A Hallow's eve in Paris Chapter 4 Phobia

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Author's note.

Here's number 4 on our list. I think it's time we get to the circus, the horror circus that is. Ohohohohohooo, this is gonna be fun. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

A Hallow's eve in Paris

Chapter 4


Madam Bustier and her students were in their classroom, when she had an announcement.

"As you know, the halloween horror circus is in town", said Madam Bustier. "So, I've organised a field trip for us to go there". The students cheered at this.

"Ha, who wants to take bets that some of you would piss yourselves?" Asked William. Lila's sheep stared at him.

"What?", asked William. "You know I'm right".

At the Dupain-Cheng Patisserie.

Marinette was drawing in her sketch book.

"You plan on going to that circus?" Asked Tikki.

"Well, it would be nice to go with Adrian and William", answered Marinette. "But, what about the others?". Marinette's phone then rang.

"Hello?" Asked Marinette.

'Hehey, Mari, how's it going?'.

"Oh, hi William" said Marinette.

'So, I was wonder, you, me and Adrian, the Halloween Horror Circus, tomorrow, no school'.

"What?", asked Marinette. "We just skip school".

'Like we learn anything from Caline. Besides, your parents agreed to it. They've been listening the whole time'.

"What?" Asked Marinette. William then hung up.

The next day, Marinette had finished getting ready, when her mom knocked on her trapdoor.

"Marinette", Sabine called. "William's here". Marinette then went out to the front of the Bakery, where William was waiting with his family limo.

"Hello Mari" said William. He then held out his hand.

"Shall we go?" Asked William. Marinette then took his hand and they went inside the limo. They then arrived at the circus. True to it's name, it was halloween themed and coloured.

"Hehe, nice, right?" Asked William.

"Um, yeah" said Marinette nervously.

The two then to enjoy their time at the circus. They went on the scare coaster, had a go on the scary-go-round and eating Halloween food.

"You enjoying yourself?" Asked William.

"I am, very much" answered Marinette.

"Was this better than doing it with those sheep?" Asked William.

"Who are you calling sheep?". William then saw Alya and the others.

"Why is it that every time me or Marinette try to have some fun, one of you guys comes to fuck it up?" Wondered William.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Mylene. William turned his eyes to Mylene.

"My my", he said. "Looks like someone's not being a pussy anymore. Between you, Julika and Rose, I just don't know who's more of a coward. But, if I had to place a bet, you'd be the jackpot".

"Who are you calling a coward?!" Shouted Mylene pointing at William. William then grabbed Mylene's finger.

"Careful where you put your finger", said William before pushing her finger backwards. "You might lose it". He then flinged Mylene a bit. Ivan then ran to Mylene.

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