Chapter 2 The Punk with the Skull Necklace

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Author's note.

Hello everyone, here's chapter 2 of this, get ready for some action. Oh, and Chloe haters, get ready for some good old fashioned burns. So, leave a review, sit back relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 2

The punk with the skull necklace

A fancy car was being driven towards Francis Dupount.

"Do I really have to go here?" A young voice asked.

"It's the only one close enough" the driver answered.

"You think with how rich my dad is", the voice continued. "He could've sent me to place that doesn't involve an entire class that gets turned into supervillains?".

"He has his reason" said the driver. The door opened up and a teenager walked out. He had a head of brown hair that reached the top of his neck and his eyes were a blood red. He wore a pair of spiked bracelets and black bands on his biceps. He also wore a white shirt under a leather vest that had spikes on the shoulders. He wore black trousers and black shoes as well as having a chain hanging out of his pants' pocket. Around his neck, was a silver charm that looked like a deer skull.

"I can already tell this place is gonna be shit" the teenager said to himself. He then walked through the front doors and saw that the school was empty. He then made his way to one of the classrooms.

'Well, here goes nothing' he thought to himself. He opened the door and walked in.

"Ah, here you are", the teacher said. "We were just talking about you. Everyone, meet our new student, William Bones". William just simply stared at them as they all greeted him.

"Why do I suddenly feel noxious?" William asked himself under his breath. He then walked to one of the desks and placed his bag on the floor.

'This day better go by fast' he said to himself. Unfortunately it didn't, he was already getting fed up with it by Lunch time. He just sat down at one of the tables and began to eat his food. He was halfway done when he felt as though someone or something was staring at him. He looked back to two mean looking girls.

"Uh, can I help you?" He asked.

"No", said the blonde one. "But I-". She stopped when she saw that William eating his food.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" The blonde shouted.

"I know you are", said William. "I'm just not listening".

"Well, you should", the blonde said. "I am Chloe Bourgeois, the mayor's daughter and-".

"I don't give a fuck" groaned William. Everyone gasped at what he said.

"What did you say to me?" Chloe asked furiously.

"You heard me", William answered. "You're just shocked by the concept that someone doesn't have their eyes on you".

"You better watch what you say", said Chloe. "My dad's the mayor and-".

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SHUT UP!" Shouted William as he threw his drink at Chloe's face. The contents trickled down Chloe and staining her clothes.

"Huh, Soda looks good on you" said William. He then got up and walked away. Chloe however tackled him and held onto him.

"You are going to get my cleaning bill" Chloe growled.

"Why?", William asked. "You're rich". He then smashed the back of his head into Chloe's face before tossing her off.

"Try to put some effort in next time" William groaned while cracking his neck. Chloe then got up.

"What are you waiting for Sabrina?!", shouted Chloe. "Get him!". Her friend, Sabrina, tried to tackle William, but she ended up touching his necklace and ended up screaming in terror as she landed on the floor and crawled away.

"What?", William asked with a smirk. "Scared?". Sabrina then saw that Williams eyes glowed slightly as he said that last part. He then left the cafeteria.

Later, as the School was closing up, William was getting his belongings from his locker when he saw someone approach him. She appeared to be half-Asian, more specifically Chinese, and had Blue hair.

"Oh, hello", he said. "And who might you be?".

"Oh, uh, hi", she said nervously. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng".

"Okay?", William asked confused. "And you're telling me this, why?".

"Well, you are new here", answered Marinette. "So I thought I might give you an official welcome".

"Mhm, okay", said William. "Well, thanks. Now, bye". As he walked away, he heard someone shout 'Akuma'. Everyone then ran and Marinette ran out of the locker room.

"Can you smell it?" William asked no one in particular. Then, a tiny floating animal with brown fur, deer antlers and a face painted like a skull appeared in front of him from his pocket.

"Yes", the little creature growled. "I smell it as well".

"Then let's give Ladybug a hand" said William before the red of his eyes glowed.


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