almost growling.

"Mom's thinking of putting her in therapy" answered Luka.

"About fucking time", said William. "Is there anything else?".

"I, kinda, cut her off" answered Luka.

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