Chapter 3 The Wendigo Sinks It's Teeth

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Author's note.

The first Akuma of this story and here's the Wendigo's first fight. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 3

The Wendigo sinks it's teeth

Mr. Pigeon, why does he get Akumatized so much? That was the question Ladybug was asking herself as she was running from Pigeons that could now duplicate themselves when they are hit. Oh, and Chat Noir's allergic to bird feathers, great.

"There's just *achoo* too many of them" said Chat Noir.

"We can't keep running", said Ladybug. "Maybe we can-". They were suddenly surrounded by Pigeons and Mr. Pigeon then arrived atop of cloud of them.

"Got you cornered now", he said. "Hawkmoth will be pleased, rrooo rrooo". Ladybug knew she only chance at this.

"Lucky Cha-". She was then interrupted by the sound a sound similar to what they heard before. Something then tackled Mr. Pigeon of his pigeon and low and behold, there was, the Wendigo.

"It's that thing we saw last night" said Chat Noir.

"Pigeons! Attack!" Shouted Mr. Pigeon. The pigeons then headed in for a nosedive. The Wendigo saw This and then let out a deafening roar that echoed across Paris and the pigeons then scattered.

"No! Come back!" Shouted Mr. Pigeon. The Wendigo then grabbed Mr. Pigeon by the neck and lifted him up.

"Need. To feed" The Wendigo growled.

"Hey! Put him down!" Shouted Chat Noir as both he and Ladybug ran towards him. What followed next, shocked both of them. The Wendigo the thrusted his free hand into Mr. Pigeon, making him scream in pain. Ladybug and Chat Noir stopped in their tracks and gasped.

"Holy shit!" Shouted Chat Noir.

"Is. Is he?" Asked Ladybug. Then, The Wendigo pulled his arm back and pulled out Mr. Ramiar from Mr. Pigeon.

"Talk about an out of Body experience" said Chat Noir. The Wendigo then tossed Mr. Ramiar to the ground and then did something that made stomachs turn. He began to eat Mr. Pigeon. The sound was sickening. The crunching, the ripping and the squelching. Then, the Akuma flew out of the remains.

"No more evil doing for you little Akuma", said Ladybug. "Time to de-evilise!". She then threw her yo-yo and caught the Akuma.

"Gotcha!", she shouted. "Bye-bye little butterfly". She opened up her yo-yo and a purified butterfly flew out.

"Well, uh, this was, different" said Chat Noir. They then heard a growl and saw that The Wendigo had finished eating. He then turned around to stare at Ladybug and Chat Noir. He then growled before pointing one of it's clawed, bloodied fingers at Ladybug.

"Your charm", he growled. "Use it".

"Lucky charm!" Shouted Ladybug. Her yo-yo spun in the air until it flashed and dropped in her hands as a-.

"A deer skull!" Shouted Ladybug, surprised by the morbid lucky charm.

"I don't really think this is the time to be picky" said Chat Noir.

"Okay", said Ladybug. "Miraculous Ladybug!". She threw the skull into the air and thousands of Ladybugs flew over Paris fixing the damage the Akuma had done.

"Now then", said Ladybug. "Why don't we have a chat wi-". When they went to talk to the Wendigo, he was gone.

"Where did he go?" Asked Chat Noir. They then heard the sound of cheering and saw the people of Paris waiting for them.

"Looks like our adoring public awaits" said Chat Noir. They then used Chat Noir's staff to get to the ground with Mr. Ramiar, where they saw crowds of people cheering and taking pictures of them. A certain news reporter came towards them.

"Ladybug. Chat Noir", said Nadja. "Is Mr. Pigeon one of your most recurring Akuma's so far, do you have a set plan to deakumatize him?".

"But we didn't deakumatize him" answered Ladybug. This made everyone do a double take.

"What?", asked Nadja. "Then how did-". The wailing sound was heard again, then from around the corner, came the Wendigo. They then saw that in his hand, was the arm of Mr. Pigeon. The crow screamed and moved back. The Wendigo then tossed the arm into the air and it landed in his mouth and started eating it with a sickening crunch before swallowing it. Blood then truckled out of his mouth as he walked forward to Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"Uh, th-thank you for the help" said Chat Noir nervously.

"Wasn't helping you", The Wendigo growled. "I was hungry".

"Hungry?" Asked Ladybug. The Wendigo then got in Ladybug's face, the stench of blood and decay hung on it's breath.

"My hunger", The Wendigo growled. "Is insatiable. Forever hungry. Never satisfied". Ladybug covered her nose and mouth from the stench of The Wendigo's breath.

"And apparently never had a breath mint either" said Chat Noir. The Wendigo then turned his attention to Chat Noir. He then stared into his eyes.

"Heed my warning", The Wendigo growled. "The people of Paris are my prey". This caused everyone in the crowd to gasp.

"But for who my victims are", The Wendigo growled. "Depends on whether if they're greedy. After all, visceral tastes better fresh".

"Sorry", said Chat Noir. "But we're not on the menu". He then charged forward, only for the Wendigo to grab him by the face and slammed him on the floor. This cause everyone, including Ladybug to gasp. The Wendigo then placed one of it's claws on Chat Noir's face and tore off a tiny piece of skin, about the size of his fingertip and ate it.

"The power of destruction", growled The Wendigo. "Gives your flesh a nice taste". He then released Chat Noir.

"Ladybug", growled The Wendigo. "Know this. I am not your enemy. But if you want to make getting rid of Hawkmoth easier, then you will let me feed". His whole body became black and he turned into a shadow, before dashing away.

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