Chapter 51 Court Case

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Author's note.

Well, things are taking a turn, aren't they? Let's hope Kira knows what she's doing, otherwise this is gonna be a long journey south. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 51

Court Case

Ladybug was swinging across Paris when she found her destination; The Agreste Manor. She walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. After a few minutes, the door opened up, and Nathalie appeared.

"Hello, Ladybug" said Nathalie.

"Your boss' son invited me over", said Ladybug. "It's in regards to a lawyer". Nathalie then invited her in.

"Follow me" said Nathalie. She then lead Ladybug into the dining room, where Adrian and Kira were waiting for her.

"Hello, Ladybug" said Kira. She then walked up and shook Ladybug's hand.

"Adrian explained the situation", said Kira. "And you have quite the scandal here. But, I have a feeling that this isn't the first time she's done this, am I right?". Ladybug sighed.

"Everywhere I go, it feels like she's following me", answered Ladybug. "Not to mention she also throws herself in danger just to get a scoop for the Ladyblog. And. And". Kira knew that something was up.

"Is there something on your mind?" Asked Kira.

"Alya was Rena Rouge", answered Ladybug. "When her sisters got Akumatized into the Sapotise, I decided to being her in as the fox hero. But, over time, she started to get more cocky, more overconfident. Up to the point that I had considered taking away her miraculous. But, when Queen Bee came on the scene, I needed her on the team incase Queen Bee was not worthy".

"And then Miracle Queen happened", said Kira. "Is there anything else I need to know".

"You remember that incident where that teenager that almost fell off of his balcony due to mysterious circumstances?" Asked Ladybug. Kira's eyes widened at this.

"That was her? Asked Kira. Ladybug nodded.

"The teen had started making posts in regards to things involving my team", said Ladybug. "'Who's the hottest?', 'who has the biggest boobs?', 'who's most likely to fuck who?', ya know, cringy teenage things. But, there was one post that had set her off".

"What post was that?" Asked Kira.

"Who's most likely to get kicked off the team" answered Ladybug.

"I see~", said Kira. "Take it she was voted most likely?".

"Got it in one", answered Ladybug. "Naturally, she was furious. She came up me and asked me to get that arrested for slander. But, seeing as how he was posing a question, we couldn't. Oh, how I regret not taking her miraculous away from her right there".

"What happened?" Asked Kira.

"The teen said he heard the sound of flute music", answered Ladybug. "The next thing he knew, Zombies were coming out of the floor and started to attack him. He ran to his balcony and almost fell to his death. Thankfully, Ryuko caught him before he fell. They heard flute music again and the Zombies just disappeared".

"What to the teen?" Asked Kira.

"Therapy" answered Ladybug.

"Seems we got quite the case here", said Kira. "Heh, this could be newsworthy if it gets out". Ladybug then got an idea.

"What if it did?" Suggested Ladybug. Kira cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh?", she asked. "You, want this to go public?".

"Instead of trying to hide it only for some whacko to post it and twist it", answered Ladybug. "Why not just make this outright public?".

"Hmm, point taken", said Kira. "Now, we just need people to testify".

"I'd be happy to" said Adrian.

"Well, that was easy", said Kira. "Who else?".

Meanwhile, Gabriel was in his office when he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" he said. Adrian then opened the door.

"Father", said Adrian. "There's something I'd like to ask you and Nathalie". For the rest of the day, Kira gathered those who would be willing to testify for Ladybug. So far, she got:

William - (he immediately agreed to this because it involves him too)

Nathaniel - (hated the fact that Alya had done this).

Marc - (same reason as Nathaniel).

Aurora - (wanted to knock her down a peg).

Rebecca - (she had A LOT to say).

Ronald - (felt it was his duty as a father).

Valerie - (Soldier instincts).

Mirelle - (Alya once made fun of her because she wouldn't give Lila a chance).

Olga - (She wanted to give Caline a big middle finger).

Nino - (He knew this went too far).

Kagami - (wanted to teach Alya a lesson without beating the shit out of her).

Luka - (He wanted to protect Ladybug and William).

Alix - (Blackmail).

Zoe - (Wanted to help William).

Max - (He had Markov look at the clip to see if it was edited).

Then, she decided to bring out the big guns.

Jagged Stone - (There was a scandal revolved around him regarding white powder, which was revealed to be chalk).

Clara Nightingale - (She also had a scandal once, but hers revolved a rumoured sex tape).

Then, there was the last person she needed.


Nadja was in her office when she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in" she said. Kira then opened the door and entered.

"Are you Nadja Chammock?" Kira asked.

"I am" answered Nadja.

"Well, I'm Kira Trunes", said Kira. "On behalf of Ladybug herself, I got both a scoop and a request from her". Nadja almost spat out her coffee.

"Really?", she asked. "Ladybug has a scoop for me?".

"I am clear", said Kira. "She'll only let you have this scoop. Because she trusts you the most".

"What scoop's that?" Asked Nadja.

"Ladybug is taking the Ladyblog to court over that, recent article that was released" answered Kira.

"Ladybug? Having a court case?", asked Kira. "This is huge! And to only trust me? That's quite the honour. Is there a catch?".

"She wants you to testify for her in court", answered Kira. "So, you up for it?". Nadja thought about it before she held out her hand.

"Wise choice" said Kira.

Now, came the thing she dreaded the most; the Cesaire household. Kira sighed as she knocked on the door. The door clicked open to reveal Marlena.

"Are you Alya's mom?" Asked Kira.

"Uh, yes" answered Marlena.

"We have to talk" said Kira.

About Half an hour later.

"Stalking, slander, and that's only what I can name", said Kira. "Your daughter AKA Rena Rouge, while not looking at Prison or Juvie, your family is looking at a hefty fine".

"I, understand" said Marlena.

"Good", said Kira. "I'll be on my way home". She then got up and left. A few minutes later, Alya arrived home. When she saw the look on her mom's face, she knew she was in trouble.

"Alya", said Marlena. "We have to talk".

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