A Hallows eve in Paris Chapter 3 Scream Queen

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Author's note.

Number 3 has arrived, now, it's time we get things underway. And I think it's time that we brought Chloe back into this story. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

A Hallows eve in Paris

Chapter 3

Scream Queen

When William arrived at school, he saw a poster on the wall. It read 'vote for the Hallow King and Queen'.

"What's this about?" He wondered. Sabrina then walked up to him.

"Every year", said Sabrina. "This school hosts a contest to crown the 'hallow king and queen', it's more gimmicky than anything else".

"And I'll take that tiara home". William and Sabrina then saw Chloe.

"Finally came out of your cave, huh?" Asked William.

"Watch your mouth", said Chloe. "I'M going to win this year, and I pla-".

"You ain't the mayor's daughter anymore", said William. "So you can't dangle blackmail over someone anymore".

"How DARE you", said Chloe. "I WILL win this years and there is nothing you can do to stop me". She then stomped off.

"You think she'll try to do something?" Asked Sabrina.

"You kidding?", asked William. "Do bears shit in the woods?".

Meanwhile, Rebecca was on the phone with her boss.

"Okay, see ya tonight" said Rebecca. She then hung up before sighing.

"God bless that man", said Rebecca. "Maybe I should put some money away for a car? Hmmmm, nah, my job's in walking distance from here". She then left her home and went to Marinette's place.

"Hello there, Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng" greeted Rebecca.

"Nice to see you again, Rebecca" said Sabine.

"Is Marinette home?" Asked Rebecca.

"She doing her homework at the moment" answered Sabine.

"Huh, with HER teacher, I'm surprised she does" said Rebecca.

Meanwhile, Adrian was in his room when his phone rang.

"Hello?" He asked picking it up.

'Hello Adrian'.

"Oh, hi William", said Adrian. "How's everything going?".

'Going good. Didn't see Lila today, ya got any idea where she is?'.

"I'm guessing she's getting her cast off", answered Adrian. "And since she doesn't have any control over me anymore, she's probably licking her wounds".

'Then that means you only got Chloe to deal with. You think Marinette's gonna win?'.

"Most likely" said Adrian.

'Well, I gotta go. See you at school'. William then hung up.

At school.

William walked into the courtyard to see people talking who should be the scream king and queen.

"All of this for some title that probably comes fake-ass crowns?" William wondered to himself. He just walked away and went to his classroom. Once inside, he looked at his phone, seeing that everything was set for both balls and that the Nightmare Horror Circus would be arriving tomorrow.

"Well, this would surely be interesting" said William. Soon, the other students began to pile in.

"There goes my peace and quiet" groaned William. Classes went on as usual until the end of the day. William was leaving when he heard the sound of people arguing. He looked down from the upper level to see Marinette and Chloe arguing. He just sighed and saw Adrian walking into the art room.

"What's he up to?" Wondered William. Arian then exited the art room with a can of red paint. William smiled, he knew where this was going. Adrian then poured the can's contents over the side, all over Chloe. The entire area was silent at this.

"No need to be embarrassed, Chloe", said Adrian. "You don't need to look so red". William facepalmed.

"You need to work on your quips" said William. Chloe then burst into tears as she ran off.

"So long, bitch" said Sabrina.

"Felt good?" Asked William.

"Very" answered Sabrina.

Later on, William was in his room. He was looking through his phone as he found an advertisement for the Agreste Brands Halloween line.

"Who knew that Gabriel made costumes?" Wondered William. He then heard a knock on his door.

"Come in" said William. The door opened and Adrian came in.

"Never thought I'd see you here again" said William.

"I'm surprised you didn't make any comment on me dumping that paint on Chloe" said Adrian.

"I'm actually surprised you DID dump paint on Chloe" said William.

"I. I don't know", said Adrian. "Something just, came over me".

"You're learning something that you should've long ago" said William.

"What's that?" Asked Adrian.

"Know that just because someone is your friend", answered William. "It doesn't mean their actions are always gonna be okay". They then heard the sound of an ear-piercing scream that shattered William's room's windows. Both Adrian and William covered their ears. The screaming then stopped.

"What the hell was that?" Asked Adrian.

"A migraine that I'll be having for a while" answered William. A figure then entered the room. She looked to be wearing a suit that made her look like a speaker.

"Is that Chloe?" Asked William.

"Chloe is no more", the figure said. "For I am Scream Queen".

"Okay, well, here's an idea", said William. "Run!". He then dragged Adrian away. William then found an elevator and shoved Adrian in it.

"See you on the ground floor" said William before the door closed. Scream Queen then appeared.

"Hey, over here!" Shouted William. Scream Queen then released her attack, but William dodged it. He then grabbed a vase and slammed it on Scream Queen's head.

"Hey, get it off!" Shouted Scream Queen.

"Nice to see you got this under control. William then looked and saw Ladybug standing there.

"Oh, hi Ladybug" said William. Scream Queen then broke free.

"Oh no" groaned William. He then picked up a silver tray and Scream Queen released her sonic attack, sending him flying out of a window and into a palm tree.

"Oh for fuck sake" groaned William. Scul then came out of his pocket.

"You plan on doing anything to Chloe after this?" Asked Scul.

"Nah, can't be asked" answered William.

"Huh, that's a first", said Scul. "Anyway, who'd you think won Scream King and Queen?".

"I don't really care", answered William. "Because Chloe won't win it anyway". A swarm of ladybugs then brought him back to where he was.

"Well, that's convenient" said William.

The next day, the Scream King and Queen were announced; Sabrina and Max. Yeah, no one saw that coming.

"I'm surprised you didn't win" said Nino.

"It's a fake crown and a fake title", said William. "I'd almost be insulted".

"Why insulted?" Asked Nino.

"Because it's stupid", answered William. "If I wanted a title, it has to mean something. Your family plan on going to the Halloween Horror Circus?".

"Yeah, the whole class is" answered Nino.

"Ohohohohoho, this is gonna be fun" said William. 

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