Chapter 24 Secret Spook

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Author's note.

Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, what could William have talked Max into making? We'll just have to see. But don't worry, it's nothing bad. Well, nothing bad for Ladybug and Chat Noir that is. Also, I forgot to put a chapter between this one and 'Maledictator 2'. Sorry about that, but for now, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 24

Secret Spook

Tim 'til Election Day: 2

"Must I wear these?" Asked William as the tailor made some final adjustments.

"You are having a meeting with Gabriel Agreste", said the Tailor. "It would be wise to wear a stylish suit".

"That old, peppermint, gasbag wouldn't know fashion if it came and gave him a bj" said William. His crude remark caused the tailor to choke on air.

"And do try to refrain from using such language" said the Tailor.

"At least I get to take Marinette with me" said William.

"I see that you really like her" said the Tailor.

"I'm just trying to build up her confidence", said William. "After all, she's gonna need it in the world of fashion".

"That is true", said the tailor. "I just don't think your father's ready for grandchildren yet".

"Returned feelings first", said William. "Then date, then love, then marriage, THEN baby making. Beside I got condoms. And I'm pretty sure Marinette's parents are gone help her get birth control".

"And~there", said the Tailor. "All done". William looked at his re-election in the mirror.

"Another job well done" said William.

"Thank you, sir", the tailor said. "Shall I tell the driver to start the limo".

"Yes, that shall be nice" said William. The tailor then walked out.

Later on, the limo drove up to the Dupain-Cheng Patisserie. William then walked out and knocked on the door. Sabine then answered the door.

"I'm here for your daughter" said William.

"Marinette!", called Sabine. "William's here".

"Coming!" Called Marinette. William then heard the sound of clicking heels. There, he saw Marinette in a beautiful, red silk dress with her hair in a bun and wearing black heels.

"My my, Marinette", said William. "You do look lovely tonight". Marinette blushed.

"Uh, th-th-thanks" said Marinette with a stutter. William just opened the limo door.

"Shall we?" Asked William. Marinette then walked in, followed by William and the door closed. The limo then drove off.

"Marinette", said William. "Did I introduce you to my assistant?".

"Huh?", asked Marinette. "What assista-.....Sabrina?". There, on the other side of the limo, was Sabrina, wearing a purple business suit.

"Hello" said Sabrina.

"Sabrina is my assistant", said William. "She helps me with my schedule and some times with my bags. But, my father and her father have agreed to this. As she is also paid". Marinette's eyes widen.

"You, you get paid?" Asked Marinette.

"Not as bad as Chloe's work", answered Sabrina. "Hey, like he said, I get paid". The limo then stopped.

"Ah, we're here" said William. The driver then opened the door and William then walked out, followed by Sabrina and Marinette. As soon as they got into the door way, William talked into his blazer.

"Scul, stay in here until I say so" whispered William.

"It stinks in here" whispered Scul.

"Well, look who it is". William groaned, knowing exactly who that was. Chloe.

"What do you want?" William asked.

"I was just wonder why you showed up here", said Chloe. "After all, my father's gonna win the election and you'll be-".

"Do you ever shut up?", asked William. "Your father lost all his support, you're practically the most hated child in Paris and frankly, that dress makes you look fat and NOT in a good way. Come Marinette, Sabrina, let's remove ourselves from this hideous sight". They then walked away leaving behind an irate Chloe.

After chatting with a few people, William encountered the second of Satan's spawn; Lila Rossi. Seeing this as an opportunity, she attempted to put on the charm.

"Hey there, William", said Lila. "Fancy seeing you here". William rolled his eyes at this.

"I have a plus one you know" groaned William pointing at Marinette.

"Her?", asked Lila. "But she's a bully. She does so many mean things to-".

"If you're trying to win an Oscar for acting", said William. "You are failing miserably". Lila then placed her hands on the side of his face.

"Why not associate yourself with people of your status", said Lila. "You know, people like me-". William then head butted her in the face. Lila almost lost her footing.

"Not interested" said William. Lila scowled and walked off.

"Follow her", whispered William into his blazer. "And give her a scare".

"With pleasure" whispered Scul.

Meanwhile, Lila was in the bathroom. She was thinking of adding on more make-up.

'You are the best, Iris'. That suddenly made Lila stop and look around.

"Who's that?" Asked Lila.

'No wonder you're our class rep'.

'We wouldn't have made it to states without you'.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Demanded Lila.

"Not so fun is it?" A voice asked.

"Who are you?!" Shouted Lila. A familiar hand then grabbed her by the neck. Lila then looked to the mirror and saw, The Wendigo.

"Your soul reeks of greed and vile", the Wendigo growled. "You'd be perfect for a meal".

"Do you know who I am?", demanded Lila. "I'm-". She didn't get to finish as the Wendigo tightened his grip.

"Keep this in mind, Lila", the Wendigo growled. "You, are second rate. You are worthy of the air you share with people, who have earned their fame. And no matter what, you will never be out of her shadow". Lila was then slammed against the wall and then fell to the floor. When she opened her eyes again, the Wendigo was gone.

Meanwhile, William looked into his blazer and saw that Scul was back.

"Scared her?" Whispered William.

"She practically pissed herself" answered Scul.

William's phone then buzzed. He looked at it and saw a message from Max.

'I finished it. I'll meet you at your home when you're done'.

William smirked at this.

Later that night, William was walking to his room where he saw Max waiting for him.

"You kept your word" said William.

"Mom always said to never go back on your word" said Max. He then handed William a flash drive thar had a skull engraved on it's black casing.

"The Ghost Coder", said Max. "Plug it into anywhere and you can bypass any security system and see anyone's data".

"You, are a master of your craft", said William before taking something out of his pocket and handing it to Max. "For your services". Max just stared at the stack of bills in his hand.

"Th-th-thank you" said Max.

"I believe that people who do good jobs, should get recognition for it" said William. Max then walked away and William entered his room.

"Now, everyone's lives are an open book to me", said William. "And people will get what they deserve".

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