Chapter 36 Vixen

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Author's note.

Okay, so to recap, we now have holders for the Tiger, the Dog and the Goat and we got new holders for the Bee and the Monkey. How about we add another one to that list a Fox to that list too? 3 guesses on who that person is. Also, I learned a lot about Egyptian culture while writing this. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 36


Mornings weren't really anything special to Rebecca. But, they were at least things she'd enjoy. If you had spoken to her 9 years ago, she'd say she hated her life. Her boss was abusive and her land lord was a penny pincher. But, I guess that incident with that traitor is a blessing in disguise. She now had a better boss, her pay was MUCH higher and she now had her own place. As Rebecca finished her hair, she looked in the mirror.

"I almost look like a grown up child star" said Rebecca. She then grabbed her bag and walked out.

Meanwhile, at school, Marinette was drawing in her sketch book. She then felt a presence by her.

"What do you want?" Asked Marinette. Alya was standing by her.

"Hey, girl, guess what", said Alya. "Alix is getting out of her wheelchair tomorrow".

"Well, that's great", said Marinette, trying to sound interested. "Hope she's more careful".

"We're throwing a party for her" said Alya.

"I thought she wasn't allowed guests as part of her punishment for attacking William?" Wondered Marinette.

"Well, screw him", said Alya. "He shouldn't have-".

"Why did you come to me?" Demanded Marinette.

"Well, we need a cake", said Alya. "And I was wondering-".

"I do hope you plan on paying for it" said Marinette. This caught Alya off guard.

"This again?", asked Alya. "Girl, can't you just-". Marinette then placed a finger to Alya's mouth.

"If you're good at something", said Marinette. "NEVER do it for free".

"Seriously?", asked Alya. "Why ca-".

"Bad for business", said Marinette before packing up her stuff. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment to keep". She then walked away, leaving Alya to growl. Alya followed Marinette and saw her talking to William, the two were laughing and talking.

"Gabriel sure has been quiet", said William. "But, without their main model, what can you do?".

"Are you sure he's not gonna do anything?" Asked Marinette.

"Oh please", said William. "He's not above the law, and Adrian spilled everything to CPS. And from what he told me, when Alya called him and talked shit about you, he threatened to tell their folks about the 'babysitting' they did. If you know what I mean". Marinette giggled at this.

"Seems like he's finally growing a pair", said William. "Now then, shall we head to my place? Aura said she wanted to show you something". Marinette smiled and followed William. Now, Alya was confused and concerned.

At Palacio de Oro.

Marinette then walked into William's room.

"So, what did you want to show me?" Asked Marinette. William then pulled out his laptop and turned it on. On the screen, was a blog like the Ladyblog, only this was more clean and had several page for all the heroes AND for the Akumas.

"And check this one out" said William. He clicked on another tab and it showed something called 'The Wendiblog'.

"The Wendiblog?" Asked Marinette.

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